Car with 13pin euro & 'van with 12n 12 s pins

Sep 25, 2005
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My car has a 13pin euro electic hook up and my caravan has the traditional double electic hook up. I have brought a lead to convert between the two resulting in excessive cable looping to the floor. Other than shortening the cables (which i dont really want to do) has anyone else had the same problem?I have considered using cable ties....

Hope someone can help, thanks, Gail.
Jul 15, 2005
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You have a number of possible solutions:

1. Convert the caravan plugs to the 13 pin standard - it's only been around for 12 years - so sometime next year the superior 13 pin connector will be used on new UK caravans (apparently) - but you need to speak with your caravan manufacturer to confirm warranty

2. Shortening the cables may also impact warranty

In both these cases one would have to say "why does this affect warranty" to the caravan manufacturer.

3. Tie back the cables and use a luggage bungee to bridge the gap between car and caravan, looping the electrical cable around the bungee - this will keep it off the ground - and nicely supported during cornering too

We have an Eriba (Hymer) Touring caravan, and both car and caravan have 13 pin electrics - no defects or dodgy connections in 6 years - and we have always used a bungee even if the cable is the right length (it is) - it removes unwanted tension from the cable connection.

Mar 2, 2006
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Hi Gail

I used to use a small bungee wrapped around the cables and attached it to the jockey wheel handle it worked well for years.


Mar 14, 2005
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Another solution is to pull back the surplus cable and then clip it to the underneath of the van.

That way you do not need to use bungees to support your 13pin spitter cable.
Mar 14, 2005
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Good advice (as usual) from Rob. My towcar has 13 pin socket which is of much better quality than the usual 12 N and 12S. Make yo and "extension lead" with 13 way cable with a 13 way plug on one end and one 12s and one 12n sockets on the other.

Coil the existing leads and secure under the front of the van. Plug the 12n and s plugs into the sockets on the extension lead, test and then bind up with self amalgamating tape. Run the extension lead in the channel section of the A frame leaving the correct length to avoid the cable hitting the ground when connected to the car. Secure with cable ties.

Now you have a caravan more difficult to steal (at least in UK); in emergency just cut the cable ties and you have the original leads available, and you have not alrtered the van and risked the warranty.

All the bits are available from Vehicle Wiring Products 0115 9305454 (unfortunately no web site). Allow at least an afternoon, as you have to concentrate to sort out the cable matching.


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