I am needing a new electric kettle, but I will be buying one of those linked below as opposed to the one in the Aldi offer, been using a Tesco one for years at work, apart from the aesthetics, I cannot fault it (and at work I don't consider the aesthetics of it ) .$ja=tsid:59157|cid:337401273|agid:26938248993|tidla-186598714113|crid:84385860393|nw:g|rnd:7855388344374463199|dvc:c|adp:1o3&gclid=CNHLyem4g9MCFdU_GwodrOwHeQ
I am needing a new electric kettle, but I will be buying one of those linked below as opposed to the one in the Aldi offer, been using a Tesco one for years at work, apart from the aesthetics, I cannot fault it (and at work I don't consider the aesthetics of it ) .$ja=tsid:59157|cid:337401273|agid:26938248993|tidla-186598714113|crid:84385860393|nw:g|rnd:7855388344374463199|dvc:c|adp:1o3&gclid=CNHLyem4g9MCFdU_GwodrOwHeQ