caravan club have changed there season dates around

Feb 15, 2006
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they have changed the march holiday which came under low season and now put it as high season is this allowed?.

its because some of the kids holidays has changed this year. then they have put part of the kids april hol under value i think.

is this allowed?.

Jul 11, 2006
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Hi, 21st March until 27th March which covers the Easter weekend is peak season, when has that been any different. The 27th march until 17th April which covers some school holidays depending upon which education authority you are under is value season, no doubt a lot of parents are very happy with the CC as it makes a change to have low prices during school holidays.
Mar 14, 2005
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It's normal practice for Easter to be High season no matter what month it is in. The CC are no different than the vast majority of other sit owners. You want it, they've got it - that's the way of the world.
Jun 25, 2007
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Like others have said, they've simply adjusted their pricing to make the school holidays more expensive. Bit of a bummer for us as Claire works in a school office and can't take holidays in term time. She gets all 13 weeks off but only gets paid for 5 weeks of them - should have been a teacher!

We're just glad when our holidays in Sheffield fall differently to the rest of the country like they did at half term in October last year and we then fall into the value season.

Our Easter holidays this year start on Good Friday for 2 weeks and a day, returning on 7th April. We would have gone away for the second week instead of the first to take advantage of the lower prices but it seemed daft when Rob was off Good Friday plus Easter Monday and Tuesday as 'Bank' Holidays. We say 'Bank' as Tuesday isn't actually a BH but where he works gives that in addition to the official ones.
Dec 14, 2006
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My son, a teacher in London, has Good Friday and Easter Monday off - and then goes back to school for the remainder of that week, works another week, and then has his two week half-term holiday. He's really pleased, because it means he can get a flight to Prague from here in Yorkshire, to stay with a friend at low-season prices! However, apparently a lot of London and the South schools are having the same holiday arrangement, so prices in the south have been adjusted accordingly! Supply and demand, I'm afraid.
Mar 14, 2005
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Read the 2008 sites directory supplement

All is shown and does differ from 2007 times,also the Midwwek discount seasons have changed,wont affect people with kids as its not applicable in PEAK season.
Nov 6, 2006
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I wouldn't expect mid-week discount to apply during peak season. The whole point about it is to encourage use of sites outwith the peak period!