Jan 16, 2007
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You would have thought that being a member of a club that you subscribe to, trade with,in my case Car & Caravan Insurance, overseas Medical and Travel Ins, that the interests of members would be uppermost in their thoughts and that this would be reflected in the facilities and amenities that are provded. Not so when you see what you are charged for on site WiFi. I amongst many others were over the moon when the club decided to trial and then provide WiFi but then the bomb fell. I consider the charges and the system used - £5 for an hour and must use it within 24hrs of logging on or lose it - as one of the biggest rip-off to hit caravanners. Who can afford those prices, not many I would wager. When I think of who was camping at Hunters Moon last October I would guess that almost 97% were retired and on pension. I am not saying that pensioners should receive special treatment, I am using pensioners to relate to the level of income of, I would think, of the majority of memebers. The firm used by the Caravan Club to provide the WiFi sevice must be laugthing up their sleeve and looking for another sucker. I'm off for a couple of weeks next month but not to a CC site, and in may I'm off to France/Spain for three months staying at four sites with free WiFi, not CC sites.Good luck. JTS.
Nov 6, 2005
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CC didn't want to get involved in investing money in Wi-fi so invited outside contractors - the fee charged no doubt needs to recoup the network investment that's been made.

It's only a rip-off if you have no choice - but you do have choices, for
Mar 26, 2008
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CC site internet is via KeZone who are BT Openzone partners.

BT broadband users get free access to BT openzone, some get 250 minutes a month some umlimited usage depending on the type of contract.
Feb 3, 2005
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The problem with "rip off" prices is that some people still pay them. We were on a site in France last year that charged 8 euros per hour, and I made sure that I let the site manager know (politely!)that I would not be using the service because it was too expensive. If all potential users took similar action with the Caravan Club they would have o review the situation.

As RogerL points out, many site owner don't want to get involved (or don't have the knowledge) and employ contractors. Since wi-fi is a fairly new service I think some contractors are out to sign up large numbers of sites and make a quick buck.

Jan 28, 2008
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I think the CC charge is fairly typical, and certainly comparable to the charges made by most hotel chains that offer wifi. I am certainly not defending this, as I was hoping it would be provided free onsite. I am just saying that the price is typical of the industry (providing temporary wifi access away from home). It is not the CC club that should be accused of providing a rip-off service, but the providers of public wifi. I certainly will not be using this or any other "public" wifi service, and have gone to lengths to ensure I can access broadband pretty much anywhere through my Mobile phone. The T-mobile FlexT package with web'n'walk plus is hard to beat for laptop internet access via a mobile. Certainly worth considering if regular internet access away from home is required.



BTW Personally I love going to sites where there is no wifi, no mobile coverage and no TV signal. I can relax fully there in the knowledge that nobody can easily contact me. Just like the old days!
Jan 19, 2008
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Quote ..."BTW Personally I love going to sites where there is no wifi, no mobile coverage and no TV signal. I can relax fully there in the knowledge that nobody can easily contact me. Just like the old days"!

That's in a Utopian world David. I too would like that but Her Ladyship likes her Casualty, Holby City and all the other crap but I don't. Theres nothing worse to me than being in a caravan listening to all the caterwauling on programmes like Strictly and Dancing on Ice. That's why I got a laptop to relieve my boredom and to try and take my mind off those programmes. We also, if possible, need a signal for the mobile because both of our mothers are elderly and might need to be contacted.

Oh, I forgot Heartbeat, The Royal, Echo Beach, any vets or dog programmes, Money Programme, Watchdog ......... arghhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!
Jan 23, 2007
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Couldn't agree more re rip off.I am going to Pembrey again this year,but I will not be using their wifi service at that price.

Having in my proud possession a seven year old son,I will be trying the free McDonalds wifi service nearby in Llanelli.
Jan 3, 2007
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100% in agreement with the comments regarding excess charges for wifi connections at CC sites.

I have yet to pay for any wifi connections, away from home.

There are plenty of free and openzone sites out there so why pay such a rip-off price, particularly when you are restricted to when you use it and if you don't use all the time in an alloted time you lose it.

All CC members should make the Caravan Club aware of their disatisfaction - I have, both onsite (although it is not the wardens fault) and directly to the club offices. Their standard reply was based on the grounds that it is early days but if more used the service they may be able to reduce rates in due course.

When they do, I might use the facility!
Aug 4, 2007
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Hi there

I'm sitting having a lovely coffee and ice cream sundae in Mcdonalds AND also getting free wifi. This is Olhao Portugal. We are staying at a CC recommended site which charges 50 euros a week!! Mind you the reception hinted for us to come here to McD's....Have had various different charges at different camps,some free and others up to 20 euros. You have to decide how much you need wifiand NEVER pay 50 or they will just keep on asking that. I shall be looking out for Maccas at every stop from now on.

Cheers, Carole
Dec 4, 2005
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Hi Carole. I went to my local McDonalds today to check if my Laptop worked ok. Got a signal ok, they appear to be using "the cloud). It then went to a Mcdonalds page and asked for UserName and Password which I did not have, so then I tried to Register and it would not let me. said it could not get the page up or something to that effect. Did you have to alter any settings on your Laptop? I got connected at the CC site in the New Forest a couple of weeks ago ok.


Mar 26, 2008
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Ajan should pop back to McD'S and read with more care, you do not need to register at all! Just enter email address in box and off you go! And you do not get bombarded with email from MaccyDees or anyone else.
Mar 15, 2006
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Hi Roger L

we bought this for our son for our children just before Xmas, for use in our van and down their Grandparents. Xmas day seamed to eat into quite a lot of the
Nov 6, 2005
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Allyson - the download limit has to be watched, like most broadband connections. My previous Pipex/Tiscali landline had a 2Gb/month limit which I exceeded once in 18 months. The 3 USB modem has a 3Gb/month limit for


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