Well said Martin. I agree with everything you say. What difference does 10 minutes make. There is nobody going to steal your pitch. KenScotch Lad,
I'm interested to know what the rush is to get round the site?
Surely it is better to take a 'while' drivng round the site rather than having a child knocked over.
S.L Ithink a fast walking pace is more like 4mph.I don't think the speedometer on my car can read 5 mph. It doesn't seem to move much until 10 upwards. However, from my Scouting days or something a long time ago I learned that an average person can walk 8 miles in 1 hour so if I get the 'boss' to walk alongside me then I will be ok, I think.
On the downside I will be passed by all the kids on their bikes.
I appreciate why they are doing it, but with some sites being quite large it will take a while to get all the way round.