Collecting our 2009 Swift Conqueror!

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Nov 13, 2007
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As I said earlier, I don't want to make excuses or defend what's happened with James van as its not right, but you should also understand that we are the largest manufacture in the UK and we produce thousands of caravans a year, the vast majority of which are trouble free.

Generally we do get things right, unfortunately though as in this case we sometimes get things wrong too.


Apr 12, 2009
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Hi James,

I had booked a week off work to celebrate picking up our new van, to say I have been disappointed is an understatement. There are more faults on this caravan than I would care to embarrass Swift with on a web forum, suffice it to say that I wrote to the excellent dealer that I bought the van from to reject it as not being fit for purpose, and not being of acceptable quality.As yet I have only had a telephonic response.

I am still awaiting a call back from Julie at Swift regarding my original gripe about the Hal Locate, I also sent them a copy of my letter to the dealer.

Regarding the Alko hitch lock, I found that if you push the rubber gaiter back it goes on without any undue force being necessary.
Jun 20, 2005
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Hi Andy

I've often wondered why in a case like James' the manufacturer doesn't just give him a brand new trouble free caravan replacement??

You experts can then fix the duff one and sell it on?

No way should James be the loser here. And yes we all know his dealer will have to carry the can.

As you say you make thousands of caravans which are perfect. Why not give James one of those and avoid all this pain??


Feb 28, 2009
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Andy and Dustydog,

Joking apart, the thing I can't understand is does it takes so long for replacement parts to be available when they are stock items.

Many of the issues have now been resolved by myself.

If this was my company I would want this matter cleared up ASAP as these postings can not be good advertising for Swift, this was not our intention in posting this tale.

Dealer tells me the work cannot be done in a day. We would have to leave the van, this would result in another trip. Waiting to hear if a 'Sister' branch nearer to our home can do it.

Send me the parts and I'll do it in under a day! FOC.

Apr 7, 2009
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I have heared many tails of owners waiting several weeks for parts you would assume would be avaialble ex stock - these were for current model caravans.

Dustydog - Great idea but can you imagine if Swift replaced every "friday" caravan for a trouble free one - the flood gates would truly open. I suspect there are far more badly manufactured caravans out there whos owners do not post on the forums, much to the manufactures advantage that.

My friend had such a caravan, the dealer persued warranty repairs authorisation through the proper channels - numerous visits, photos taken and phone calls, even the dealer was getting feed up with chasing Swift for parts and answers. Parts promised never turned up. Swift Customer Services were telling my friend the parts were available ex stock and had not been ordered, but were telling the dealer 28 days for delivery - Right hand Left hand...

Lucky for the dealer my friend witnessed some of the coversations and heared what was being said to the dealer.

He was given the impression it was the dealers fault by Customer Services and they were waiting for paperwork !.

Andy Design & Development Director come on sort it out, design some quality in and get your workers to stick to your design criteria.

Damp caravan within the first year isn't right.

Perhaps my friend should have posted his tale of woe on the forums and Andy could have sprung into action to save the day.

Just thought - why bother going to the dealer in the first place, there is obviously a communication problem between the dealer and Swift Aftercare so just go straight to Andy he will sort it.
Apr 7, 2009
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Andy at Swift

Have you no comment on this post...

"Andy Design & Development Director come on sort it out, design some quality in and get your workers to stick to your design criteria."

You are normally quick to respond or are you just another "Spin Doctor"

You are the design director are you not, so I take it it's your design modules that have created these flaws in production !

Can we blame you for the poor manufacturing defects which lead to below expected quality of these products you sell or is it poor workmanship beyond your control ?

You have many unsatisfied customers and a number post of them post on this and other forums - Caravan Talk - Caravan 4 U.

Its about time you realised what is happening in the market place and provide a quality product that you advertise to us all.

This includes - parts back up, quick and corect response from the Customer Services and a shorter time frame in responding to dealers with warranty issues.

If you think this is inaccurate and unfair please research before you respond as I suspect there are a few dealers and customers who may disagree.

You should remember the customer is always right - remember he pays your wages.

We look forward to your expalnation to the failure that you in the design team provide inferior quality of high value leisure vehicles to the caravan public at large.

The economic climate will not tolerste complacency or poor service.
Nov 13, 2007
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I have responded, I have apologised, I have said we are doing something about it. On Caravan Talk as well as the other forums we do have negative feedback but also very positive feedback, too. I come on here not to score points or to market our products but to sort out genuine customers with genuine problems and in doing so learn from our mistakes. We may get things wrong from time to time but we also get a lot of things right too, the important thing for me is when you get something wrong you learn from it and you put it right.

I don't know what more I can add to this post other than what I have already said.

Many Thanks

Dec 30, 2009
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Jack, Giving Andy a kicking like that is well out of order. He helps out regulary on this forum, but if people like you keep posting thia dribble prahaps he wont be so forthcomming in the future.

Having a caravan from new which has faults is not right and they should be put right in a timly manor, or replace if serious.

I know as I have one,

As for "Andy have you no comment on this post"

He has posted 9 times if you care to read it.

I have nothing to do with Swift other than owning a new van but cannot stand by and watch the assult he got from you. He cant answer back like I can can he????

Feb 28, 2009
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I have received the parts this morning to sort the protruding screw problem. All are as requested and thankyou for the 'additions'.

Excellent service from yourself and your supplier for what is a 1 off custom made part.

Take a pat on the back this time!


