Bridport Rest Area A31

Aug 24, 2020
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Hi all

I'm not going mad - I've started two threads about two different parking areas on the A31!

Does anyone have any recent experience of using the Bridport rest area on the A31?

On Streetview it looks like there's a nice layby with room for a few caravans, but a review a month or so ago said they were blocked by long term parkers setting up home there. Has anyone been in there more recently than that?

I'm only looking for somewhere we can have a quick pit stop if needed so may not be an issue anyway, I just like to know what I'm heading for!
Nov 11, 2009
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Is there an HGV area at the rest area. If so that may be an option as you can never assume caravan and MH slots will be available anyway.
Aug 24, 2020
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Sadly not, there's a few car only spaces, and a lay by long enough for maybe half a dozen car/caravan outfits and/or lorries
Nov 30, 2022
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There is plenty of room in tge Eype (Bridport) pull in on the A35 (I actually stopped there on Sunday when solo) Really nice campsite just up the road at Highlands End

Just be aware that if you are coming out to turn right towards Bridport Town and Dorchester it can be a right nightmare getting out when towing! Traffic coming from your left has 2 lanes, the first bit for many miles, so everyone wants to overtake, you can end up trying to get across 3 lanes of fast traffic. Probably easier to turn left and use the next junction about half a mile downhill, to turn around at.
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Aug 24, 2020
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Thanks Plodd, that's all good info.

I'll only stop there if we're feeling the need for a pitstop, but since the closure of the Little Chef a few miles further on, that south coast road seems very sparse for stop points usable by caravanners.
Nov 30, 2022
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Thanks Plodd, that's all good info.

I'll only stop there if we're feeling the need for a pitstop, but since the closure of the Little Chef a few miles further on, that south coast road seems very sparse for stop points usable by caravanners.

A few miles to the West, at the top of Chideock Hill is a farm shop type place that does half decent snacks. The car park isn't huge so if you are able to get car and caravan in make sure you have a straight run out! Other than that, about 10 miles on again, just the Devon side of Axminster theres a fuel station with some form of food outlet. I can't fell you what sort because I only ever pass it and pay no attention (other than to those trying to exit!) Even further west theres a Beefeater just off the A30 in Honiton


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