cl sites

Apr 21, 2007
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i am trying to talk my husband into using a cl site for a weekend break but having major problems. Due to my husbands job he never knows which weekend he is going to be off and wich ones he is working, i feel it is unfair to book weekends and then at the last min cancel because he is having to work and someone else could have had our pitch. i also look at some of the prices cl charge and think it could be a great chance to get more use out of our van, any tips would be great

(the biggest problem is the empting of the loo).

hopefully i'll get him talked round before tomorrow night as the weather has to be great for the weekend fingers x
Jan 19, 2007
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Hi Jane

You don't have to book CL/CSs ages in advance like many club sites. When your husband arrives home saying he has finished for the weekend, try ringing you chosen CL/CS then but makesure you've got your caravan ready to go. If you can't get on one, perhaps because there is no answer on the phone, try ringing another. I'm sure you'll both enjoy the experience especially as for busy people CL/CSs are very restful.

Jan 1, 2006
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Its only at bank holidays we get full on our CL, we do have some groups who book the whole site to do thier own thing. If you want to see before you go look at there is also DVDs on Cls you can find these on

David from Suffolk
Nov 9, 2006
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This question isn't in direct repsponse to the original post, but rather than start a new thread.....

A friend recently stayed at a CL type of site, he described it as a tap and hole?

The toilet emptying point provided by the farmer was a hole he had dug in the ground and then partially covered over with planks of wood to hel stop people falling in!

Please tell me this is not the norm. and that nice porcelain bowls are provided down which you can empty your waste as on club sites?
Mar 19, 2007
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Hi Dadio,

You refer to this site as a CL type, if it was a Caravan Club CL it would be liable to inspection by a local Field Officer and a 'hole in the ground' would not be acceptable, I believe that actually contravenes Environmental Control.

So the answer to your question is that although there is a vast range of standards on CC CLs they should all meet basic health and safety standards.

The minimum requirement is clean fresh water and a waste disposal point but go up to fully heater toilet and shower blocks, many have electrics on site. The Site Guide will specify what is available (not necessarily the quality). Remember the price you pay compared to a large commercial site.
Jan 2, 2006
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I have been on many CLs in the past where the Elsan point is just a hole with planks over,and some without the planks!Maybe the regulations have changed although I went on one last year where you move a metal cover to reveal a hole about 6 feet deep.
Apr 15, 2006
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I only use CL's and the only times I have been on a full ones is Bank Holiday weekends

As for the loo question:

You can do a filter search on the CC site to only show CL's with loo's - however, they are likely to be one WC in an outhouse or similar, you won't find luxury on a CL.

I have also seen a variety of disposal points some more interesting than others. What I will say is that you don't stay on a CL for its facilies, the beauty of CL's are there location, solitude and a back to basic's style of caravanning
Sep 13, 2006
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It takes about 2 mins to empty and rinse a cassette toilet once a day for our family of four.

I have had the occasional very rudimentary disposal points in the corner of a field before now and you quickly get used to them.

The fact is I do not go away to enjoy emptying a toilet - it is something that has to be done - so I am not going to turn down a really beautiful spot because the waste disposal facilities are basic.


Mar 14, 2005
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I have been on many CLs in the past where the Elsan point is just a hole with planks over,and some without the planks!Maybe the regulations have changed although I went on one last year where you move a metal cover to reveal a hole about 6 feet deep.


Mar 14, 2005
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We've stopped on some nice cl's. I begrude paying over the top prices for campsites.

Anyway Jane, good luck and I hope you persuade your husband to try a few cl's. Please let us know how you get on, maybe you can recommend a few to us.


Mar 2, 2006
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We have just had a fortnight away using five cl sites and only booked the next cl as we were leaving our last one by mobile phone and only one was fully booked,but that is the great thing about cl,s.
Jul 21, 2006
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We have just discovered cl's and cs's, I find it really hard to believe that people are prepared to judge them by the toilet emptying facilities.

But as far as I can see this is great for myself, I have no problem with having to lift a manhole cover or simalar to empty the loo, at the end of the day how many minuited does this task involve ????

My experience of these sites so far is excellent, Quite, big pitches, more freedom, cheaper, etc.

I cannot believe that people are so spoilt as to require some sort of fully automated flushing loo disposal facility, but whilst ever they are it would seem to be great for me, I will open up any manhole and empty my cassette it takes only a few seconds and is perfectably acceptable as far as I am concerned.

My reccomendation is stick to the commercial sites with nice flushable cassette emptying points, pay
Jan 1, 2006
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Thanks for a very practical level headed reply. You would be amazed by the number of calls we get re our Cl, wanting to know if we have showers and toilets. We have to answer no to this, and loose a booking.But I am pleased to say we have many visitors like yourself who make our Cl a pleasure to run.

David from Suffolk
Feb 3, 2006
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I stayed on a CL earlier this year that had hardstandings, hook up to mains electric, water and TV. The waste water was connected directly to the drain too. The loos and showers were spotless, their was also a disabled shower. The chemical toilet disposal was a proper loo with flush, but situated outside, in it's own little compound of course.There was an information room with books and magazines to borrow and an "honesty" help yourself and pay later for bottles of wine and free range eggs.

The price for all this luxury,
Sep 1, 2006
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All Caravan Club sites have Wastle disposal if not a usable drain cover.

We only use CL's due to us not using the commercial site facilities.

There are a lot of gems about.

All are very accomodating to your late booking needs, book when you know you can go and not in advance as it holds other CL users from getting a pitch.


Jon and Vic

Apr 21, 2007
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hi i have looked at the 5van site and that is going to be my next adventure, some of these sites look really good and value for money hubby will just need to put up wth it.

i think his problem has been that he thinks cl's dont have any toilet facilities and we would have to use your own loo have showed him a few on 5van and he has been very surprised.
May 5, 2005
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Have used them lots and have always been happy the people using them are considerate and friendly usually very quiet.The only thing is sometimes access isnt easy with a big van so its worth asking before you book.