Chef Boutonne

Mar 14, 2005
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Am thinking of going to Chef Boutonne in the Poitou-Charente region this July. The site is Camping le Moulin. Just wondered if anyone else has been there and, if so, any thoughts?
Mar 14, 2005
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I went a couple of uyears ago in a wet Spring and was not too impressed. Most pitches were grass and it was very soggy, with quite narrow site roads. They eventually offered me a pitch in the static area, but this was quite unsuitable for a big van, so we left.

I shall probably bring down wrath from on high, but I'm afraid to say that our experience with (7) Brit-owned sites in France has been overwhelmingly poor and none of them feature on our "go back to" list. Some obviously run by people who have never caravanned, have no idea about manouevering outfits, and gernerally expect a premium price for indifferent facilites just for the "benefit" of speaking English.


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