Co-Pilot SatNav Caravan Length

May 3, 2021
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Hello, are there any Co-Pilot Caravan users here?
I have Co-Pilot Caravan and I’m confused about how to setup the length of the car+caravan combo. Neither Google or Trimble’s website have offered a categoric answer.
I have setup a Custom Profile and selected Caravan. I select Caravan Dimensions and the “Length” value displays as “Trailer/Straight Length”. This is ambiguous. Is it the length of the caravan or the length of car+caravan?
Hope you can help! Thanks.
Nov 11, 2009
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Hello, are there any Co-Pilot Caravan users here?
I have Co-Pilot Caravan and I’m confused about how to setup the length of the car+caravan combo. Neither Google or Trimble’s website have offered a categoric answer.
I have setup a Custom Profile and selected Caravan. I select Caravan Dimensions and the “Length” value displays as “Trailer/Straight Length”. This is ambiguous. Is it the length of the caravan or the length of car+caravan?
Hope you can help! Thanks.
I would think since you are in Caravan Dimensions it relates to the caravan shipping length. IE it’s max end to end dimension.
Nov 6, 2005
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I think you need the overall length of the car + caravan so that the satnav avoids sending down roads with length restrictions.
Jun 16, 2020
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Just looked at mine.


I took it to mean just the trailer. But I agree it is not as clear as it should be. I suggest you try to get it confirmed using CoPilot help FAQ, or message them.

If you do, let me know.

I find that the CoPilot app to be good value for about £25 per year. but with covid I have not got my monies worth.

Mar 14, 2005
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There are two clues which to me suggest it's looking for the combined length of tow vehicle and trailer. I do agree the wording is not clear, but:-

The first is the title of the section "Vehicle Dimensions" In the UK the reference to a vehicle can means the unit that is under the control of a driver, so it could be a solo vehicle or a tow vehicle and its trailer combined.

The second clue is in the wording of the length criteria "Trailer/Straight Length. Neither a solo vehicle or a trailer can bend, thus the reference to straight length surely means the tow vehicle and trailer being in a straight line.

That's my take on the situation but you should check with the supplier or manufacturer of the system for certainty.
Nov 11, 2009
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There are two clues which to me suggest it's looking for the combined length of tow vehicle and trailer. I do agree the wording is not clear, but:-

The first is the title of the section "Vehicle Dimensions" In the UK the reference to a vehicle can means the unit that is under the control of a driver, so it could be a solo vehicle or a tow vehicle and its trailer combined.

The second clue is in the wording of the length criteria "Trailer/Straight Length. Neither a solo vehicle or a trailer can bend, thus the reference to straight length surely means the tow vehicle and trailer being in a straight line.

That's my take on the situation but you should check with the supplier or manufacturer of the system for certainty.
Well John C’ s dimensions for his outfit show a very short one and not heavy either.
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May 3, 2021
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Thanks for your feedback folks. I like JohnL's logic.

Also, it will surely be safer for me to specify a 12m combo than the 7.3m length of my caravan - presumably the "length" is used for some of the tighter corners. I must admit the Satnav took me around some very tight bends in a Spanish village the first time I used it.

Whatever, I have dived into Trimble's Contact section and asked for clarification. I will keep you posted, as and when.
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Jun 16, 2020
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Well John C’ s dimensions for his outfit show a very short one and not heavy either.

That might simply be because they are the dimensions I set. But I could be wrong. This is worth investigating, I will give it a go today.


PS I have jus5 looked through the help files which are of no help in this respect. So I have submitted a question. I will report backmshould they answer.

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Jun 16, 2020
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I don’t have an answer yet, (early days). but a little more research seems to show CoPilot have 3 versions.

Caravan - Motorhome

When I entered my dimensions I did as I did on my old Tom Tom caravan system and just put the caravan dimensions in. But since the OP brought this up I have been unsure which way to go. The help files are very good in most respects but not in creating a profile. Which is why I have posted a question the them.

But out of curiosity I tried trying to find the maximum allowed dimensions and this is what it allows.


The length of my outfit is about 40 feet. So impossible to put in, therefore. I hope it is just the trailer dimensions that is needed.

The term used.

Trailer/Straight Length

I think means. The length of the trailer. OR the length of the motorhome.

I await the official answer.

Nov 11, 2009
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And there I was thinking those dimensions shown in your post had been input and used in journeys with the outfit. Intrigued to see the final advice from the company. It really shouldn’t be that difficult but the company seem to make it so.
May 3, 2021
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Well, that was a very quick reply from Trimble, below...

Hi John,

Thank you for contacting Trimble MAPS Support.

In regards to your query, please note that the dimensions would for the bigger vehicle (of two).
Only enter the dimensions of the bigger vehicle; either the car or the caravan.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Michel Diomande
Trimble MAPS Support
Nov 11, 2009
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Well, that was a very quick reply from Trimble, below...

Hi John,

Thank you for contacting Trimble MAPS Support.