Aug 4, 2004
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i have asked for a pdi check sheet and the dealer saying no names said they are not for customers use so all i can get from this there is not one
Absolute bull as you are the one paying for the PDI therefore you are entitled to a copy of the PDI. Don't let the dealer pull the wool over your eyes.
May 7, 2009
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Well swift seem to have a problem with customer service ! and the way they treat the people who buy there product ! i wont be buying a new swift again after haveing a number of problems with my new van which has dragged on with the dealer and swift group ! Good luck you will need it !
May 7, 2009
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After haveing a number of faults in a new van from the same group, i think its time that they look at there quality and warrantee dept. they need to get the standard back that they used to have a few years ago ! and sack any one who dont want to comit to quality, i work in the quality audit industry and if i performed like they do i would have been sacked a long time ago !.
Nov 13, 2007
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I am aware that you called our office yesterday and spoke with one of the advisors in the Customer Services office regarding your outstanding parts. The situation remains that your dealer only submitted a repair case/claim for your window and door parts yesterday. As of this morning we still have no orders for your parts.

We spoke yesterday and again today to your dealer to try and get this resolved for you, we had asked you dealer to speak and explain this to you fully,



Nov 12, 2009
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Because I was away on 18th April this thread has only just come to my attention.

Manufacturers post on forums including this one to help where possible, forums help them to identify issues with their products and if they are failing in any aspect of their dealings with their customers they find out fairly quickly via internet forums.

Andy has stated that there is nothing more that he can add to what was posted previously and personal comments suggesting that someone should be sacked are unhelpful.

If anyone has problems with their caravan their first contact should be the dealers who sold the caravan, Andy is trying to help but no manufacturer can be expected to conduct business via a public internet forum.
Feb 17, 2007
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In the spring of 2001 i bought a brand new Swift Chalenger my first new van after 30 years of caravaning.I know the excitement of arriving at the dealers to pick up your new caravan.Because it was early morning (dont even think the blackbirds were up) and i only checked the indicatores and stop lights the frst fault didnt come to light until we were home and i found the nearside side light did not work due to a blown fuse the reason someone had fitted the live wire to earth.From then on it was one disaster after another rear window leaked when it rained,oven would lite but as soon as you let go of the button it went out even if you held it for 10 minutes,lack of mastick over front window alowing water to enter front of van in cupboard,side decals coming unstuck,water in battery box ,floor started to delaminate outside shower room,toilet room door button stuck in so could not get into toilet (not nice)in the first 3 months the van spent more time in the dealers than with me it got a whack in the side while in there that the dealer new nothing had 17 majore faults in the 7 months i had it both dealer and Swift blameing each other if you think customer care is bad now you should have tried it then it was non existant.I finally traded the van loosing quite a bit of money to a dealer miles from were i lived with some lame excuse it was not the right layout for us.On that day i swore i would never touch another Swift group van in my life and if i know anyone is looking for a new van a realate my story.Iam now on my 3rd new Bailey they are not perfect but i have never had or want to have another experiance like 2001 and i rate Bailys customer service second to non.


May 24, 2006
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It does make me laugh when I read all this - things falling off, screws too long etc etc. My friend had a Swift and before he got it home the door fell of - screws too short. I have had 2 German vans and nothing has fallen off. We caravan for our main hoidays and a lot in between - with 2 kids and 2 dogs. Swift can say "we will put it right", "it's not good enough". Thats not good enough - it should not be happening full stop.
Nov 13, 2007
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We build thousands of new caravans each year, the vast majority of which are trouble free. We are not a car plant, we don't have the investment or the equipment and its wrong to compare. Our vans are hand built and in the main we get things right and have a lots of satisfied customers.

As in life unfortunately we do get things wrong from time to time, but we will always try and put them right as efficiently and effectively as possible.

The statement that german vans are trouble free is simply not true, they have there share of issues too.

We currently export to Holland, Denmark, Australia and New Zealand. We have in the past exported to France, Germany, Scandinavia and Japan.

Many Thanks

Dec 23, 2006
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Here we go again, British caravan quality compared to German caravan quality.

I find the comparison rather pathetic to say the least.

Having caravanned for nearly 40 years i have known people who have had problems with German caravans. One in particular whose new Hymer had serious water ingress at 6 months old. It was replaced with a new Hymer by the dealer. However at 3 months the replacement had serious water ingress in the same part of the caravan.Does this make all Hymers bad caravans?--of course not.There will be thousands of trouble free Hymers.

Yes some people have problems with Baileys and Swifts. Again does this make them bad makes of caravans?--of course not. Thousands of Bailey and Swift owners have trouble free caravans including myself.

I had 3 consecutive Bailey Senators with no major problems--2 with no Bailey build problems at all.

I have had my Swift Conqueror 655 for two and a half years. No Swift build problems.

Due to the fact that caravans worldwide are hand built there will always be a small amount of problems with all makes.

We only hear of the badly built caravans. As it is said bad news travels fast.The thousands of caravanners, of all makes, who don't have problems are too busy enjoying their caravanning.

May 7, 2009
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I am aware that you called our office yesterday and spoke with one of the advisors in the Customer Services office regarding your outstanding parts. The situation remains that your dealer only submitted a repair case/claim for your window and door parts yesterday. As of this morning we still have no orders for your parts.

We spoke yesterday and again today to your dealer to try and get this resolved for you, we had asked you dealer to speak and explain this to you fully,

Well as i am not the person with the window problem but another customer, who finds swift quality very poor and its dealers just as bad !. Parts arived 3 months after being ordered hows that for fast service ! what a joke.


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