Children on Bikes cutting through your pitch! ARGGGGGGGGH

May 4, 2005
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Depends how fast ;O)

We had a small girl in Cornwall recently ride though 4 or 5 times . Each time she passed she was singing to herself.

Quite sweet really.
May 20, 2006
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I agree, i hate it.

My mate took his brand new virgin van for a trial weekend up in brecon, on the first day he came back from a pub lunch to find a big handlebar dent in the side of the van, very noticable.

No one owned up to it of course.
Aug 30, 2007
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It is sad that kids cannot ride where they like - I think we would all like that in an ideal world.

But the handlebar dent post above made me wince

Luckily we only had a kiddy ride into our awning side - no harm done really.

But even then the parents turned their backs on us so they "couldn't see" what happened.

With a caravan that cost us many
Jan 19, 2008
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Darce, this debate has taken place many times. One comment will always stick in my mind though. The poster argued that children should be allowed their freedom and if they damage anyones van the person will have insurance.

This is the moronic attitude of some and it's these type of people who you will never get to see sense , well at least not until their own sprogs have flew the nest and their van gets damaged. They will play a different tune then.
Mar 14, 2005
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Whilst holidaying in Benodet the site was subdivided into small area of 6 caravans. The next but one block of vans were either French or German holiday makers. I was sitting looking out to see when I noticed just a short distance up the beach a teanage boy practicing his golf swings - straight into that caravan bay. Imagine the damage a golf ball could do to either a person or a caravan. I don't know what nationality he was but I was just waiting for a ball to come my way and then possibly the third world war might have broken out. No sign of any parent with him and he seemed oblivious to all other holiday makers on the beach or site.
May 10, 2006
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Darce, this debate has taken place many times. One comment will always stick in my mind though. The poster argued that children should be allowed their freedom and if they damage anyones van the person will have insurance.

This is the moronic attitude of some and it's these type of people who you will never get to see sense , well at least not until their own sprogs have flew the nest and their van gets damaged. They will play a different tune then.
Interesting comment about freedom.Do you you have a guideline as to where freedom begins and ends for children.Ie ,a 7 year old riding a bike against a 14 year old riding a bike.Would an age difference make one action an accident and another action intent.
Jan 19, 2008
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Darce, this debate has taken place many times. One comment will always stick in my mind though. The poster argued that children should be allowed their freedom and if they damage anyones van the person will have insurance.

This is the moronic attitude of some and it's these type of people who you will never get to see sense , well at least not until their own sprogs have flew the nest and their van gets damaged. They will play a different tune then.
There should be no such thing as accident OR intent or their ages. Kids shouldn't be riding their bikes across people pitches, as simple as that. When parents take full responsibilty for their offspring it will end the bad feeling and posts such as this thread, also children will be safer and wont end up like the poor 4 year old at York.
May 10, 2006
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There should be no such thing as accident OR intent or their ages. Kids shouldn't be riding their bikes across people pitches, as simple as that. When parents take full responsibilty for their offspring it will end the bad feeling and posts such as this thread, also children will be safer and wont end up like the poor 4 year old at York.
Agree with your comments(so so),but try telling that to a 7 year old boy who thinks your caravan is a big white flying saucer on wheels(in his mind)and he is on the Starship Chopper.One of the joys of caravanning i have found is to let let my children freely use the site(with respect,and from a young age).Theres not many places nowadays, that you can let your children out of your view(feeling safe).If the said child(age ????) had crashed into your van--what would be your first reaction.And with respect , i dont think the York incident to our debate,although very tragic
Jan 19, 2008
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Darce, this debate has taken place many times. One comment will always stick in my mind though. The poster argued that children should be allowed their freedom and if they damage anyones van the person will have insurance.

This is the moronic attitude of some and it's these type of people who you will never get to see sense , well at least not until their own sprogs have flew the nest and their van gets damaged. They will play a different tune then.
LOL DHL7, if your little boy thinks my caravan is a flying saucer you must cut down on the amount of coke he drinks ;O)

Regarding riding bikes into caravans or the tragic incident with the 4 year old at York, they are similar. Both a caravan and a car are hard items compared to a body when hit.
May 10, 2006
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LOL DHL7, if your little boy thinks my caravan is a flying saucer you must cut down on the amount of coke he drinks ;O)

Regarding riding bikes into caravans or the tragic incident with the 4 year old at York, they are similar. Both a caravan and a car are hard items compared to a body when hit.
With respect--is the (LOL) at the beginning of comment and the ;O at the end , good or bad,sorry im still new to posting debateable replys
Mar 29, 2005
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Absolutely, I don't let my grandchildren run amok, I keep them under control. The answer is get a dog that hates kids, they don't come back the second time!!!!

