Caravan crash.

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Sep 29, 2016
Icaru5 said:
Anseo said:
On one news report today on the radio, it was said that the driver and passenger of the car towing the caravan were from Ireland.

Were it Northern or Southern Ireland the fact remains that they drive on the same side of the road as those of us in mainland Britain.

Same report mentioned that the slip road involved had been the locus of previous incidents of vehicles entering in the direction of oncoming traffic.

Perhaps the official accident inquiries will render information that will either enlighten us to the cause of the accident or result in recommendations for improvements to the road safety infrastructure relative to the slip road access to the M40.

I hope that the findings obviate or reduce the likelihood of future tragic recurrences.

Southern Ireland ? :S

OK, Eire then, what is your point? I don't understand your response. :huh:
Jun 26, 2017
Anseo said:
Icaru5 said:
Anseo said:
On one news report today on the radio, it was said that the driver and passenger of the car towing the caravan were from Ireland.

Were it Northern or Southern Ireland the fact remains that they drive on the same side of the road as those of us in mainland Britain.

Same report mentioned that the slip road involved had been the locus of previous incidents of vehicles entering in the direction of oncoming traffic.

Perhaps the official accident inquiries will render information that will either enlighten us to the cause of the accident or result in recommendations for improvements to the road safety infrastructure relative to the slip road access to the M40.

I hope that the findings obviate or reduce the likelihood of future tragic recurrences.

Southern Ireland ? :S

OK, Eire then, what is your point? I don't understand your response. :huh:

Given the hostility of your reaction to my tongue in cheek reply Anseo, I will respond accordingly ...

You’ve already made it clear that you do understand my response, by the way in which you reacted to it and on reflection, rephrased.

You would also certainly understand the reason for my response if you had ever lived in Northern Ireland, or the Republic of Ireland, or had any knowledge whatsoever of either, apart from the fact that they drive on the left.

Since none of the above apply, let me explain ... My point is that to refer to the Republic of Ireland as “Southern Ireland” is rather offensive to a great number of people, and could at best be excused as nothing other than ignorance.


Mar 14, 2005
Quote " My point is that to refer to the Republic of Ireland as “Southern Ireland” is rather offensive to a great number of people, and could at best be excused as nothing other than ignorance."

What a load of tosh !!!!

Ireland was split in 1920 by the Government into North and South. Wherever you look for information about the South it nearly always comes up as Southern Ireland.

My Father, Grandfather, Great Grandfather and as far back as I have researched were all Southern Irish from Cork and in all my years neither they or any of the family that still live in Cork have ever expressed any qualms about calling themselves or being called by others Southern Irish.

Who are the "great number of people " who would be offended???

Whatever, the crash was unfortunate and the authorities will determine what happened in due time.


Nov 12, 2009
Icaru5 said:
You’ve already made it clear that you do understand my response, by the way in which you reacted to it and on reflection, rephrased.

You would also certainly understand the reason for my response if you had ever lived in Northern Ireland, or the Republic of Ireland, or had any knowledge whatsoever of either, apart from the fact that they drive on the left.

Since none of the above apply, let me explain ... My point is that to refer to the Republic of Ireland as “Southern Ireland” is rather offensive to a great number of people, and could at best be excused as nothing other than ignorance.
It's very disappointing when a thread involving a tragic incident in which three human beings lost their lives is sidetracked with irrelevant computer keyboard points scoring..
Sometimes it's better to abstain from commenting, and unless you can show some respect for the deceased plus their relatives and friends this is one of those times.
Sep 29, 2016

This will likely be the last time I respond to anything you post, your baseless assumptions are for you to reflect upon.

As to which of us is 'ignorant', then you may may wish to reflect on that also.

Let me give you a couple of facts, I have lived in both Northern Ireland (mostly in the 'land of Eoghan') and in the Republic of Ireland (in the 'land of Chonaill' where the 'fort of the foreigners' lies , I am also reasonably fluent in the Gaelic language (Ulster Gaelic to be precise).

