Charges to take your dog Caravaning

Oct 11, 2008
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I have been looking at sites to go to this year and although i realise pitch prices where going to go up , i wasn't ready for how much taking you dog with you was going to cost.
I don't mind paying £1 BUT £2.50 - £5.10 a night is outrageous. I cant think what my dog uses that warrants this kind of fee. She is hardly going to use the showers or toilets and we don't use anymore water or electricity because she is with us.
I also find it annoying because i phoned one site that was pricing the pitch on 2 adults and 2 children and asked as we was just a couple ,with no children ,could our dog go free, as we was paying the same as a family. They where very sorry but no.When i asked why and what my dog got for the money, no one could give me an answer.
One reason we caravan is because our dog can come too but i feel the campsites are being really unfair in their pricing and i would like any caravan site owners to justify to me their reason
So this year if i have to pay anymore than a £1 for my dog,me and my dog will be using the shower

Rant over lol
Jan 19, 2008
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This has been discussed many times Gazza and we know your frustrations.
The only reason I can think of why they charge high prices is to deter those with dogs. If so why not say 'No dogs.' At least their policy would be clear and it wouldn't bother me. Afterall there are adult only sites. No doubt they would like you to be taken as a mug and pay their prices but don't give them the satisfaction of ripping you off, the greedy *********s.
Do the same as most of us, don't pay the prices. None of the clubs charge as neither do many of the CLs or CSs.
If the site is something special with decent walks for the dogs just off site I don't mind paying 50p per night or if I'm in a generous mood, which is rarely, I might go to a quid. Rare these days though with so much choice of people who aren't thieving gits
Feb 16, 2009
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If ever the two clubs introduced this then l would pack it in, our two Yorkies when they see the van on the drive are demented until they are in the car and on their way, it would be disastrous to pay these sort of prices. Since the price of beer has gone through the roof pubs in our area that didn't allow dogs have suddenly become dog friendly same thing can happen to the sites that charge exorbitant prices, as Dusty says move on that way they mey get the message.
Mar 7, 2009
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£5 a night they had walk them for me feed them and tuck them up in bed for that price

free or £1 i will go for any more and i won't even look at the site the one reason we have a van is to holiday with the dogs they love it
the first thing we check is dog walk on or very near then how much they charge and we have been to some great sites so they can have all my holiday money and the greedy ones can go without it
Nov 11, 2009
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We were going to the Forest Holidays site in Savernake Forest which now comes under C&C Club. Howver when we saw the charge of £3 per dog per night decided against using that site and CL'd instead. The FH site did not have showers or toilets and that was fine by us for a short winter stop (4 nights) but £24 for the dogs is a joke when the overall fees were quite similar to the two main clubs.
May 15, 2010
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Dog owners just don't get it! Not everyone welcomes dogs on sites. the situation is out of hand. Last season, a van turned up with 4 large dogs next to me. Nice people, but I hate to think that I might have been the next user of their pitch. And what about those who allow their animals to soil the site? Or wander loose? NEVER me! I hear the dog owners say. But we all know that it happens no matter how vigilant the owners/managers. I say, 'live and let live', but dog owners should be segregated so that the rest of us do not have to use their contaminated pitches. And, yes, dog owners should be charged otherwise we shall soon be overrun by dogs whose owners seem to think that sites are simply a cheap and convenient way to avoid kenneling costs.
Aug 4, 2004
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oldagetraveller said:
we shall soon be overrun by dogs whose owners seem to think that sites are simply a cheap and convenient way to avoid kenneling costs.
That is the very reason why we bought a caravan and take our dogs with us. Not every one can afford to pay hundreds to kennel a dog or two for a week! As someone on a limited pension I could not afford to caravan and also afford to have our two dogs in a kennel for a week!
Costs are the main issue for us and also it is nice to have your dogs with you as companions as they are better companions than some human beings around us. If you don't like dogs, there are plenty of dog free sites to visit. BTW our pussy comes caravanning with us so hopefully there is no objection or charge for her.
May 15, 2010
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You have just proved the point! You have become caravanners, not because you like the way of life, but because it's a cheap option for you. Never mind about those who don't like dogs on camp sites! Where are there 'plenty of dog free sites'? I know of precious few. As I said, live and let live. Invariably, dog owners are pleasant, interesting people. I enjoy their company - but not their dogs. Give them a dedicated part of the campsite but, PLEASE, don't ask me to share their pitches.I have been accused of being a 'Mr Grumpy', but if no one says anything, dog owners will very soon swamp our campsites.
May 15, 2010
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Hello, Dustydog.
Why am I Mr Grumpy - simply because I have the temerity to state a case against dogs on campsites? Everyone should have the chance to participate in this great pastime of ours, but we MUST respect all views. For and against!
Jun 20, 2005
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No problem Oldagetraveller.
I merely asked tongue in cheek if you were Mr Grumpy, not accused, and nor would I accuse.

