Colin, your reply to that post was not the problem, the original posting was, and should have been removed before, but as it seemed to be forgotten, so was deleting it, until the original poster brought it up again.
I deleted it to avoid the kind of outcome it would have generated.
In answer to the question contained withn that post, no it is not "ok" to either, in the context they were posted, but the problem was, the original post should have been edited or deleted at the time.
Ummmmm well I think so, it just didn't make sense for you to say the problem wasn't Colin cussin' and now you are saying it's not o.k. to cuss.
It was also confusing to see Colin get upset and cuss which was out of character. There must have been something in Eddies original post that went over my head because I couldn't see anything bad.
Anyway, never mind, it's water under the bridge now :O)
I'm off to bed still confused, I wonder if it will keep me awake worrying about it?