Car Tax Disc to go

Apr 9, 2006
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You may already know this, but I've just read Paul Lewis's column in Saga magazine in which he says that from October we won't need to display a tax disc on our cars. It's the first I've heard of it.
Apparently Police and traffic wardens will use the number plate to see whether a vehicle is taxed, using records at the DVLA .
Nov 11, 2009
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Yes announced by the Chancellor in the Autumn statement last year. Featured on news and in the papers. I guess it didn't make the news in the Netherlands where east anglia gets its TV from eh?
Aug 4, 2004
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I can see this becoming a big problem as number plates will be cloned. Soon you will be able to go onto eBay to buy a number plate that is matched to your red Ford or whatever car. The original and genuine owner of the plate that has been cloned will soon be getting tickets etc and will have a hard time in court proving that the ticket is not theirs.
Nov 11, 2009
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Isn't that the situation now where you can buy plates. I get them online for the van and pitch marker without any reference to the documents that should be disclosed. I suppose wardens still use the visible tax disk but certainly not police patrols or cameras. Even now I have read some horrendous tales of owners picking up tickets and really having great difficulty proving it wasn't their car. One Espace owner tracked the cloned car by looking at where tickets were being picked up. When he reported it to the police the response was zilch so he punctured its tyres whereby the owner of the clone rang the police and guess who got arrested before justice prevailed?
Feb 3, 2008
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I hope the tax disk doesn't disappear for the next 3 years ;-) I pick up my new car tomorrow and it is no tax for the first year, and £20 per year after that. There are 3 unused months on the current disk at £175 per year, so I can claim back over £40 which will more than cover years 2 and 3. Oh, the benefits of downsizing.
Nov 6, 2005
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The tax disc will disapear but you will still have to pay car tax, i believe you will be able to pay monthly as well?
It will rely on the anpr fitted in patrol cars to check for valid car tax, but i dont think that the normal bobbies car have them fitted??
At least with the tax disc it was a valid reason to stop the car if it wasnt displayed?
Positive note at least my motorbike ones would keep getting nicked.
Aug 4, 2004
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otherclive said:
One Espace owner tracked the cloned car by looking at where tickets were being picked up. When he reported it to the police the response was zilch so he punctured its tyres whereby the owner of the clone rang the police and guess who got arrested before justice prevailed?
That was a very stupid thing to do! Two wrongs do not make a right and if they got prosecuted thumbs up to the police! Makes you wonder why they never contacted the police and pointed out the vehicle with the cloned plates?
Aug 9, 2010
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Michael E said:
The tax disc will disapear but you will still have to pay car tax, i believe you will be able to pay monthly as well?
It will rely on the anpr fitted in patrol cars to check for valid car tax, but i dont think that the normal bobbies car have them fitted??
At least with the tax disc it was a valid reason to stop the car if it wasnt displayed?
Positive note at least my motorbike ones would keep getting nicked.
But when did you last see a patrol car actually on patrol? All of ours seem to be in HQ car park!


Nov 12, 2009
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A lot of on street and motorway CCTV cameras are linked to ANPR so the system doesn't rely only on police patrols.
Nov 11, 2009
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Surfer said:
otherclive said:
One Espace owner tracked the cloned car by looking at where tickets were being picked up. When he reported it to the police the response was zilch so he punctured its tyres whereby the owner of the clone rang the police and guess who got arrested before justice prevailed?
That was a very stupid thing to do! Two wrongs do not make a right and if they got prosecuted thumbs up to the police! Makes you wonder why they never contacted the police and pointed out the vehicle with the cloned plates?

and the ' cloned car' owner was eventually done for possession of drugs found in the car. In Wiltshire the patrol cars tend to be unmarked but are to be seen quite regularly stopping vehicles at all times of day and night. Good on em!
Aug 11, 2010
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few pionters if the police werent bothered when the proper owner reported the offence,why would he bother phoning the police again? and why would he get done? the cloned car user would have to report the incident firstly and that wouldnt happen would it! even then th e police would have to prove who damaged the car......personelly well done to the chap afterall he was getting all the parking tickets they aint cheap and nobody was bothered..Had it had been me i'd wouldnt have punctured its tyres i'd have use a hi ab and took the car away.afterall if its got my number plates it must be my car!!!
Nov 11, 2009
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It was the owner of the clone car that phoned the Police and the owner of the original car had not revealed who he was when taking action to puncture the tyres. Here is a link to the BBC report there is also a link to The Times and also Honest John. I didn't imagine it!
Sorry not to make the link active but the darn Feedback icon keeps floating across my Ipod screen. Just copy and paste link into your browser.
the BBC report varies from the one I read in a car magazine but its probably more accurate the one I read had probably been embellished.
Jan 2, 2010
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The police are not interested these days as to weather you have road tax they say that they are not reveue collectors for the DVLA it is only mot and insurance they are concerned about, although they can report you to the DVLA in if they wish and it is the DVLA who bring about prosecutions weather form second hand info from the police ,VOSA, traffic wardens or from there own anpr cams mobile or otherwise.

