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Sep 30, 2010
I have allways found the CC wardens bend,break or ignore the rules to suit their own personal preference.Recently went to Cherry Hinton nr.Cambridge.Arrived in the area around 10.30 am,so we phoned the site to see when they could take us.We we told to turn up and wait on the late night arrivals area till noon,whilst waiting several outfits turned up and were admitted ahead of us.Then they were pretty strict about which pitch we could have.They told us the one we wanted was reserved for caravans over 7 metres.I drew their attention to the booking form which stated ours was 7.2.........made no difference.Later on we saw it was occupied by a van well under 7 metres!!! And no,it wasn't a pitch for the disabled.
Apr 26, 2010
Personally I think there are major concerns the caravan club need and must come to grips with.
1. Arrival time on site
2. Block bookings

If they do not sort out theses two problems then people will leave the club as many members are members because they want to use the sites and I am sure many people on this forum can come up with some ways of resolving the two problems for example:
1. Arrival time?: (No caravan to be booked on to site before 12 noon regardless if members report the warden he receives written warning three warnings and out.

2. Block bookings ( All members must show there club membership card on arrival at site the warden should enter into a central register the booking when camper shows up each member should be allowed up to five visits per year a member if not using the five visits can pass his allocation to another member if he does not intend to use them
if a member books a site and does not turn up on two occasions he loses his allocation for the next year

these are just examples of the top of the head so I am sure others will have different ideas or suggestions of course if you don't like what I have suggested pleas remember it is just an idea to help resolve the current situation as there is nothing worse than going on line to find all sites book up solid and thinking what is the point of being a club member when you know from fact having been on site and in the reception hearing the phone ring answer machine receiving message from camper can't make his reservation and seeing the site half empty when the booking line on the computer says its full.


Jul 1, 2009
been a cc membre for years but have had probs to get sites again tryed to get site for oct all full booked had more chance with ccc so i may go back to ccc next year i will not give the cc any more money if i carnt get any sites .Ive booked early and a number of opptions all a waist of time.
Feb 16, 2009
Forest Gump, l was booked in on a standard pitch at the grange from the 8th o the 16th of Oct, rang the site yesterday at 10 30 am to see if they had a cancellation on full serviced pitch, they had took it up so l presume their is now a Standard pitch available. l do this quiet a lot around this time of the year ring the site the weekend before, nine times out of ten someone 's cancelled.
Tried the C&CC last year, yes more availability but in my opinion does not come anywhere near the standard of CC, it's personel choice others find the C&CC to their liking and are prepared to pay the deposit up front.
l do agree that somthing has to be done about block bookings at the begining of the year for someone at a later date to cancel, what the answer is l don't know, lots of idea's on other posts, l bet their is somthing in the wind for this year from the CC concerning block bookings, if their isn't then the CC are just burying their heads in the sand.


Nov 12, 2009
To be fair to the CC they are aware of many of these issues which cause some of their members to become irritated. They have carried out various surveys, the behaviour of dogs (or their owners) on sites was one issue on which the CC requested feedback from it's members and they are also trying to address the 'block booking issue' with another Recent Survey of Members Given the recent boom in tourer ownership both clubs may be said to be victims of their own success with peak time pitch availability at a premium due to the increasing popularity of caravanning and camping.
Jun 20, 2005
Wayne_5133334 said:
Has anyone noticed the move by individual club sites to restrict access to after noon even where there are no published restrictions or issues for access prior to noon. Is this a move to impose a 12 noon rule which does not exist in the current rule book. Have people experianced this restriction and what where the reasons given.

Waynes OP is important. As much as I want to get on a site I want to get off in a leisurely orderly fashion without people breathing down my neck and blocking the exit routes. I said this before but some seem to think they have a divine right to arrive whenever they want.


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