Christmas For Mr Clarkson's

Apr 11, 2005
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Lib Dems give TV's Clarkson a bike Wednesday December 21, 02:42 PM

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TV motormouth Jeremy Clarkson has received an early, if unlikely, Christmas present - a bicycle from the Liberal Democrats.

The Top Gear presenter and newspaper columnist - who once told cyclists 'do not cruise through red lights because if I'm coming the other way, I will run you down, for fun' - was presented with the gift in a bid to change his attitudes towards those on two wheels.

Lib Dem transport spokesman Tom Brake MP hand delivered the bike, a Christmas card and the letter to the BBC's headquarters in an attempt to convert the car fanatic to a greener form of transport.

But the star was not available to collect his gift in person.

Later Mr Brake said: "It is important that someone who is as prominent and influential as Jeremy Clarkson, should adopt greener modes of transport such as cycling.

"Mr Clarkson has derided cyclists and maybe the gift of a bike will make him change his mind. We hope Jeremy will realise that cycling is a healthy and environmentally friendly alternative to driving.

"Cycling is a great way of shedding those unwanted extra festive pounds and keeping fit. If, of course, Jeremy doesn't want the bike we will ensure it is given to an appropriate charity."

Earlier this year road safety campaigners Transport 200 urged BBC bosses to axe Top Gear for "glamorising speed".

A spokesman said: "If we must have Jeremy Clarkson on the television, let's give him something useful to do, such as trying out public transport or road-testing new bicycles."

Mr Clarkson's agent was not available for comment.
Jan 19, 2008
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There isn't one thing I like about the man, I dislike his whole personna and it has nothing to do with his hatred for caravans. He has the talent and wit of a used teabag. I think his popularity is mainly with men and has something to do with the macho image of driving fast cars. The reason they say they are like that is because it is an extension of their lower appendage.
Jan 19, 2008
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There isn't one thing I like about the man, I dislike his whole personna and it has nothing to do with his hatred for caravans. He has the talent and wit of a used teabag. I think his popularity is mainly with men and has something to do with the macho image of driving fast cars. The reason they say they are like that is because it is an extension of their lower appendage.
p.s. he's ugly as well, and yes he is a hulk, he has the looks of the Incredible Hulk heheheh!
Mar 14, 2005
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LB - this is going to have to be the second thing we disagree entirely on - the first being hunting with dogs.

If you read his regular column in the Sunday Times he is not only a competent analyst of what is going on in our lives but able to put it across in such a way that the stupidity of what we often take as "acceptable" is laid bare for all to see.

The best one in my view was his analysis of the drive within the EU for a common currency and metrification. Enormous sums of money have been spent on this "unification" but you cannot travel across the EU without a bag full of adapters for your laptop as all the electrical sockets differ from country to country.

I watch what he says on caravans and have a laugh because I disagree with him. But, I watch what he says about cyclists and agree with him on this point.

I have been on pelican and zebra crossings when cyclists have barged through. I have seen a lady shout at one of them and get a mouthful of abuse. I have myself had to brake hard at a traffic light controlled junction because of a cyclist deciding that the red light does not apply to him.

My braking was pure reaction. The car behind had to swerve. If and when it happens again I too would not be that concerned if it was the cyclist, who was in the wrong, that was on the receiving end.

Don't get me wrong - I have a MTB that I use regularly but I think you will find that Jeremy Clarkson is against those cyclists who flout the Traffic laws rather than those of us who use bikes sensibly and within the law.

On a political satire note I am LMAO over this because if the Lib Dems think their action is going to help them win votes when the Conservatives have brought Bob Geldof on board for advice on a far more important issue then it underlines clearly the woolly minded thinking of some.
Mar 16, 2005
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clarkson, annoys me most of the time, but i take a pinch

of salt with some of the things he says, as i believe he does

it on for the bike thing, its a no win situation.

have you seen on some major and minor roads, the traffic lights

are set back a little further from the junction,and infront of

them is a cyclebox?now this is law, and yet doesn't make total

sense as it gives bikes right of way to pass you and get to the

front of the Q this means they then shoot off infront of you,

means you have to retake over them, poss many times as you make

your way through busy traffic,which can be anoying.

on the otherhand, if every bicycle,was to form a nice straight line, then everyones progress would be even slower.

i don't rid a pushbike, as i feel it is far too dangerous,as even if you ride courtious, you will come accross far to many

cars, vans ect that do not.infact they don't even know half the

faults they have themselfs.

eg. i drive a lorry, now trying to get out of london, can be a knightmare. you have alot of those yellow boxes at major and minor road junctions, you know the ones you cannot go on,unless

the road you are going onto is clear. now a lot of these have cameras on them, and to be caught on one is an offence. so you wait to enter when you know there is 30 foot clear for you to pull onto it,but it never happens,why cause cars shoot round you

and because they are smaller they can squeeze across.

