Having looked at motor movers for our new Bailey Ranger 460/2 I have been told by each manufacturer that theirs is most obviously the best and they have given me various reasons why each of the others is less good.
If I list the difficulties they suggested perhaps owners could comment.
1. A manufacturer who does not offer a cross bar engager(engage/access from one side)suggested that the torsional loads on them were horrible and that they would cause problems. He would not offer one as they were an awful idea. We need one as we only have access to one side when in storage. Do they work OK?
2. Does the Reich unit suffer from gravel being picked up by the tyre & lodging between the roller and the channel in which it fits. I have looked & there does not appear much clearance but is it a problem? We have a gravel drive.
3. Does anyone have a SimPark? Any thoughts?
4. The manufacturer who does not offer a cross bar suggested leaving the mover engaged permanantly when in store. This does not sound like it will do the tyre any good but I welcome your experience.
5. Do I need a 110ah leisure battery or will a lighter smaller battery suffice?
6. What are the relative merits of the metal v "abrasive" type rollers.
If I list the difficulties they suggested perhaps owners could comment.
1. A manufacturer who does not offer a cross bar engager(engage/access from one side)suggested that the torsional loads on them were horrible and that they would cause problems. He would not offer one as they were an awful idea. We need one as we only have access to one side when in storage. Do they work OK?
2. Does the Reich unit suffer from gravel being picked up by the tyre & lodging between the roller and the channel in which it fits. I have looked & there does not appear much clearance but is it a problem? We have a gravel drive.
3. Does anyone have a SimPark? Any thoughts?
4. The manufacturer who does not offer a cross bar suggested leaving the mover engaged permanantly when in store. This does not sound like it will do the tyre any good but I welcome your experience.
5. Do I need a 110ah leisure battery or will a lighter smaller battery suffice?
6. What are the relative merits of the metal v "abrasive" type rollers.