Caravan & Motorhome Show

Mar 14, 2005
I today received a flier from Practical Caravan magazine for the chance to purchase at reduced rates prior to the show for entry - £14-95 instead of £19-95. These are to be purchased by telephone call or the web. However in small print is the condition that if I were to purchase these tickets there will be a transaction fee - this amount is not stated. Therefore there will appear to be little saving in the purchase of the advanced tickets once this transaction fee has been added.

Also why should I pay to see someone trying to sell me a product. This would be similar for Tesco, Asda and the like charging me to enter their store to see the products they have on offer. If Bailey, Swift, etc. wish to sell me a caravan surely I should not be expected to pay to see their vans prior to purchase. Car & caravan dealers do not charge for going around their sales area so why pay to enter a show to see the vans.
Aug 28, 2005
Quite agree Colin , thats why i dont bother with shows any more , the last one i did go to there were people sitting in the vans having a good chinwag stopping other people looking around ,i just felt it was a waste of time , much prefer to browse the dealers
Mar 14, 2005
Guess what - today I received an identically worded, except for first paragraph, flier from C&CC offering identical terms for entry to the show. In my opinion it is one big scam.
Aug 4, 2004
We are not bothering with show this year as it is becoming over priced. In addition, very little seating around the area and food and drinks cost a fortune. Last show we took our own.


Nov 12, 2009
We're going to the Three Counties Caravan show at Malvern at the end of this month.
We're not interested in buying a new caravan although I'll probably have a quick look at Swifts new models and the Bailey Unicorn while I'm there just out of interest.
The main reason for our visit is that we can stay on site from Thursday until Sunday for £5. It's even cheaper than a rally and there are some wonderful places to explore in and around Malvern, Upton and Ledbury.
Aug 12, 2007
Parksy - Moderator said:
We're going to the Three Counties Caravan show at Malvern at the end of this month.
We're not interested in buying a new caravan although I'll probably have a quick look at Swifts new models and the Bailey Unicorn while I'm there just out of interest.
The main reason for our visit is that we can stay on site from Thursday until Sunday for £5. It's even cheaper than a rally and there are some wonderful places to explore in and around Malvern, Upton and Ledbury.

Wow, big spender!!! You really know how to show a girl a good time, Steve (so that's why Carole's with you ;o) hehe).

What a bargain.


Nov 12, 2009
Soozeeg said:
Wow, big spender!!! You really know how to show a girl a good time, Steve (so that's why Carole's with you ;o) hehe).

What a bargain.
No flies on me Sue (because if there were I'd charge 'em rent)
It was Carole's idea to go, she's the one with the Scrooge like grip on the purse strings. Me - I'd have gone to a top class full facility site. Anywhere in southern Spain would do!
Aug 12, 2007
We've been to the caravan shows at the NEC every year (sometimes to both the Feb and October ones) for several years running.....fortunately, we did get complimentary tickets a few times. I love the atmosphere there and the chance to see so many vans all under one roof, husband loves the accessory stalls. However, we won't be going anymore - apart from the fact that we don't live near Birmingham now, it's just too crowded, takes too long queueing in traffic to get into the car parks (unless you go at the crack of dawn) and, as someone else said, the food and drink prices are ludicrous.



You are very welcome to join us in southern Spain. It is a bit lonely as we are the only Brits on the site although it is packed with Dutch, French and Germans all of the elderly age group, and all behaving badly. Actually we are only halfway down but it is still 30 degrees and sunny every day. As for costs we are paying 15 euros per night with 10 amp electric. Food is 30% cheaper than UK and wine is 90% cheaper. Beach is across the road and swimming pool and supermarket all on site plus 3 restaurants within 50 yards.


Nov 12, 2009
It would be paradise for me SL.
Unfortunately for me Herself dislikes foreign travel.
She won't go on the tunnel because she's claustrophobic
Theres no way that she would board an aircraft and fly
She won't go on a boat because she's scared of flying......
She thinks that a plane might crash above the channel and hit the boat!

See you there - one day.


Mar 17, 2007
Almost afraid to admit that we are going to the NEC and pitching in the car park, (sorry "temporary site"). We are clearly niave and profligate with our money. (On the other hand, some might say that the rest of you are turning into miserable skinflints
) Anyone else want to confess to being fleeced by the corporate face of caravanning, we could meet and form a support group.
Aug 12, 2007
Mel, I'm (almost) I said above, I did love going every year (when we lived a mere 30 mins away). We have dealer friends who go to every NEC caravan show, so we were at least guaranteed one free coffee there. Sadly, that's not really a good enough reason for us to go now we live a lot further away.......
(PS, I see you've discovered the smileys too, since JD/Austin & Co sneaked them in without a word!!
Jul 15, 2008
…… Bought the tickets using the Caravan Club discount so £13.40 total cost each.
Staying at Kingsbury Water Park C&CC site 10 miles from NEC for £10.20/ night non EHU.
Going because I have never been before!
Cost of trip reduced as going on to a site near Huddersfield to visit relatives. £8/ night with 16amp EHU
Feb 7, 2010
We are going on Thursday, we also got our tickets for £13.40 from the CC. We are not taking the Van as it is only 30 minutes away.
We are looking to see what accessories are going cheap.

May 4, 2005
I'm staying on the CC temp site all week . Working on the Adria stand this show so please come say Hi.

GT Caravans
Dec 14, 2006
Hi Brian - we really like the Adria 612 dt - and have looked at it two or three times. If we win the lottery this week (anything substantially more than the £10 which is our usual win) then we might call and see you!
Feb 27, 2010
many of the "retail" type shows at the NEC are a bit of a scam. Most exhibitors can pay up to £10k for a stand and even a table can cost £300. The NEC makes its money from the rental of halls to the organsiing company.
They then charge the public an entry fee to go and view the products that the ehibitors want to sell..... mmmm.

Trade shows at the NEC are free to enter, often just by simply registering with the the organizer online.
Jun 8, 2010
Hi, the other half won some tickets, so we are going for the first time to Birmingham, but have been to Manchester previously. When we went to our first show, we were only looking at layouts, and what would suit us as a family for the future. We found what we were looking for, and got a big discount, so came away from the show with a Sterling Europa 650 twin axel, a slight change from our two birth Vanroyce, bought for £500!!!! I will be keeping a close eye on the other half this year!!!! lol


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