The dog thing comes up year after year . As a dogowner I freely admit there are those caravanners who do not pick up or let their pooches poo. They are a disgrace and I for one am not adverse to saying something.
By design I always try and pitch near the dog walk so as not to offend other users such as you.
In general terms I cannot unilaterally accept your statement:-
but dog owners should be segregated so that the rest of us do not have to use their contaminated pitches. And, yes, dog owners should be charged otherwise we shall soon be overrun by dogs whose owners seem to think that sites are simply a cheap and convenient way to avoid kenneling costs.
May 15, 2010
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Hello, again, Dustydog.
No offence taken! Quite simply, it really worries me that over the last few years, the number of dogs on sites have increased out of all proportion. Are you able to coherently explain what objection you might have to segregation? That way, you and I might be able to meet some day and i'm sure we would have much in common!!
Jun 20, 2005
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Segregation is difficult. What if the dog owner and non dog owner are disabled and need to be near the showers?
Would the non dogs end up on inferior pitches well away from the services?
In principle I have no objections to the idea but in practice I suspect it will be very difficult to organise.
Then there will be those who do not want to be near children or party animals; and so it goes on.
Certainly I shall enjoy a beer and a woof woof if we happen to meet somewhere.
Aug 11, 2010
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Have to agree with Oldagetraveller here. Whats wrong with an area being set aside for dog owners? How could any dog owner be against that?
Is it fair to inflict your likes on others regardless of their feelings!? having camped next to a family with two huge dogs, and having to put up with the mess they made from food bowls spillages, and indeed "mess" including peeing up my car! and indeed the unfriendliness that came about simply from my wife pointing things out, and doing so politely too ! I thing its a great idea to keep them together.
The other option? you end up camped next to me, who will offer you drinks and kindness, until you upset my wife, then you move pitch.
Although i do find it rather unfair that they actually charge for dogs in the first place
May 15, 2010
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What a sensible contribution! I repeat that I am not anti-dog. I just don't want to use a pitch previously occupied by them. As to charging, I would happily contribute to segregation costs. Dog owners - bless them - seem so wrapped up with their pets that they seem oblivious to the needs -and rights - of fellow campers. Pity, because in all other ways they are generally quite normal!
Jan 19, 2008
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I personnally wouldn't have any problems against parts of the site being for dog owners but like DD said, it would be hard to put into practice. People who wish this though shouldn't be so selfish and think of those who also would like to see those with kids segregated. While at it couldn't there be a few pitches put aside in private for those who like to sunbathe in the buff or those who like to sit in their awnings until the small hours making a noise. I'd better stop now although in this democratic country of ours others wishes should also be taken into consideration, not just those who don't like dogs.
As a dog owner I always try to get a pitch near the dog walk. This stems from when we had a 16 year old dog but we still try to do this. Not because our dogs will do a dump but they may pee first thing in the morning but we make sure that this isn't on any others pitch. Unfortunately, unlike humans, dogs don't wear Tena pads and aren't catheterised so the odd accident will occur.
Of the hundreds of sites I've visited I've yet to see any dumps on the main site although I have seen the occasional dog do a dump but the owner has picked it up. My main complaint is those who DO NOT pick it up off the dog walks but as non dog owners this shouldn't concern the segregationists.
Now dog barking. Yes, mine bark. This is what dogs do so get over it. What they don't do is moan and whinge like humans. Incessant barking is another matter. Those who don't like this, which includes myself, have two options. Either speak to the owners or the wardens.
I also caravan because of the dogs but not because it's either a cheap or cheaper option. The reason is because we love our dogs and they are part of our family (not child substitute, we've had them) and there is no way I would put them in kennels. Cost doesn't come in to it because I wouldn't want to be parted from them for that long.
As a dog owner and when looking for sites I've come across quite a few who don't allow dogs. Thankfully the clubs won't be among them because it was reported by the CC that around 40% of members are dog owners.
Back to the original post it was about the costs that some sites charge and what do they get for their money. Precious little in some cases.
As I said before, at least the clubs don't charge but then again the use of the showers blocks will be in the nightly fee but we rarely use those although I don't moan about it. Swings and roundabouts.
BTW oldagetraveller, you are right, most dog owners are very nice people who like to chat, that is one of the points we have found that's benificial since having dogs. Great icebreakers and when chatting with other dog owners it's not just about dogs, it's usually caravanning in general.
Sadly like all groups of people there are those that for reasons only known to themselves are anti-social and don't follow the rules of keeping dogs on leads or picking up the dogs dumps (once again my pet hate). What baffles me is I can never catch them letting their dogs do it so can only surmise it's those who walk their dogs late at night when it's dark.
May 15, 2010
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I don't think that there is much between us! There's room for all. But I remain seriously worried about the explosion of campers with dogs over the last few years. it started with the odd single dog - now it's not unusual to see vans turn up with 3 or even 4 dogs. It's just got out of hand. A compromise - how about 1st dog free, then a really steep increase for 2nd, 3rd etc??
Jan 19, 2008
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oldagetraveller said:
A compromise - how about 1st dog free, then a really steep increase for 2nd, 3rd etc??