Mise le meas

EDIT: Parksy, I agree with your last comment; you posted just before I submitted this post, please feel free to remove it if you wish.
Sep 4, 2017
People may have noticed, however probably not, that I have steered away from commenting on the forum of late. In my humble opinion, without any specific person (s) in mind, there are too many unnecessary provocative or at least ill thought out comments and responses. (Especially responses) made. It's a pity because the forum is a good idea, a platform to share caravaning and caravaning related matters, but I'm afraid outsiders see the negative bits and steer away. It came to my attention that although the registered member list is large, it is woefully out of date and someone once commented "actual visitors" only number in the hundreds, let alone active posters. Although I myself have only been around less than a year, I have already had a number of unwanted aggressive or provocative responses (that's in my opinion so no use anyone trying to count them and prove me wrong, that's how I feel) to posts, to the point that I now refrain from frequent posting let alone visits to the forum. Now add to that as a non mobile user, (desktop or laptop) all the disgusting intrusive adverts on the screen, makes me think! I joined a caravaning platform, not a social club institute where this sort of stuff happens. Another thing that happens is that genuine caravanning related threads get "hijacked" by either unnecessarily painful technical discussions or other unrelated differences of opinion. People hidden in their sitting rooms feel protected enough to blurt out just whatever they feel without a second thought for the recipient or at times sit there thinking what they think is the "be all and end all" of everything. I got news for them.....
Nov 11, 2009
Damian-Moderator said:
Quote " My point is that to refer to the Republic of Ireland as “Southern Ireland” is rather offensive to a great number of people, and could at best be excused as nothing other than ignorance."

What a load of tosh !!!!

Ireland was split in 1920 by the Government into North and South. Wherever you look for information about the South it nearly always comes up as Southern Ireland.

My Father, Grandfather, Great Grandfather and as far back as I have researched were all Southern Irish from Cork and in all my years neither they or any of the family that still live in Cork have ever expressed any qualms about calling themselves or being called by others Southern Irish.

Who are the "great number of people " who would be offended???

Whatever, the crash was unfortunate and the authorities will determine what happened in due time.

I am afraid that on this topic Damain you are totally wrong.

"Southern Ireland (Irish: Deisceart Éireann) was the larger of the two parts of Ireland that were created when Ireland was partitioned under the Government of Ireland Act 1920. It comprised 26 of the 32 counties of Ireland or about five-sixths of the area of the island, whilst the remaining six counties in the northeast of the island formed Northern Ireland.[1] Southern Ireland included County Donegal, despite it being the largest county in Ulster and the most northerly county in all of Ireland.

The Act of 1920, which came into force on 3 May 1921, was intended to create two self-governing territories within Ireland, each with its own parliament and governmental institutions, and both remaining within the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland. It also contained provisions for co-operation between the two territories and for the eventual reunification of Ireland. However, in the 1921 elections for Southern Ireland's House of Commons, Sinn Féin candidates were returned unopposed in 124 of the 128 seats, and ignored the parliament, assembling instead as the Second Dáil.[2] The "Parliament of Southern Ireland"—consisting of the four unionist members—met only once.[3] Continuing unrest led to the Anglo-Irish Treaty and the Provisional Government which administered Southern Ireland from 16 January 1922 to 5 December 1922: effectively a transitional administration for the period between the ratifying of the Anglo-Irish Treaty and the establishment of the Irish Free State. Its legitimacy was disputed by the Anti-Treaty delegates to Dáil Éireann.

Southern Ireland, as a political entity, was superseded by the Irish Free State (which later became the independent state of Ireland) on 6 December 1922.""
May 24, 2014
Gents, and of course gentesses, this is all becoming rather unseemly.

The original points of this thread were of relevance because a caravan was involved and of course the tragedy of three pointless deaths. We have all been members a while here and know the forums flavour, and to start squabbling over the name of a nation is really getting rather childish. Come on guys, you are better than this.


Mar 14, 2005
Firstly may I apologise for making a very insensitive posting which was far removed from the tragic situation about which the original posting was about.

Having taken the time to review the way the topic was turned into something other than that it should have been, I have removed all the offending posts and those which led to the demise of the topic.

Other posters have quite rightly pointed out that those posts were insensitive, misdirected in the context of the topic and that this Forum is a better place than a place of squabble over other issues.
Mar 14, 2005
Returning to the topic of this thread, sad as the outcome of the incident is; I cannot understand why it is being given so much publicity, not only here but in other forums too, and that just because a caravan outfit was involved. To me it reeks a bit of voyeurism.
Nov 16, 2015
Lutz said:
Returning to the topic of this thread, sad as the outcome of the incident is; I cannot understand why it is being given so much publicity, not only here but in other forums too, and that just because a caravan outfit was involved. To me it reeks a bit of voyeurism.

Because a car and caravan going down a major motorway for 5 miles the wrong way. !


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