CL CC site cancellation of pitch - time frame?

Jan 2, 2006
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The only answe can be as much notice as you possibly can although I am sure the site will appreciate being told at all as it allows them to let others on.

Trust you are well.


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Plotts

Long time no speak, I'm fine thanks, hope you are too.

I've just had to cancel, giving five weeks notice and the site owner (CC CL) was furious, she slammed the phone down on me before I had finished speaking.

Jan 2, 2006
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Hi Lisa,I would have thought five weeks was ample,I had to cancel Easter at two weeks notice due to my op,and they were fine in fact they returned my non returnable deposit!

The site I am going to this week have been fine when I had to move my arrival from yesterday to this Thursday due to my car accident.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hi lisa , not sure whether cancellation rules apply differnt to cc cl or cc sites.

Our month away touring going to Scotland visiting involved 10 cc sites , the trip came to a abrupt halt as we about to depart from Ferry Meadows 1st stop when my wife suddenly became ill resulting in a ambulance being called she stayed in Peterborough Hospital overnight.

Help was at hand with the site Warden who had to cancell my forward bookings to enable me to prolong my stay (as you cannot book more than one site at a time to cover the same dates).

Unlike Plotter I lost my deposite money in Scotland, which was a small price to pay for my wifes wellfare.

We stayed a further 7 nights at Ferry Meadows.



Mar 14, 2005
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Thanks for the replies - Plotts, sorry, I had no idea you had an accident, hope you and Mrs P are ok.

Royston, I hope your wife is ok too, sounds like a bad do. Glad to hear about the site Warden, so there are some nice wardens about, that's nice to know. Going off at a tangent, the staff at the C&CC site Troutbeck are brilliant.

The CL I'm referring to is on a farm, the owner was very rude and was one of those who I would imagine would be a 'get ooorf my land' type person. If she had stayed on the line, I was going to say that I had another person who wanted to take my booking for the exact dates, so she wouldn't have been out of pocket.



Mar 14, 2005
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Thanks for the replies - Plotts, sorry, I had no idea you had an accident, hope you and Mrs P are ok.

Royston, I hope your wife is ok too, sounds like a bad do. Glad to hear about the site Warden, so there are some nice wardens about, that's nice to know. Going off at a tangent, the staff at the C&CC site Troutbeck are brilliant.

The CL I'm referring to is on a farm, the owner was very rude and was one of those who I would imagine would be a 'get ooorf my land' type person. If she had stayed on the line, I was going to say that I had another person who wanted to take my booking for the exact dates, so she wouldn't have been out of pocket.

Can't edit so-

The person who wanted the booking was standing behind me but after the very short phone call, and when I told him how she had spoken to me and simply slammed the phone down, he decided he'd probably had a lucky escape!

May 5, 2005
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the CL's we use are fully booked two weeks in advance they would easily rebook with 5 weeks you are prob better off not going there would have probably upset her by breathing her air


Mar 14, 2005
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the CL's we use are fully booked two weeks in advance they would easily rebook with 5 weeks you are prob better off not going there would have probably upset her by breathing her air
Thanks Dave. That's what I thought. In hindsight, I think I've deffo had a lucky escape. She might have had a heart attack when she saw my dogs too.

Lisa x


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi emmerson

No, I won't report her. I guess we all have our bad days. I decided it was too far, with the mother in law situation. At least where we're going now is not too far to get back quickly if we need to.

What did annoy ME though was she just reminded me of a person I knew when I used to keep a pony on some land. The wife of the landowner was a right pain in the rear, she came from a council estate and married this chap who owns hundreds of acres of land in desirebale locations, a couple of houses etc and she used to swan around in her personalised number plated Merc and treated us 'peasants' like dirt.

I don't have any problems at all with people with money, as long as they don't treat others like dirt. When I used to go hunting, some of the 'hunting, shooting, fishing set' were just 100% awful, snobbish, hooray henry's.

On the day I left, she was put in her place.

Lisa xx


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