Caravan security

Sep 25, 2005
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We have a hitchlock and a wheel lock on our caravan but would like to add more security devices.... maybe a post - what is the most secure, strongest etc and cost and where can I buy it from?

What security does everyone else have on theirs?
May 12, 2005
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Julie I have :- hitch lock, wheel lock, intruder alarm, my post code is on the roof in twelve inch letters, it was when bought and is registered with thief beaters, it is also registered with CRIS, and it has phantom tracker fitted with the silent movement alarm, it is kept at the back of the house,(through two locked five bar gates) where my two dogs roam loose. It seems over the top when I list it all, but the van cost 13,000 and I still have it.

PS I thought a security post was going a bit far.

Tony A.
Nov 6, 2005
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Get insured first - all the security devices in the world can't guarantee that some determined low-life won't target your caravan. Then fit whatever type of devices they require. After that it's down to how paranoid you are.

We have hitchlock to comply with insurers requirement of one device from a short list; an alarm which gives 10% discount on the premium; a heavy-duty wheelclamp as a visual deterrent and security lights on the house.
Mar 14, 2005
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If you get either a commercial ground anchor, or a ring bolt (for mooring) from a yacht chandler, you can put a security chain with padlock through your A-frame or chassis.
Jul 22, 2005
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Julie i have just posted a new topic on General re stolen vans. Our van was nearly stolen last night and i am devasted that some low down gits would do that. We have a wheel clamp and hitch lock now looking at a tracker but then once its been stolen i am not sure whether i would want it back after people rumaging around in it. They tried their hardest but i think what we have on the van was too much hasle since they had already stolen 2 vans further up. Yes the van is insured but its the hassle etc you go through to get a new one, so get what you can afford.

Feb 1, 2006
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Look at the Tight-On Hub Lock advertised in Practical Caravan Magazine, cant be removed with oxyacetylene.

Details are on website

Phantom tracker works well and can recover your caravan if it is stolen. Caught one thief red handed last week, now locked up.

Thieves will go for higher value caravans, twin axle and larger single axle vans, and will usually check out your security before making an attempt. They are also very bold and will carry out a theft in broad daylight usually taking no more than 6 minutes.
Nov 4, 2004
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Julie I have :- hitch lock, wheel lock, intruder alarm, my post code is on the roof in twelve inch letters, it was when bought and is registered with thief beaters, it is also registered with CRIS, and it has phantom tracker fitted with the silent movement alarm, it is kept at the back of the house,(through two locked five bar gates) where my two dogs roam loose. It seems over the top when I list it all, but the van cost 13,000 and I still have it.

PS I thought a security post was going a bit far.

Tony A.
Hi Tony

The caravan club use to recommend you to advertise postcode on the roof years ago,until they realised that would be thiefs can watch you from bridges then they know where you live and your also away in your caravan.


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