Caravan Club sites speed limit

Dec 23, 2005
Just been having a look at the news section on the Caravan Club website and an article dated 25th October states that the speed limit on all sites is now 5mph.

I thought it was always 5mph or am I wrong?

Feb 17, 2007
This being so I will contact the Caravan Club to suggest 5mph signs be installed. The usual 'Dead Slow ' signs, in many cases, are clearly open to personal interpretation. Perhaps if enough of us did so we might get a result.
Feb 26, 2007
I seem to remember that it was 10MPH,but we have just come back from Bunree and 5MPH was clearly marked.



I don't think the speedometer on my car can read 5 mph. It doesn't seem to move much until 10 upwards. However, from my Scouting days or something a long time ago I learned that an average person can walk 8 miles in 1 hour so if I get the 'boss' to walk alongside me then I will be ok, I think.

On the downside I will be passed by all the kids on their bikes.

I appreciate why they are doing it, but with some sites being quite large it will take a while to get all the way round.
Dec 23, 2005
Scotch Lad,

I'm interested to know what the rush is to get round the site?

Surely it is better to take a 'while' drivng round the site rather than having a child knocked over.

Aug 24, 2007
Scotch Lad,

I'm interested to know what the rush is to get round the site?

Surely it is better to take a 'while' drivng round the site rather than having a child knocked over.

Well said Martin. I agree with everything you say. What difference does 10 minutes make. There is nobody going to steal your pitch. Ken
Feb 4, 2007
I don't think the speedometer on my car can read 5 mph. It doesn't seem to move much until 10 upwards. However, from my Scouting days or something a long time ago I learned that an average person can walk 8 miles in 1 hour so if I get the 'boss' to walk alongside me then I will be ok, I think.

On the downside I will be passed by all the kids on their bikes.

I appreciate why they are doing it, but with some sites being quite large it will take a while to get all the way round.
S.L Ithink a fast walking pace is more like 4mph.



I never said I was driving around aiming to decimate the child population. At 5 mph I suspect it is more likely to be the other way around.

What I did mean was that if you had the pitch beside the gate, but had to go the 'long way round' it could take a while, especially if you were trying to get to the supermarket before it shut. It does happen you know.

Curiously enough it is usually those families with the kids who drive the fastest.
Dec 23, 2005
I doubt that there is any hard evidence to suggest one way or the other which type of family unit is likely to speed on site. More likely to be the type of person that exceeds the speed limit on a public road that won't take any notice of site speed limits.

Whilst staying at Penrhos CC site in September last year, I saw a couple in their 50's arrive on the site to find the choice of pitches very limited. For whatever reason, the chap deposited his wife on the pitch so that nobody else could come and take it before driving off at about 20mph round the site and back to the pitch.



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