I have a 50 kg test weight as used for testing kone cranes/ morris material handling/ cranes. given it some 5 years ago, In that time have had 3 bathroom scales,none have been "that" accurate, although i could at least adjust them so at 50kg they were reading correct,at that moment in time.
Surely this topic has got far too technical? and if not then surely some more key issues have be missed from the equation?Liked the idea of having the car fully laden before checking towball weight,but can anybody tell me if thats the Legal way to do it,or not?after all there will be variants,even if it is a mere kilo or two between fully laden and with full tank and unladen,and then chuck in you standard bathroom scales and their possible inaccuracies ,and with all the good intension's in the world you could be 5 or 6 kilo's out!
I have mentioned on another thread about VOSA new powers and indeed that they are checking more trailers/caravans than before,On this thread some have been critical about in accuracies of certain devices and their legality. OK thats all fine,but without knowing how VOSA would do such checks, laden unladen and using what sort of device,surely all we can do is try to be pretty accurate with our measurements without having to have a 2.1 in physics!