Oh how my heart sinks when I buy something and discover it has a micro USB connection.Quite a while back the EU decided that a common charging cable design was required from December 2024. This was to reduce electrical waste. Britain decided at the time not to follow suit but is now going into a consultation mode.
Isn’t this closing the stable door when the horse has bolted as three devices bought since June have either included a USB-C cable, or required us to provide one. I dare say there’s existing stock that will have older type charging cables but it’s clear that the majority in future will be USB-C. I like the USB-C as just like Apple connectors it can be inserted any way and even in semi gloom it’s easy to insert it.
Time to wake up and smell the coffee methinks.
I remember, one Christmas getting a USB powered Toaster, It turned out to be a very well done hoax, a box just filled with cardboard. It did have me thinking about it before opening the box.I'm not sure if it was this or another forum where I mentioned it but USB A is crp. USB A has become 'the' standard if only defacto. Working in IT I have only seen strong adoption of USB C on Macs and Dell laptops. No current Mac has USB A ports and yet Mac users have survived. I use a variety of of USB A devices on my Macbook Air either through my docking station or adaptor.
I'd like to see USB A eliminated, it's c**p. Also I would like to see a new standard DC connection for higher current DC devices in cars, caravans and motorhomes. Cigarette lighter plugs were only ever a stop gap and since hardly anyone smokes these days should be replaced with a better standard,
And yes, arn't my Friday nights / Saturday mornings great sat up at the wee hours pondering DC connections. Maybe I should have got married,
There are similar looking ones at £1 or 3 for £3.99. Not sure I’d use one from an unknown supplier, I tend to go for OEM, Anker or Belkin in the main.Possibly of interest is THIS VENDER'S offerings for USB A-C converters of both directions, claiming both data transfer & a massive 10A charging rating?
[NOTE: I have absolutely no experience of them or their products so this is no recommendation just an observation but note they have a reasonable "positive" rating.]
Probably wise, mine are Samsung a choice motivated by similar thinking, but noting the vender identified has "earnt" a 98% positive rating felt gives us a level of confidence in the items they offer.There are similar looking ones at £1 or 3 for £3.99. Not sure I’d use one from an unknown supplier, I tend to go for OEM, Anker or Belkin in the main.