- Nov 1, 2005
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Does any body else caravan with a quadraplegic partner or am I in a minority of one. I yes what modifications have you done to your van.
Big Al
Big Al
Whilst I wouldn't want there to be any barriers to prevent people with disabilities enjoying the outdoor life, I wonder whether adapted loos etc are designed EXCLUSIVELY for the use of the disabled, or whether they have been adapted to enable the disabled (along with everyone else) to use them. Genuine question.Hi Alan, We have a disabled family and our son aged 32 is profoundly disabled, we have made a few adaptations to our van and the main thing is a very strong welded set of steps to allow us to carry him in and out. I have fitted a Fiamma security lock over the door which swings and locks into place, this is a perfect handrail for supporting ourselves as we carry him in. We have investigated modified caravans but find that the cost of these are sky high, I hope to modify a caravan myself when I have the time. Our daughter is also disabled and when we go on site we tow with a VW T4 camper, this is fitted with a Ricon side lift for wheelchairs, our daughter sleeps in the campervan.
This is a very difficlt situation because we, like you, want to give our disabled loved ones the benefit of caravanning and the outdoor life, I assume that like us you also find the disabled toilets and showers being used by non-disabled people.
Jo, thanks for your comment and I will answer in the spirit in which you ask the question:Sorry - posted this in the wrong place!
Whilst I would never wish to deny any disabled person the right to enjoy the outdoor life in the same way as the rest of the population, I am unclear whether specially adapted loos etc. are EXCLUSIVELY for the use of the disabled, or whether they have been adapted to enable them to be used by the disabled, along with anyone else. Genuine question, as I have never seen a notice clarifying this.
lmaooo I was eating when I read your comment and nearly choked lolol I bet your inlaws love you heheh but I can see where your coming from.Tony
As an able bodied person it appals me when I see people who have no need to using disabled facilities, likewise when I go to the supermarket and see rows of able bodied people parking in the disabled spots just because the are to dam lazy to walk, they would park at the checkout if they could get through the doors.
When I go away with the outlaws I am constantly ranting at them because they are the type who will use a disabled facility because "there is more room" my answer to them is "loose some weight you fat b****d" and you wouldn't need more room.
Oh and the other comment I had to deal with this year from them was " well I have not seen any disabled people on this site so it doesn't matter" absolutely no excuse in my book.
Here here. Well done the lot of you :O)Hi Steve,
I,m glad you all get away and enjoy yourselves dispite your problems, it really gives me a tonic to hear that other people are making the most of their lives and not hiding away from the world.
We have a disabled son with learning difficulties he,s now 30years old, he loves to go caravanning and he,s the first in the car when we are off somewhere. I myself use a wheelchair and have an elecric one which I just love , it gives me the freedom I want and means I don,t have to really on my husband all the time without it I,d be lost.
So carry on enjoying yourselves and of course your caravanning. Good caravanning all disabled caravanners for 06. Keep up the good work.