i got a ticket on one for being caught by the cameras and because the courts don't listen, i had to appeal and take in 20

minutes of film evidence to prove my piont.

so what is my piont? well if you are driving correctly and using

ALL your mirrors, then its unlikely a bicyclist can take you by

supprise,unless you are not giving your full attention to all

road conditions.

passed my bike test a few years back[mid life crissis?]you

have to do a theory test now, i learned a lot,but then was told

that really i had forgotten too much...
Jan 19, 2008
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LB - this is going to have to be the second thing we disagree entirely on - the first being hunting with dogs.

If you read his regular column in the Sunday Times he is not only a competent analyst of what is going on in our lives but able to put it across in such a way that the stupidity of what we often take as "acceptable" is laid bare for all to see.

The best one in my view was his analysis of the drive within the EU for a common currency and metrification. Enormous sums of money have been spent on this "unification" but you cannot travel across the EU without a bag full of adapters for your laptop as all the electrical sockets differ from country to country.

I watch what he says on caravans and have a laugh because I disagree with him. But, I watch what he says about cyclists and agree with him on this point.

I have been on pelican and zebra crossings when cyclists have barged through. I have seen a lady shout at one of them and get a mouthful of abuse. I have myself had to brake hard at a traffic light controlled junction because of a cyclist deciding that the red light does not apply to him.

My braking was pure reaction. The car behind had to swerve. If and when it happens again I too would not be that concerned if it was the cyclist, who was in the wrong, that was on the receiving end.

Don't get me wrong - I have a MTB that I use regularly but I think you will find that Jeremy Clarkson is against those cyclists who flout the Traffic laws rather than those of us who use bikes sensibly and within the law.

On a political satire note I am LMAO over this because if the Lib Dems think their action is going to help them win votes when the Conservatives have brought Bob Geldof on board for advice on a far more important issue then it underlines clearly the woolly minded thinking of some.
Clive old bean, the only time I give the Times a cursory glance is if my chips come wrapped in it heheheh!
Nov 1, 2005
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bikers always claim to need the same space on the road as a small car,but only when it suits them.ive started pushing in beside them at the lights the way they do to me.for some reason it deosnt please them.
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B. I totally agree with Clive V on this topic and think that you are totally misguided in the judgement of the man. The main thing I admire is his attitude to life and aooears to hell with the PC brigade. It was time someone in this country had the guts to stand up and, please or offend, speak his mind as he sees fit. I do not hold any admiration for the fact he appears to drive fast cars - if this is so good luck to him. I admire his personality rather that his driving.

Incidently following a previous posting it is evident that I do not always agree with your points of view - this is upposed to be a free thinking liberated country. All I hope is that you do not join these PC idiots and bring us all to book.

A prosperous and happy new year to you sir.
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B. I totally agree with Clive V on this topic and think that you are totally misguided in the judgement of the man. The main thing I admire is his attitude to life and aooears to hell with the PC brigade. It was time someone in this country had the guts to stand up and, please or offend, speak his mind as he sees fit. I do not hold any admiration for the fact he appears to drive fast cars - if this is so good luck to him. I admire his personality rather that his driving.

Incidently following a previous posting it is evident that I do not always agree with your points of view - this is upposed to be a free thinking liberated country. All I hope is that you do not join these PC idiots and bring us all to book.

A prosperous and happy new year to you sir.
the first line should read as "appears" sorry - fingers are ahead of the brain at this yime of year.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Colin

It would be very boring if we all had the same views. However, a mature responce to genuine diferences of opinion is to agree to disagree, not resort to abuse, fictitious facts or "off the wall" logic.

LB and I have found something else we disagree on - but I would put a
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Clive - on many postings I have no alternative but to agree as both yourself and Lord B make some very true and interesting comments generally, more so you than Lord B (God only knows how he bacame elevated to the Upper House). However as you state this is a free country where we have the right to agree to disagree. My only concern regarding Lord B is that should I disagree with him will I end up in the Tower as he may interpretate my action as treason, which I still think is a capital offence in this country.
Jan 19, 2008
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Phewwwwwwww thank Gord for that, I was beginning to think I was losing my touch. You two have been agreeing with me far too often as of late and I was getting worried that maybe the viagra was beginning to have an effect on my brain as well as other vital organs :O( Then I thought maybe it's because of the season of goodwill that the forum's gone boring because everyone is agreeing, if so roll on 2006 heheheh! Cheers ol' beans, hope the new year brings you happiness and gets your grey matter working to think of some new debating topics ;O) BTW Colin the only elevation I get is climbing the stairs to the Empire bar in the Upper House. Only Lisbet can send someone to the tower but there is a law that still hasn't been recinded, that is it's still legal to shoot a Welshman dead with a bow and arrow in High Town, Hereford on a Sunday and not be charged with a crime. Beware of Herefordians asking you to call for Sunday dinner Colin :O) heheh!
Mar 14, 2005
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Lord B you had better look out now as, if as you infered, cannot ban me to the tower, I will certainly be bringing you to task on future topics. Regarding the shooting of Welshmen in Hereford what makes you think it is now possible after so many years at Offa's ****. Many a Welshman has had the nickname "RHINO" for being so thick skinned. Mind you should I be in the area I will probably look for a bypass around the town in order not to be waylayed by English peasants from your estate.
Mar 14, 2005
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clarkson, annoys me most of the time, but i take a pinch

