Mar 14, 2005
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Many years ago my parents took their cat camping. One year it disappeared and they eventually found it in nearby woods where it was obviously preparing to live.

I know other people take their cats away with them without any problems, so if you must take your cat with you be careful.
Feb 25, 2007
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Hi I have taken my cat on every caravan trip for the last 2 years the cat first came as a kitten with no issues was a bit apprehensive at first letting it out but he always returned I believe the cat loves going away for a wee holiday I also keep the caravan at the side of the house any time the caravan door is opened the cats first in. Only problem I encountered is as the cat got older he started to get terrible car or travel sickness went to the vet and got travel sickness pills called ACP Tablets and the work a treat no issues when travelling only trying to get the cat to swallow them. Take your cat and enjoy.

Jul 20, 2005
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It's not uncommon to see cats on leads on continental campsites. I have seen them being walked on a lead and also tethered (on a long lead) underneath caravans. However, since the French are largely a national of apartment dwellers, these cats are probably largely "indoor" cats. All have seemed perfectly happy though.

Mar 14, 2005
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Until her much regretted demise age 17 our cat caravanned with us everywhere.


Cat bed at home in a medium size pet carrier, but withfront grille removed. In transit, carrier, with grille, on backseats of car but facing foward not across.

In caravan bed in carrier without grille. Ideally in van with seperate toilet room and shower. i made false floor for shower which held fod bowl and litter tray. Propped shower cubicle door slightly open so cat had access any time.

Walked on lead but with small dog harness, not just collar as cat's necks are relatively weak. If on a nice shady pitch put out a stake and long lead but always with length to get back into van if scared.

When getting very old put small heating pad under bed, so it could be warm - sort of thing sold in chemists for easing pain in (human) joints.

When at home and van door open, cat always went into van for siesta.

Great conversation starter when walking her round pitch on lead.
Nov 5, 2006
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we took our cat away with us several times 1st time when she was about 9, we started by letting the cat get used to going in the caravan on is own, get it used to a harness then a lead. If still worried you can buy a locater at
Nov 7, 2006
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Friends of ours take their 3 cats caravanning with them. They put up a awning leaving the cat loo in there. If they can the cats go on a lead for a walk around the site, well at least i can remember 1 of them doing that. They are well organized with their cats and dont seems to have problems with them.
Aug 4, 2004
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Ours goes with us whenever we go out in the caravan and on site she not tethered and allow to roam free however she does not wander far and stays around the vicinity of the caravan. We keep her loo in the awning or under the caravan.


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