Christmas Lunch

Mar 14, 2005
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Many years ago a friend who had children older than ours told us that they cooked their Turkey (or whatever) on Christmas Eve afternoon - this allowed the cooked meat to "Rest" which apparently is good for it. Carving a cold Turkey is far easier and using a microwave makes heating it on the day easy

BUT - the main reason was that all it left them to do on Christmas morning was to cook the veg - leaving time to spend with the kids.

We tried it and what a difference - have been doing it ever since.

Anybody else do this?

If not I can highly recommend it - especially this year with Christmas Eve being the Saturday.
Dec 16, 2003
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I normallu go to bed early Christmas morning and then get up around 7 and take ten minutes to put Turkey going with Sausage stuffing etc an Bacon Wrap to keep moisure in and oinion and herbs in water on rack under the bird.

Latr morning as the family open presents and chat to friends around the world I do the veggies and Spuds ready for Lunch at 1.30 - 3pm.
Dec 16, 2003
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We have full selection of fresh veggies, sprouts, carrots, parsnips etc and I make fresh bread sauce as well and set the pudding going ready for dessert.

It all take a few minutes, the Turkey is always tender and moist and i took the job on over 25 years ago when we had our first child and mother inlaw and all the women were clucking around the babies.

If you can't knock out a good Xmas lunch in a short time whilst enjoying the festive morning and present opening I would start finding out where you are going wrong!
Mar 14, 2005
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Oh Well cris - whatever floats your boat.

We prefer the relaxation of not having to cook the Turkey on the day.

Nothing "wrong" as I see it.
Dec 16, 2003
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Well yeah, do what ever you want. But it does not take all mormning to cook a darn good Christmas Roast. And I would rather have freshly cooked moist food than risk warming Turkey in the MW.

5 mins to put it in the oven and then a minute to take it out and place on the carving dish to set the table off as ten or 12 of us sit down to lunch.

Never found it to be screwing up my relaxing Christmas day, no fuss no messing just keep the women out of the kitchen.
Mar 14, 2005
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CERTAINLY agree with the last point. The most annoying thing my wife does (and I love her dearly {she may read this!}) is that when I am cooking - which I do a lot for relaxation - she will come out and start to wash up all my cooking implements - THOSE THAT I HAVN'T FINNISHED USING!!!!

I go to stir something and the spoons gone!

The lid to cover whilst it simmers - in the Bl**dy dishwasher!

The sliced garlic ready to add about 10 min before serving (I like Garlic!) thrown away and the clove put back in the fridge!

We men may not be able to multitask but when we are in the kitchen we are best left alone.
Jan 21, 2014
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CERTAINLY agree with the last point. The most annoying thing my wife does (and I love her dearly {she may read this!}) is that when I am cooking - which I do a lot for relaxation - she will come out and start to wash up all my cooking implements - THOSE THAT I HAVN'T FINNISHED USING!!!!

I go to stir something and the spoons gone!

The lid to cover whilst it simmers - in the Bl**dy dishwasher!

The sliced garlic ready to add about 10 min before serving (I like Garlic!) thrown away and the clove put back in the fridge!

We men may not be able to multitask but when we are in the kitchen we are best left alone.

My hubby likes to do the cooking from time to time - he has the CHEEK to say " how come you make so much mess when you cook!!!"

How dare he! I'm the one doing the clearing up behind him!!GRRR!
Nov 2, 2005
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Sorry Clive Don't have turkey anyway, never have, well not since living at home with parents. Don,t like it.

We have duck.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hell Clive what the heck are you doing in the kitchen - you don't keep a dog and bark yourself. 7/6p was well spent back in 1968 - in fact the same price as a dog licence in those days.

It is for this reason that women get married in white - so that they match the kitchen utensils such as the fridge, cooker, washing machine,etc.
Jan 19, 2008
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Hell Clive what the heck are you doing in the kitchen - you don't keep a dog and bark yourself. 7/6p was well spent back in 1968 - in fact the same price as a dog licence in those days.

It is for this reason that women get married in white - so that they match the kitchen utensils such as the fridge, cooker, washing machine,etc.
....... and their feet are smaller so they can get closer to the sink :O)
Jan 19, 2008
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Lord B whereas I was stating fact you are becoming sexist in your comments.
.... I cant help it if their feet are smaller... obviosly sinks have been around a long time otherwise how else over the millenium would they have evolved to be smaller. :OP


Mar 14, 2005
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Hell Clive what the heck are you doing in the kitchen - you don't keep a dog and bark yourself. 7/6p was well spent back in 1968 - in fact the same price as a dog licence in those days.