of salt with some of the things he says, as i believe he does

it on for the bike thing, its a no win situation.

have you seen on some major and minor roads, the traffic lights

are set back a little further from the junction,and infront of

them is a cyclebox?now this is law, and yet doesn't make total

sense as it gives bikes right of way to pass you and get to the

front of the Q this means they then shoot off infront of you,

means you have to retake over them, poss many times as you make

your way through busy traffic,which can be anoying.

on the otherhand, if every bicycle,was to form a nice straight line, then everyones progress would be even slower.

i don't rid a pushbike, as i feel it is far too dangerous,as even if you ride courtious, you will come accross far to many

cars, vans ect that do not.infact they don't even know half the

faults they have themselfs.

eg. i drive a lorry, now trying to get out of london, can be a knightmare. you have alot of those yellow boxes at major and minor road junctions, you know the ones you cannot go on,unless

the road you are going onto is clear. now a lot of these have cameras on them, and to be caught on one is an offence. so you wait to enter when you know there is 30 foot clear for you to pull onto it,but it never happens,why cause cars shoot round you

and because they are smaller they can squeeze across.

i got a ticket on one for being caught by the cameras and because the courts don't listen, i had to appeal and take in 20

minutes of film evidence to prove my piont.

so what is my piont? well if you are driving correctly and using

ALL your mirrors, then its unlikely a bicyclist can take you by

supprise,unless you are not giving your full attention to all

road conditions.

passed my bike test a few years back[mid life crissis?]you

have to do a theory test now, i learned a lot,but then was told

that really i had forgotten too much...

I have read many of your postings and find them actually quite difficult to read, because of the lack of conventional punctuation.

Please could you find the shift button to put capitals at the beginning of sentences, spaces after full stops and how about a few paragraph breaks.

Mar 14, 2005
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I have read many of your postings and find them actually quite difficult to read, because of the lack of conventional punctuation.

Please could you find the shift button to put capitals at the beginning of sentences, spaces after full stops and how about a few paragraph breaks.

Does that mean I have to start using paragraph as well John? One of the few ways I feel I'm not replying to a "clone" is the difference in the way people write things down. Surely you wouldn't want to take away our uniqueness? What next, a spell checkers?
Mar 14, 2005
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TThis stops here! Nobody badmouths "The Man" All you hypocrites (will be spell checking that word for sure), anti freedom advocates and general disbelievers need to take a step back and reassess your position on Clarky. Do you not see greatness when it stands before you? Ok, admittedly, you do need to look past that "Stig of the Dump" exterior and that fine malt whiskey fuelled drivel to examine what this man (nay god) is really about! I insist you read one of his books, I presume the library hasn't banned them, to find out exactly how observant this creature is. I for one would have him as Prime Minister any day, perhaps then we could put the Great back into Great Britain. And lets face it, you know he's only saying, what your thinking!

As for the caravan thingy, he doesn't really mean it......
Jul 12, 2005
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Two comments hold this man in a "special" place for me

1st one, when his wife pulled out on a motorbike in Europe and put the man in hospital for several months. Comment from him "She should have killed the scum"

2nd one, stating that people should string wires across country roads about motorcyclist neck height.

That special pace? This is somewhere with BIG spikes and little room!
Mar 14, 2005
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Two comments hold this man in a "special" place for me

1st one, when his wife pulled out on a motorbike in Europe and put the man in hospital for several months. Comment from him "She should have killed the scum"

2nd one, stating that people should string wires across country roads about motorcyclist neck height.

That special pace? This is somewhere with BIG spikes and little room!
Like I said, you need to look past the drivel to see the guiding light. He also told of Spain, welcomming the five billion plus funds from the European Union to help with modernising their country, coincidently a figure close to what we British put into the pot. Did you know you owned parts of Spain? Nope, well perhaps we should.


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