The underlying reason for not issuing tax discs is the amount of people deregestering there cars and therefore not needing to pay road tax. the government are worried that we will see the amount of cars not displaying a disc and question why these people are getting away without paying so with out a disc you and I cant see who has paid tax and wont question it.

De regestering of car is on the up and there aint a thing anyone can do about it,it all comes down to common law.
Jan 2, 2010
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No otherclive its not SORN it is de registration from the Dvla, under statute law if you register some thing then you in effect give up certain rights and you enter into a contract with who ever you register the item with that 3rd party can then say what you need to do with the item and charge accordingly proof of this is on the V5 you are the KEEPER and not the owner. By deregisteation you become the owner and withdraw from any contract as discribed.
Google "Freeman On The Land" also look at youtube there is footage on there of folk who have done the deregistration and the police are leaving them to it once they have stopped them and been told the situation.
Nov 11, 2009
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Looking at DVLA forms and website only exported or scrapped cars can be de registered by their owners. Although a garage can apply to deregister a car within 7 days of registration if the sale does not go through. But DVLA are arbiters in this case. I've read some of the forums such as the one referenced by you and they seem populated by anarchic nutters. No where could I find evidence that anyone had de registered a car and driving it around without paying VED. If such a transfer of ownership does occur and it is possssible to regain that ownership back from dvla to the owner surely a case would have been tested in the civil courts. Nowhere can I find one. Can you point me in the direction of such a successful case or have DVLA just rolled over and given in. I think not.
Jan 2, 2010
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I have to agree with you but these Anarchic Nutters are getting away with it and its gathering momentum, some I know are not paying council tax by some quirk and are getting away with it and have done so for years. If this goes national the country will be even deeper in the muck. Its all down to common law over statute, apparently statue laws all sides the law makes and the suject have to agree to so if you dont agree with a law bought in under statue the you dont have to live by it. that the simplistic view of it. Go on youtube and search "de registered car"
Aug 4, 2004
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A car registered in your name is nto proof of ownership and a change in that policy will never happen as it will create more problems than it will resolve.
Nov 11, 2009
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Surfer said:
A car registered in your name is nto proof of ownership and a change in that policy will never happen as it will create more problems than it will resolve.

agree totally in the same way that registering my tv with Panasonic doesn't transfer ownership to them.
Jan 2, 2010
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No it wont transfer ownership to Panasonic but upon registration you are entering into a contract ie that of a warrenty to which there are terms and conditions that you agree to abide by in return they will repair / replace as needed provided you have stuck by the terms and conditions , like wise regestering a car with DVLA you are entering into a contract with them and part of there terms and conditions are that you tax the car. if you deregister the car you are withdrawing from the contract and therefore under COMMON LAW are not bound by there terms and conditions, as it is STATUTE LAW that says you have to tax a car.
Nov 11, 2009
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drsorento said:
No it wont transfer ownership to Panasonic but upon registration you are entering into a contract ie that of a warrenty to which there are terms and conditions that you agree to abide by in return they will repair / replace as needed provided you have stuck by the terms and conditions , like wise regestering a car with DVLA you are entering into a contract with them and part of there terms and conditions are that you tax the car. if you deregister the car you are withdrawing from the contract and therefore under COMMON LAW are not bound by there terms and conditions, as it is STATUTE LAW that says you have to tax a car.

understand that but some of the posts on the sites referred to said registration transferred ownership which is clearly incorrect. But DVLA have specific constraints on deregistering so I am still at a loss to know how these people are going around driving without paying VED. Despite trawling the sites and web searches I failed to find one substantiated case of a named individual doing so. There were quite a number who just didn't bother paying their lawful dues though. Hopefully they have their cars crushed.


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