C&CC Members Discounts ?????

Nov 11, 2009
I have just gone on to the C&CC Members Discounts section an thought that I would look at the Nextbase 512GW dash cam as a present for my grandson. On the C&CC website you see 20% discount. Plus it is only valid for 2 or more products!. On the C&CC link the special offer came up at £149, yet if I go direct to Nextbase the price is exactly the same price. Yet Halfords are £119 with zero interest over 12 months, and Amazon are £118.95 with free delivery.

I think that I will not bother with C&CC discounts for my new walking boots as I can just walk into Cotswold or Go Outdoors and get 15% off of the shown price, and even my local outdoor shop gives 15-20%
May 7, 2012
The discounts are there for those who want them. The club makes no suggestions that you might be getting the best deal possible so you should check them out and see what suits you best. Next time they might be the best, you just never know.
Nov 11, 2009
Raywood said:
The discounts are there for those who want them. The club makes no suggestions that you might be getting the best deal possible so you should check them out and see what suits you best. Next time they might be the best, you just never know.

I think that’s what I have been doing. I’m quite a canny shopper, must be the Scots dna. :)
Oct 12, 2013
otherclive said:
Raywood said:
The discounts are there for those who want them. The club makes no suggestions that you might be getting the best deal possible so you should check them out and see what suits you best. Next time they might be the best, you just never know.

I think that’s what I have been doing. I’m quite a canny shopper, must be the Scots dna. :)

You mean tight !!! :p
Nov 11, 2009
Craigyoung said:
otherclive said:
Raywood said:
The discounts are there for those who want them. The club makes no suggestions that you might be getting the best deal possible so you should check them out and see what suits you best. Next time they might be the best, you just never know.

I think that’s what I have been doing. I’m quite a canny shopper, must be the Scots dna. :)

You mean tight !!! :p

I said Scots, not Yorkshire. Oops hope that’s not non-PC. :)
Nov 11, 2009
Craigyoung said:
otherclive said:
Bid said:
Is the M6 Tollbooth ring scrapped or the discount for Club members?

The CMHC discount for the M6 toll is going, or has, gone.

Have a read .....

Look on the bright side you can now have endless visits to Wales for free. :)

Assuming of course you wish to enter Wales via the Severn crossings.
May 7, 2012
otherclive said:
Craigyoung said:
otherclive said:
Raywood said:
The discounts are there for those who want them. The club makes no suggestions that you might be getting the best deal possible so you should check them out and see what suits you best. Next time they might be the best, you just never know.

I think that’s what I have been doing. I’m quite a canny shopper, must be the Scots dna. :)

You mean tight !!! :p

I said Scots, not Yorkshire. Oops hope that’s not non-PC. :)

Born in Yorkshire and lived in Scotland most of my life so what does that make me!
Oct 12, 2013
Raywood said:
otherclive said:
Craigyoung said:
otherclive said:
Raywood said:
The discounts are there for those who want them. The club makes no suggestions that you might be getting the best deal possible so you should check them out and see what suits you best. Next time they might be the best, you just never know.

I think that’s what I have been doing. I’m quite a canny shopper, must be the Scots dna. :)

You mean tight !!! :p

I said Scots, not Yorkshire. Oops hope that’s not non-PC. :)

Born in Yorkshire and lived in Scotland most of my life so what does that make me!

Tight for definite !! :p :lol:
Nov 11, 2009
Raywood said:
otherclive said:
Craigyoung said:
otherclive said:
Raywood said:
The discounts are there for those who want them. The club makes no suggestions that you might be getting the best deal possible so you should check them out and see what suits you best. Next time they might be the best, you just never know.

I think that’s what I have been doing. I’m quite a canny shopper, must be the Scots dna. :)

You mean tight !!! :p

I said Scots, not Yorkshire. Oops hope that’s not non-PC. :)

Born in Yorkshire and lived in Scotland most of my life so what does that make me!

A nice bloke :)
Sep 26, 2018
Two definitions of a Cornishman...

1. Yorkshireman with Generosity removed
2. The only person who can buy from a Scotsman, sell to a Yorkshireman at a profit



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