Caravan Cuisine

Aug 30, 2006
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Has anyone out there started to compile a menu a la caravan for quick easy meals that are suitable for all ages?

It would be nice to swop ideas to get away from the same old chicken steaks, carrots and peas that everyone seems to end up with.

I am sure that the boss ( wife ) could muster up at least one idea then peaople can add one more to the list and so on.

Any takers????
Dec 10, 2005
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Our van is stocked with tinned stuff and we buy any extra we need when we get there. Spag bol, stir fry, that sort of thing.

Only pain is the washing up!
Aug 30, 2006
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Hi Al,

try this one,

Tuna fish bake, 2 x tins tuna(drained), 1 x tin tomatoes(drained and chopped), 1 x tin condensed mushroom soup, frozen peas. Mix together and top with grated cheese and crushed crisps. Bake in oven for approx 40 mins.

We serve this with pasta or chips.
Jul 9, 2006
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Hi Pat

have u not tried making your own kebabs for the barby mine go down a treat or your own burgers with lean pork mince with other stuff in them or peeling some shallots putting them in some tin foil with a sprinkle of sugar and some butter and cook on hot coals for a side dish or marinating some chicken fillets sliced then marinated in bbq or other seasoning to your liking and getting some wraps with some salad in with a bit of mayo and onion goe's down a treat or cheese on toast with onion or brockhurst bangers with onions thats just a few i can mention.Ian.L
Aug 30, 2006
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Hi Ian,

nice one i,ll try some of that.One quick barby meal that i have done is with salmon & tuna.

1 salmon or tuna fillet wrapped in tin foil, a good soaking of lemon juice, and sprinkle with dill. Pop onto the coals for about 10min, serve with salad and enjoy with a nice glass of white!
Dec 16, 2003
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Hello Hello.

Our present van all though a few years old has a 4 hob ring grill and oven and even a microwave now. It has a fridge and freezer and even a second fridge that we carry in the car.

Why eat or cook differently to how you cook at home?

Can't see why anyone has to live on rations type diet and of course there is also the BBQ.


Mar 14, 2005
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I dont see the problem cooking when in the van, and as Cris says, why change your eating habits just because you are away?

There is no need to "end up with the same old" anything.

What is the rush to have a meal, surely its the time to cook well, and RELAX over a good meal that you all like, rather than shovel down some indescribable rubbish just for the sake of speed..........your on HOLIDAY,,,,,Chillout and enjoy
Aug 30, 2006
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Hi Damian,

yes I totaly agree with what you and Chris are saying, but I was looking for ideas on differnt meals that were not upto the "ramsey" standard but just a change from the same weekly intake.

You know the type of thing were you vist someone for dinner and they serve a meal thats just a bit different,its a pleasent change.
Dec 16, 2003
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If it were not for fitness and a good diet I would no longer be here now! Nor to would my wife.

We eat eveything from Green Tai Curries to Mussels, Prawns and Crab salads, and a selection of Italian,French, English, Chinese and other dishes be we at home or in the caravan.

One of the chefs the grizzly looking one that drinks and had a Devon Pub / Restaurant ( I think ) did a series where he cooked on local cookes where ever he was.

We've done a Chicken Tandoori style curry for twenty two people from our caravan and done a variety of dips and stuff, French Chef on his holidays was impressed to.

If you don't eat you die! Why settle for dross food at any time?

I don't rate Ramsey's cooking any better than mine or my wifes ;-) Our caravan is always stocked with curry powders, spices, Olive oil and dried mushrooms etc. Fresh produce is available nearby all over Europe and can be kept fresh with a little thought on sites.


Mar 14, 2005
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Yes Brian

I think it would be cheaper to pay with euro. We do seem to have rather a few people on here now who live on the continent. Amazingly some of them seem to have the same views on subjects to and are of a similar height. How spooky is that?

Jul 2, 2006
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This is one of my favourites; Penne with Chicken, Peas and Peppers


2-1/2 cups penne or other tube pasta

1/2 cup chicken stock

1 cup frozen green peas, thawed

1 Tbsp. olive oil

1 clove garlic, minced

1 red bell peppercooked, seeded and diced

3/4 lb. boneless skinless chicken breast halves, cut into 1/2 inch pieces

1/4 cup Romano or Parmesan cheese, grated


Cook pasta in a large pan of boiling water 10 minutes, or until al dente. Drain and set aside. Combine stock and 1/2 cup peas in a food processor or blender and process until smooth. Set aside. Heat oil in a heavy nonstick skillet over medium high heat. Saut


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