Hi there, I am new to the forum and the caravanning world and could do with a little advice. I bought my van a couple of months ago it is a homecar 482 (dutch caravan) from the mid 80's a think. The problem is the other day, I was staying in it at my mother in laws where it is currently being stored doing some odds and ends on it, when by accident my step daughter completely snapped the front window out of the hinge (long story but trying to close it with the stays locked, from the outside). The window isnt salvageable as it is completely snapped. So I was now wondering how easy it was going to be to replace as I said it is a older caravan, dont think particularly common in the UK. If I take the measurements of the window will any caravan window fit if it is the same size or are windows make model specific. Need to do something about this unfortunate accident before the weather gets to it.