In regards to your query, please note that the dimensions would for the bigger vehicle (of two).
Only enter the dimensions of the bigger vehicle; either the car or the caravan.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Michel Diomande
Trimble MAPS Support
Wow no one spotted that one coming. Pity the help pages don’t define something as fundamental. 👍
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May 3, 2021
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My reply to Trimble:

Hi Michel,
thanks for the quick reply. I am sure it would help ALL of your Caravan users if you could add that clarification. Please have a word with the developers and don't take no for an answer!
(I'm a retired software architect!)
John Wilson
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May 3, 2021
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My reply to Trimble:

Hi Michel,
thanks for the quick reply. I am sure it would help ALL of your Caravan users if you could add that clarification. Please have a word with the developers and don't take no for an answer!
(I'm a retired software architect!)
John Wilson
and another reply.....
Hi John,

Thank you very much for the suggestions.
The Team next meeting is on Thursday coming. I will make sure to put the request forward to the Managers; who in turn will then escalate this valuable point to the Development Team. I will keep you updated.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.
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Jun 16, 2020
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My reply to Trimble:

Hi Michel,
thanks for the quick reply. I am sure it would help ALL of your Caravan users if you could add that clarification. Please have a word with the developers and don't take no for an answer!
(I'm a retired software architect!)
John Wilson

I just had the same reply as you. (note we are both John). :)

“Hi John,

Thank you for contacting Trimble MAPS Support.

In regards to your query, please note that the dimensions to enter in the RV app would be for the bigger vehicle of the two (Car or Caravan)
In RV app, you Only enter the dimensions of the bigger of the two vehicles. Either the dimensions of the Car or the Trailer. Not Car+Caravan combo.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Michel Diomande
Trimble MAPS Support | Trimble MAPS Journey


I will also send them a similar reply as you did.

Impressive responce time.

Jun 16, 2020
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I just got a similar reply to JohnW250:


“Hi John,

Thank you very much for the suggestions. I also told John that our next team meeting is on Thursday coming.
I will make sure to put the request forward to the Managers; who in turn will then escalate this valuable point to the Development Team. I will also keep you updated.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Michel Diomande
Trimble MAPS Support | Trimble MAPS Journey


I also suggested that they provide an explanation of axel weights.

Credit where its due. Co-Pilot have been very responsive. Great customer service.

Nov 11, 2009
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I just got a similar reply to JohnW250:


“Hi John,

Thank you very much for the suggestions. I also told John that our next team meeting is on Thursday coming.
I will make sure to put the request forward to the Managers; who in turn will then escalate this valuable point to the Development Team. I will also keep you updated.

If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Michel Diomande
Trimble MAPS Support | Trimble MAPS Journey


I also suggested that they provide an explanation of axel weights.

Credit where its due. Co-Pilot have been very responsive. Great customer service.

Oh no I hope their software team meeting has a clearer view of axle loads , maximum weight and how much noseweight affects axle load than does the forum, otherwise the required clarification update on length might never appear. 😱
Mar 14, 2005
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Well John C’ s dimensions for his outfit show a very short one and not heavy either.

Not withstanding the intervening comments, surely the values are ones the user adds, so it's depends on what the user understands is being asked.

It is good to the map company has responded quickly, though I'm not sure it has fully clarified the situation.

What is apparent from the wording of the reply and its reference to the "RV" (Recreational Vehicle) points to the country of origin being the USA or possibly Canada, so their definitions or use of values may be different to what we expect in the UK.

I must admit I'm not sure why they only want to know the size of one part of an outfit, as its the ability to get the whole outfit through whatever restrictions are applicable.

Perhaps it might be worth while suggesting the software includes some diagrams of what type of vehicles and trailers and what parts of their dimensions and weights their software needs, as that will largely overcome regional differences in definitions.
Jun 16, 2020
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Not withstanding the intervening comments, surely the values are ones the user adds, so it's depends on what the user understands is being asked.

It is good to the map company has responded quickly, though I'm not sure it has fully clarified the situation.

What is apparent from the wording of the reply and its reference to the "RV" (Recreational Vehicle) points to the country of origin being the USA or possibly Canada, so their definitions or use of values may be different to what we expect in the UK.

I must admit I'm not sure why they only want to know the size of one part of an outfit, as its the ability to get the whole outfit through whatever restrictions are applicable.

Perhaps it might be worth while suggesting the software includes some diagrams of what type of vehicles and trailers and what parts of their dimensions and weights their software needs, as that will largely overcome regional differences in definitions.

The figures are all user input as you surmise. But my post #10 shows the max figures allowed in each field. With a trailer, my guess is that their logic says they only need to consider the largest of the two vehicles as if that can manage roads, the smaller certainly will.

I also think that the axle loads are there mainly for large RV’s and weak bridges.

I like the idea of a pictorial representation, but their app definitely needs improving in respect of that part of the settings.

I will write to them again, as I also think they could improve on the simplicity of switching between car and caravan routes.

Nov 6, 2005
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Not withstanding the intervening comments, surely the values are ones the user adds, so it's depends on what the user understands is being asked.

It is good to the map company has responded quickly, though I'm not sure it has fully clarified the situation.

What is apparent from the wording of the reply and its reference to the "RV" (Recreational Vehicle) points to the country of origin being the USA or possibly Canada, so their definitions or use of values may be different to what we expect in the UK.

I must admit I'm not sure why they only want to know the size of one part of an outfit, as its the ability to get the whole outfit through whatever restrictions are applicable.

Perhaps it might be worth while suggesting the software includes some diagrams of what type of vehicles and trailers and what parts of their dimensions and weights their software needs, as that will largely overcome regional differences in definitions.
In both the UK and EU, a length restriction applies to the total outfit length - logically that's the length used in the database used by Co-Pilot.

I don't know what the shortest length restriction is but there is (or was) an 11m restriction near the CC club site in Edinburgh - my own outfit is12m overall.


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