The other thing is the sites should put big signs up on the play areas saying No Children allowed in here, then they'd probably all go to where they should be in the first place.

Jul 4, 2006
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Lets get a balanced view on this shall we: We hate miserable people who sit scowling at younger families with children. These miserable people tend to turn their tv's up too loud, cover their pitch with awnings and wind breaks, come back really late at night and leave the car engine running for ages for some bizarre reason never seem to leave the site as they appear to have no friends, stay on the same pitch every year for the last 20 years and therefore think they own the whole site. They like nothing better than to set their dogs on innocent people and children and therefore intimidate them. They are usually cowards who would shout at a child but wouldn't dream of approaching the adult - in my day these people were called bullies. They are also the one's who would probably back into someones car in car park and drive off - you know who you are - oh but woe betide and person who comes anywhere near anything they own. As you might gather this post has made me rather upset. Approach me and prove that my children have damaged your property and I will gladly pay for any damage, shout at my children for being within 100yards of your van and you will receive my wrath very quickly. I will request that you refrain from the observations above. Fairs fair.
May 5, 2005
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last time a ball was kicked up our van it was the father with a caseball who did not offer to pay for damage but f88ked off into his van quickly.We take a foam ball for our grandchildren to play with I am not anti children just anti damage


Aug 26, 2007
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What is it with you lot? You were kids once or are you all too old & grumpy to remember??????????????? I hope I don't ever pitch my caravan near any of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jul 4, 2006
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I am neither old nor grumpy. I'm young with a young family with well behaved polite children who are scared of dogs and many of the adults on site because the adults behave in a threatening way. So that I can offend virtually everyone in my quest for fairs fair treatment, I forgot to mention dog owners whose dogs poo everywhere , who bark day and night and who are allowed at times to run free around sites.
Jul 11, 2005
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Lets get a balanced view on this shall we: We hate miserable people who sit scowling at younger families with children. These miserable people tend to turn their tv's up too loud, cover their pitch with awnings and wind breaks, come back really late at night and leave the car engine running for ages for some bizarre reason never seem to leave the site as they appear to have no friends, stay on the same pitch every year for the last 20 years and therefore think they own the whole site. They like nothing better than to set their dogs on innocent people and children and therefore intimidate them. They are usually cowards who would shout at a child but wouldn't dream of approaching the adult - in my day these people were called bullies. They are also the one's who would probably back into someones car in car park and drive off - you know who you are - oh but woe betide and person who comes anywhere near anything they own. As you might gather this post has made me rather upset. Approach me and prove that my children have damaged your property and I will gladly pay for any damage, shout at my children for being within 100yards of your van and you will receive my wrath very quickly. I will request that you refrain from the observations above. Fairs fair.
Dont get your knickers in a twist!
Jul 11, 2005
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I am neither old nor grumpy. I'm young with a young family with well behaved polite children who are scared of dogs and many of the adults on site because the adults behave in a threatening way. So that I can offend virtually everyone in my quest for fairs fair treatment, I forgot to mention dog owners whose dogs poo everywhere , who bark day and night and who are allowed at times to run free around sites.
Look at the time its the drink talking.
May 21, 2008
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Hold on here a minit guys before your dollies fall out of your prams!!!

As a parent who caravanned with 2 kids for 15 years and had anything upto 4 Labradors with us during that time, I can honestly say that the cause of 99% of problems are caused by poor parental control or education of respect for others.

Our kids had their fun and enjoyment and worked within guidelines we set down. (read my comments in the York incident).

They always let us know where they were and very often we had the site managers comment on how well behaved they were.

AS for dogs craping everywhere. They don't know any better unless the OWNER bothers to train them!! Or not as is often the case.

All our dogs were trained by us to wait for their food to be put down and sit there until we told them it was ok to eat and simlarly they were trained to go to the loo when told. In other words they wouldn't go until we reached the dog run. Finally we picked up any mess caused by the dogs and often had a ready supply of 20/30 bags a day to give to other "not so particular" dog owners.

Our dogs wanted to be with us and as such would walk with us without a lead, but out of respect and curtiousy to fellow campers we used leads while on site. When you have dogs that want you, you realy have got a family pet. Dogs that have to be constantly told off or dragged by the lead have not been trained and have no respect for the owners. Also though 50% of dog training is owner training so that they understand their dog's needs.



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