I am more than capable of changing most connection types, and my comment wasn't an admission of incapability it's just the hassle.
Oh how my heart sinks when I buy something and discover it has a micro USB connection.Quite a while back the EU decided that a common charging cable design was required from December 2024. This was to reduce electrical waste. Britain decided at the time not to follow suit but is now going into a consultation mode.
Isn’t this closing the stable door when the horse has bolted as three devices bought since June have either included a USB-C cable, or required us to provide one. I dare say there’s existing stock that will have older type charging cables but it’s clear that the majority in future will be USB-C. I like the USB-C as just like Apple connectors it can be inserted any way and even in semi gloom it’s easy to insert it.
Time to wake up and smell the coffee methinks.