Caravan Oven

Mar 14, 2005
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I have a 1990 Swift Corniche 14/2. My oven is a Maxol Monte Carlo 2000. It is difficult to light and when I have got it going it does not even get hot enough to keep something warm. I can touch the surfaces inside the oven after it had been on for 30 minutes. I have been looking for the gas supply tap to this appliance in case it was not fully on. I can find the tap fotr the fridge and the one for the hob. I think the pipe for the oven goes under the van. Has anyone else had this problem.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Simon, Often one of the problems encountered with a caravan is one of little usage, particularly of the gas appliances. All flame burning gas appliances have a tube between teh valve and the burner assembly, which is tapered. Its functionis to mix the injected with sufficient air to allow it to burn correctley. The size of the tube or venturi, is often very enticing to insects and they will often make thier homes in them. A spider web can be sufficient to prevent the gas mixing properly with the air usually resulting in a very yellow flame like a candle. This can reduce the effiecency of the flame. The other thing that comes to mind is the fact that even in british winters, the temperatures can fall low enough to cause butane gas to liquify in the pipework. When this happens you can cause it to drag with it soem of the oiley "heavey ends" of the gas which can block pipiework and valves. In view of the fact that thsi is a gas appliance, you should only uses suitably qualified people to service or repair it. Failure to do so could render your insuarance void, and may endange users of the van.
Mar 14, 2005
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Simon, We have the Monte Carlo 2000 oven fitted to our Swift Challenger and had the same problem which was caused by a blocked jet. The jet can be exposed by removing the burner at the back of the oven. I then used a small flexible pipe attached to a vacuum cleaner nozzle to suck out the restriction. The oven now works perfectly. However, even when operating correctly it still takes a long time for the thermocouple flame device to click in and it is not unusual to "hold in" gas valve for 30+ seconds. If yours has the same installation there is not a gas tap for the oven, only frdge and hob. I also endorse the warnings from John L regarding qualified people servicing gas appliances.


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