Sorry oldagetraveller, I can't agree.
Where is the fairness in your proposal when comparing the size of our two dogs compared to a bigger dog. We have two miniature schnauzers and the combined weight or output wouldn't be as much as one labrador.
Where do we stop with these additional site costs. How about a T/A paying more than a 2 berth. After all our footprint is smaller than a larger van with ours only having one axle. I envisage us all driving onto a weighbridge in the future before paying site fees and paying by size and weight

I'd be totally against onsite kennels though

At one time we had three small dogs which we could manage but I have to agree with you regarding having four or more large dogs. Even if well behaved they must have been a handfull. I saw a female couple with six large dogs at Englethwaite Hall last year and they were pegged down by their leads on the edge of a wood. I didn't inspect the pitch after they'd left but I'd lay money down that the dogs dumped there.
While at this site I saw a dog roaming around and pestering other dogs. It also piddled over everything higher than 6 inches and I saw it take a dump. I couldn't catch it and it came around again later in the day. It was making a nuisance of itself with someone who had a Jack Russell and we both moaned and agreed about irresponsible dog owners and how they should be banned. This chap then went and reported it to the wardens who came straight away. It transpired that this dog, and a later arrival, both belonged to the farm next door and there was nothing they could do. The dogs weren't nasty but no doubt some, like us, blamed other campers about dogs dumping and being out of control.
As the warden pointed out this was the dogs territory and for 5 months of the year they had it to themselves.
BTW ours live in the caravan, not the awning, so apart from paw prints on the gravel there shouldn't be any more contamination
Jan 21, 2014
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I would have no problem with an area on site segregated for dog owners, in fact, we always ask for, or choose a pitch as close to the dog walk as possible - however, I draw the line at having to pay extra for our dog, that's why we only use club sites, CL's/CS's.
Jun 20, 2005
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Wendy-Norfolk said:
I would have no problem with an area on site segregated for dog owners, in fact, we always ask for, or choose a pitch as close to the dog walk as possible - however, I draw the line at having to pay extra for our dog, that's why we only use club sites, CL's/CS's.
Now then Wendy
You know full well I always book the pitch nearest the dog walk so Pinky and Perky can relieve themselves well away from the site

I've yet to go on a CL where the CL dog doesn't come and greet us and go where he/she wants.

I 'm all for the peaceful life but I must say here the biggest nuisance are the boozed up homo sapiens gobbing off and using four letter word derivitives at two in the morning.
Relax on the dogs and the kids ; it's just the few idiots who ruin it for the rest of us. I.m watching them
Mar 12, 2011
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Travelling with a dog doesn't mean we have two heads.
Why not just segregate folks with young kids in one area, teenagers in another. You could also split your UK sites in to segments with those that can read in one section, music lovers by genre in mini segments and the noisy bludgers with satellite systems and loud TV's on the rough patch by the waste dumpsters.
We teamed up with Spud Dog nearly two years ago when we were sorting wheels and caravan. He doesn't pee or poop on site and he keeps himself to himself much like us and he only ever barks at cats that run away from him. He's never found one on a camping ground.
Last year we headed to Europe, dog friendly France where they even have dogs on seats in restaurants. What a difference to the Pom sites, quiet and polite kids, self imposed noise curfew. Take a look at your own and others camping ground histionics, dogs are fine.
We don't pay for Spud, he doesn't use any facilities.
Jan 21, 2014
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Dustydog said:
Wendy-Norfolk said:
I would have no problem with an area on site segregated for dog owners, in fact, we always ask for, or choose a pitch as close to the dog walk as possible - however, I draw the line at having to pay extra for our dog, that's why we only use club sites, CL's/CS's.
I've yet to go on a CL where the CL dog doesn't come and greet us and go where he/she wants.

Relax on the dogs and the kids ; it's just the few idiots who ruin it for the rest of us. I.m watching them
Totally agree, DD. It's always the minority who spoil it for all of us!

We have a CL which we use from time to time. The farm labrador always greet us with an enormous calling card, and if not watched carefully will have a discreet pee up the awning - we aren't bothered at all!!
Aug 6, 2010
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Last year, when going to Haven sites they were charging £3 per night per dog, but they do seem to have reduced this to £1 per night per dog which is reasonable. I've never understood why our two Jack Russels cost more than a Great Dane though. Our dogs have a bit of noise output, we clear up all the other output. I have only ever found fellow humans to be offensive, all the dogs seem fine. I certainly don't agree with segregation - having a dog part of the caravan site is like a smoking part of the pub or a peeing end of the swimming pool. Completely pointless.


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