Caravan Bashing

Mar 14, 2005
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The anti caravan brigade have started early - even before the season has started. Anyone see the letters in the Driving Section of the Sunday Times in December? More cries from the great unwashed to tax 'vans/special driving tests/MOT's etc. There were some good replies from the NCC and CC, but as per usual the anti's were given more space. With the increased emphasis on CO2 output the caravan industry must emphasize our relatively green credentials as a typical family of four going on a package holiday will consume far more CO2 by flying, than any of us will on a 'vanning holiday.

There have been numerous threads on this forum about restricting HGV's, 4x4's etc., surely we should speak as one voice and not squabble amongst ourselves about other road users?

Why do non caravanners not object to even slower towers like horse boxes, tractors, military convoys etc? It's impossible to average more than about 45-50mph on our congested roads.

Last year we went to Switzerland, and the 240 mile drive to Dover took 8 hours thanks to a pile up on the M20. The 600 mile drive across France took only 12.5 hours as there were no delays at all, and we were able to cruise (legally) at 65-70mph.

It's the perception of other road users that's the problem, this myth often being furthered by the likes of Top Gear.

So whenever we see a criticism of caravanners then let's all make every effort to respond vigorously with a positive viewpoint.
Jul 3, 2006
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As with every "Group" there are those who give the others a bad name , a handfull of idiots got a 10mph limit on Windermere forcing the rest of us to abandon our water skiing and jobs,

with caravaning there are those who drive too slowly or too fast and crash causing delays for others, or they will not pull over to let faster traffic past. Frequently we have had a tailback of cars behind our outfit but it's the Nissan Micra in front of us that's causing the delay
Mar 14, 2005
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Excellent post Gary, I agree whole heartedly with you. Can some one explain to me why motorists will quite happily sit behind an agricultural vehicle, a fully laden lorry or any other type of slow moving vehicle and they will follow most contentedly and wait for a safe opportunity to overtake (in most cases) But now lets turn that farm tractor in to dare I say it a "CARAVAN" travelling at the legal speed limit, they react like someone possessed and have to overtake you no matter what the consequence. Or another amusing scenario, your travelling quite happily along, and as you approach a road junction, be it to your left or right, if there is a car waiting to emerge and he see's you approaching with van on the back, it makes no difference how close you are to the junction, it's like a red flag to a bull, he has got to get out in front of you at all costs. Legal limit for a car/caravan combination on a de restricted road is 50mph, for a HGV it's 40 mph, so why doesn't Joe public vent there spleen on those and give us a break.

Allan & Gill.
Mar 16, 2005
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Excellent post Gary, I agree whole heartedly with you. Can some one explain to me why motorists will quite happily sit behind an agricultural vehicle, a fully laden lorry or any other type of slow moving vehicle and they will follow most contentedly and wait for a safe opportunity to overtake (in most cases) But now lets turn that farm tractor in to dare I say it a "CARAVAN" travelling at the legal speed limit, they react like someone possessed and have to overtake you no matter what the consequence. Or another amusing scenario, your travelling quite happily along, and as you approach a road junction, be it to your left or right, if there is a car waiting to emerge and he see's you approaching with van on the back, it makes no difference how close you are to the junction, it's like a red flag to a bull, he has got to get out in front of you at all costs. Legal limit for a car/caravan combination on a de restricted road is 50mph, for a HGV it's 40 mph, so why doesn't Joe public vent there spleen on those and give us a break.

Allan & Gill.

very good ALLEN, lets vent our anger on hgvs, lets try to pass

the buck and not bother about others.!

firstly. the same people who object to caravans, will indeed

object to hgvs as well, there is no difference, they are in a

hurry and WHOEVER gets in their way is a target.

Caravans, buses, hgvs, old age pensioners, anyone..
Aug 28, 2005
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very good ALLEN, lets vent our anger on hgvs, lets try to pass

the buck and not bother about others.!

firstly. the same people who object to caravans, will indeed

object to hgvs as well, there is no difference, they are in a

hurry and WHOEVER gets in their way is a target.

Caravans, buses, hgvs, old age pensioners, anyone..
and a JCB, Milk floats.Mopeds with 18 stone riders


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