It is for this reason that women get married in white - so that they match the kitchen utensils such as the fridge, cooker, washing machine,etc.
Well said Colin. Don't forget they should never have given us the vote too. Lord B, my feet are size three.

Mar 14, 2005
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Another quick test that complements the "small feet test" that I have passed onto my sons is the "elbow test". It works like this stand by a wall and ask your prospective girlfriend/secretary etc to place her hands on the back of he head and bring the elbows round so that they are in front and the bent arms parralel.

Then ask her to walk up to the wall.

If the elbows touch the wall before anything else she fails the test!

This is a Joke Lisa!!!! I am very PC really!! Honest!
Dec 16, 2003
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Sounds like your wife was brought up with mine. Everything disappears the same in my house, spent a fortune on a dishwasher and it then ends up being washed in the sink when I turn around to pick it up!!!!!!!!!!

Worked in a bar 30 or so years ago, food had to be good and Quick with no messing around. You don't have to watch everything cook. I throw the pans etc in the DW and they are clean when dinner is over!

Now if I could get one in the van :)

The van is holiday time so I cook 95% of meals when touring. The Mrs earns a lot more than me so she needs the break from the chores. And she has other talents that I still much prefer after 28 years ;-)

Would't want her to find cooking a "headache"
Mar 14, 2005
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Ah! - good to hear some one else the same!

I really enjoy cooking - glass of wine - chatting away! its a great way to unwind from what can at times be stressful jobs.

Interestingly - having moved up to caravans from tents a few years ago my wife still really likes to use the cooker in the caravan - still seems to be a novelty!

I get comments like - "that little cooker is really good!"

But BBQ's !!! - Mans work!


Mar 14, 2005
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Another quick test that complements the "small feet test" that I have passed onto my sons is the "elbow test". It works like this stand by a wall and ask your prospective girlfriend/secretary etc to place her hands on the back of he head and bring the elbows round so that they are in front and the bent arms parralel.

Then ask her to walk up to the wall.

If the elbows touch the wall before anything else she fails the test!

This is a Joke Lisa!!!! I am very PC really!! Honest!
Hey Clive

I've just tried that, you'll be pleased to know I passed the test!

p.s. Never mind about women getting a good education - as long as we can sign cheques and use credit cards we'll be fine.

Jan 21, 2014
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Maureen. Speak for yourself or is your eyesight going ;-) If you look back to my age post you will find the answer to the 98.

Why the big mystery about your age - if you're 49 or 50 so what!!

You appear to be very forthcoming in other areas of your life - you say you have a 500k house AND a dishwasher - big deal!! It all seems rather childish to me IMHO.
Mar 14, 2005
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my brother in law invited his family and his wifes family to his home for xmas dinner. that required the biggest turkey that could be bought. the turkey was to be cooked on xmas day morning but when they got up early on xmas day they gould not find the turkey as the their dog had decided to have its xmas present early and had eaten all but the skin and bones. fortunately my brother in law knew the manager of the local supermarket and he opened the store and they selected the biggest FROZEN one there was. The problem was that their microwave was too small to get the turkey in for defrosting. however their next door neighbour had bought a new large one for Xmas. The race was on to get the turkey defrosted and cooked before the 12 twelve ravenous guests arrived for lunch. In the end all was well and everyone including the dog enjoyed the meal very much.

The dog (Brett) won the day as he had 2 Xmas Lunches.
Mar 14, 2005
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my brother in law invited his family and his wifes family to his home for xmas dinner. that required the biggest turkey that could be bought. the turkey was to be cooked on xmas day morning but when they got up early on xmas day they gould not find the turkey as the their dog had decided to have its xmas present early and had eaten all but the skin and bones. fortunately my brother in law knew the manager of the local supermarket and he opened the store and they selected the biggest FROZEN one there was. The problem was that their microwave was too small to get the turkey in for defrosting. however their next door neighbour had bought a new large one for Xmas. The race was on to get the turkey defrosted and cooked before the 12 twelve ravenous guests arrived for lunch. In the end all was well and everyone including the dog enjoyed the meal very much.

The dog (Brett) won the day as he had 2 Xmas Lunches.
I forgot to say



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