can you barter/bargain at a dealer?

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Mar 14, 2005
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My son and myself are trying to set up a business for design and build. He insists that I act as the front man as he feels that he hasn't got the patience to be messed around and advise the client in a polite way alternative schemes regarding development. Also he cannot talk fees as he finds it embarressing. He enjoys the drawing work and the satisfaction of the completed scheme and to see it through on site.
Dec 16, 2003
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Colin (serious note time), I seem to gather you're not in the firdt flush of youth and I hope you have many years ahead of you.

Bearing that in mind, your son wants a good kicking> If you are prepared to work wwwwith him he needs to get a grip for both your long term futures I feel.

A retired guy I know is in a similar sittuation with his son, he wants to retire for real. His 80k start up money is no more he has been taking
Mar 7, 2006
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we have bought our van today!...private sale from a lovely couple who were the only owner of the used van. van was immaculate (Bailey)...all documents/service history/hitchlock/aks stalbliser/bits and pieces and motor mover....!!

did try bargaining at a dealer this morning prior to seeing the private sale, but they wouldnt budge..and werent interested as they new another punter would come in and give them the asking price and let us walk away.

anyway, both pleased and happy - cant wait to get going!
Nov 7, 2005
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Well done, Sarah. I reckon that the way you have done it is far and away the best way to buy a caravan. I wish you many years happy caravannning...!!!
Dec 16, 2003
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Sarah well done, we bought our Bailey privately last year. It had been supplied by that dealer and the guy we bought from was offered a poor deal by them we were lead to believe!

On visiting to make an enquiry about our van I found the sales staff some what "negative". Having been "shot at" for comment I made on here on how I found somebody else I thought I'd better keep quiet. But what you say is about what I would have expected after two visits there.

On the positive side I found the parts and access's staff very well informed and helpful.

Any way good luck ans welcome to the "Bailey" club.
Mar 7, 2006
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thanks everyone, such a relief that we've bought it now.

i was really nervous about going to the private sale (we watched the tutorial video clip on here about how to inspect it)...and thought the seller would be horrified for us to inspect and we were also worried about turning up and not liking the van but not knowing what to say if we didnt like it - but didnt want to be rude!!

but luckily we couldnt have found better sellers, we knew as soon as we stepped in their house and the caravan that it was a quality van....immaculate - better than anything we had seen at any dealer.


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