Caravan insurance - a first

Apr 19, 2023
Just had to go through the renewal of car insurance on our non towing car, a Dacia. Got a quote £20 cheaper on go compare, like for like. Not much but thought we'll call Aviva the current insurer to see if they will match it.

Recorded message along the lines, if you've received your renewal quote our staff cannot improve on the amount you've been quoted.

Never had that. So off to Churchill we go.
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Jul 18, 2017
Over the past month, we have been in and out of car insurances. Tesco & RAC refunded promptly, but another company I had to chase them up after several days for the refund. With the new to us car we are with Admiral as they offered the best quote.

Some prices quoted were plain ridiculous despite the fact the car has a tracker and a CANbus blocker fitted making it extremely difficult to steal unless it goes on a low loader. Plus we live at the end of a cul de sac and a low loader would have great difficulty turning around.

Sam Vimes

Sep 7, 2020
Just going through the process of getting quotes for my car. From £400 to over £800 for the same cover. I don't understand why the disparity.

Saga came out the best at the same price I'd paid to AXA last year. They wanted a 50% increase.
Jul 18, 2017
Just going through the process of getting quotes for my car. From £400 to over £800 for the same cover. I don't understand why the disparity.

Saga came out the best at the same price I'd paid to AXA last year. They wanted a 50% increase.
We did a quote with the brand organisation and the quote was over £2000! They would have been very aware that the car had the CAN Bus blocker and tracker fitted.
Nov 6, 2005
It's certainly true that some insurers don't want certain types of customer even though they're good risk, ie you don't fit their preferred profile, and may decline to quote - but why some quote silly high figures I don't know - a couple of years ago I got quotes on the comparison sites from £500 to £2,500.

My son works for a car insurer which specialises in young drivers with poor records (and charges very high premiums) - they won't insure him or me!
Jan 3, 2012
My wife got insurance with Dial direct via confused .com a comprehensive cover many features which are on a premium and Breakdown cover at a great price we paid for it annually.
Jul 18, 2017
We have always used the Martin Lewis one which takes you to the MoneySupermarket site. However when I used the Compare the Market comparison is was a lot cheaper.


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