Children on Bikes cutting through your pitch! ARGGGGGGGGH

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Aug 4, 2004
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What is wrong with scowling at mis-behaving children? I have my TV slightly louder than average because I have a hearing problem but not os that it inconveniences other people I hope. I paid good money for my awning and windbreaks, why shouldn't I use them? What is wrong with staying on the same pitch for 20 years. If people in statics can stay 20 yhears on site why can't a touring van have a pitch for 20 years? Nothing wrong with dogs barking at children who come inside your awning without permission and then wonder why the dog gets aggressive. Although I may do all the above , I do not drive off if damaging someone elses property. If children damage another person's property in most cases it is highly unlikely that the parents will cough up for the repair. or the parents will get confrontational.

I think you really need to get a life before sprouting nonsense about other people or are you one of those whose kids are always angels and can do no wrong?
Jul 4, 2006
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Theres nothing like a few assumptions to bring out the best and as is demonstrated to excellent effect in the posts the worst in lots of people.

Lets start with one of the assumptions about anyone who posts here around 11pm - well we must all be drunk. (see comment).

The purpose of my posts was to show that making assumptions, about others only leads to conflict. Anyone reading my first post and then the second sensibly would realise that - I took a selection of preconceived faulty beliefs about certain groups or individuals i.e all children are bad, all dogs misbehave, all people without kids are miserable etc etc. There's nothing like adding a bit of emotion to it to really get the whole thing going, as in saying someone is unhappy about a situation or upset.

What this has demonstrated is that it seems given the right stimulus some people behave in a particlar way dependant on the core beliefs, experiences and upbringing.

I doubt very much this will ever change but it does give us interesting and stimulting discussion.

For my part no offence was meant - perhaps the original postee should also decide whether they need to make further comment.

ps smile you've been framed.
Jan 19, 2008
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What is it with you lot? You were kids once or are you all too old & grumpy to remember??????????????? I hope I don't ever pitch my caravan near any of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I do to Tanya because from your post it comes over that you are one of those who let their kids run riot. If a caravan gets damaged so what, kids will be kids. Sighhhhhh.
Dec 27, 2006
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I agree that kids are entitled to enjoy themselves on site like anyone else, and it is nice to see them having fun. But at home kids dont ride through my back garden , so when away with the van I dont see why I should have to tolerate them riding through the pitch I have paid for.


Aug 26, 2007
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I do to Tanya because from your post it comes over that you are one of those who let their kids run riot. If a caravan gets damaged so what, kids will be kids. Sighhhhhh.
Not at all Lord B. I have 2 children who are very well behaved, not 100% of the time as no child is but I certainly do not let them run riot. Respect for other people & their belongings is very important. However I do take full responsibility over their actions & am teaching them to do the same. If they were ever to damage anyone's property be it on a site or school or home I would make sure they take responsibilty. I am not a parent who would hide! It doesn't help when you get miserable adults with no manners. Doesn't set a good example! Maybe there should be more sites that are for 'Families Only'. Peolpe can discriminate against children, why not the other way round?!!!
Jul 30, 2007
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I think many of people's grievances come from the fact that the caravanning community is generally made up two main groups ie, older people and people with kids.

Each of these groups tends to like things at oppostite ends of the spectrum. Older vanners prefer quietness, families tend to be noisier.

I realise this is a sweeping generalisation, but was just thinking about it, pitched at Blair Castle site, watching all the kids at the playarea and seeing older couples peacefully wandering around.


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