Controversial Topic

Mar 14, 2005
Did any one see the Saturday night programme on BBC2 regarding Enoch Powell and his famous speech in 1968. The programme was, in my opinion, biased towards his views, but there were interesting points raised both for and against the contents of his speech by both Joe Public and also eminent politicians and public figures. I was always under the impression that he was thrown out of the Tory party but it appears that he resigned on principle. Now whether he was given the soft option of resigning before being kicked out it did not say.


I did not watch the program but what he say will com true one day, I have seen it happen In Mauritius and Fiji.
Aug 9, 2005
It appears may of his predictions have come to fruition, I remember that speech, and I think he was right then, and it appears he is still being proved right.

May 5, 2005
went to see him speak in Birmingham,nobody would beleive there would be no go areas but Alum Rock Small heath and many others.I heard on radio that Leicester would probably have more Asians and black population than white in two years.Enoch should be given a posthumous medal for warning us.
Jan 2, 2006
I think he was very prophetic a bit like Arthur Scargill whether you agree or not with what they said it all is/has come to pass.
Jul 20, 2007
Hmmmmmmm - not sure where to go on this one.

However, here's a true anecdote that relates to caravanning.

A few years ago we visited a CCC 'temporary holiday site' in Derbyshire, organised and run by a District Association based in the Staffordshire area.

When we arrived we were told to find a pitch, settle in, and then go to the Stewards with our membership cards to book in.

So I did - and when I arrived at the Stewards caravan they were waving 'goodbye' to a family in a motorhome who were just leaving.

The family were 'black' - unusual only in that I've been caravanning for a long time and very rarely seen 'black' families doing the same.

When the motorhome disappeared through the site entrance and the Stewards had stopped waving I realised, perhaps, why their presence was so comparatively rare.

The group of Stewards turned to each other and made some quite nasty derogatory remarks about the people to whom they'd been waving a few seconds earlier.

We'd just set up, it was getting late - and I'm ashamed to say that I didn't tell the Stewards what a cowardly bunch of racists they were, knowing that we'd probably be obliged to leave their site and find somewhere else.

I've felt a bit guilty about that for more than 10 years - I should have told them what I thought of them and been proud to leave the site - but I didn't, and that somehow made me complicit in their snide remarks.

I wouldn't make the same mistake again - it's not that I think that the Stewards were not entitled to their views, rather that they were too cowardly to state them openly in front of the family instead of feigning friendliness, followed by abuse when they were out of sight.

Say what you feel you have to say - but say it to someone's face, that's my own belief.
Mar 16, 2005
Well geist, i applaud your honesty,and views.

For that reason i too will be honest.

I found the remarks of many on here totally unexceptable.

So what if there are more coloured in Leicester[my local city]

What are you all saying "I,m not racist... but". thats what you are actually saying,So whats the problem, if you are not racist,then you should not be concerned or going on about how right someone in the past was.

I have met black people who are more English than me,and i dare say than alot of others too.

Its becoming a common accurence on here this sort of thing,I am starting to wonder whats going on, and why the mods are so soft on this sort of thing.......
Jan 19, 2008
Although I don't know what was actually said or if anything happened on site previous to them leaving I agree with you Geist. If they were decent people the colour of their skin should make no difference, at least they obviously integrated into society by the fact of caravanning.

What does pig me off big time though is PC numpties playing the racist card when anyone speaks out about the split that is coming in this country and it has nothing to do with race but to do with religion. I don't want to see ghettoes, no go areas of cities that resemble Islamabad.

Enoch Powell is right, there will be rivers of blood but it wont come from the West Indians which he meant because they have integrated. It will come from Islamists. If people only open their eyes it's already started.

What we've seen in London and Glasgow is just the beginning and all the time, due to their higher birth rate and white flight or migration they will soon be in the majority and they are getting more confident due to our inability to stop them due to human rights laws.

This isn't the way I want the country I love to go but by then I wont be around. As we get older people like to think that when they die they have left a country that their parents fought for as a legacy to their children/grandchildren but shamefully I think we will be the first generation to leave it worse off. All I can say is our forefathers must be turning in their graves and it's all down to the worse government in these islands history and their allies the politically correct loons :O(
Jul 20, 2007

It matters hugely if Leicester has a majority immigrant population. It matters because immigration then starts to become annexation, it matters because it changes the whole ethos of the country. It matters because the inevitable consequence will be 'white' English people becoming a minority in the UK.

That might not matter to you - but it certainly matters to me.

Here's a somewhat simplistic example - we're both caravanning. A storm arises, my flimsy British van falls to pieces due to the violence of the elements.

You look out from the comfort of your sturdy German caravan ;) and take pity on me as I scrabble about in the mud and rain trying to salvage my possessions from the mangled remains of my Swexplorer DeLuxe.

Being a kind and charitable man, you open the door and invite me in for shelter and warmth. I thank you - and then ask if I can also go and get my Wives (I'm a polygamist) and my fifteen children who are sheltering in the shower block. You're a bit taken aback - but you agree because you don't want to see me out in the wild and windy weather.

Once inside your superb German van, I start to make myself at home - you've been watching the cup final but I don't care very much for football, so I insist that we change channels. My children (who are boisterous by nature) amuse themselves by jumping all over your cushions and testing the fine German cabinet work to destruction. Soon, the toilet ids full - and I suggest that either you or Mrs Giovanni had better go and empty it PDQ - and bring back a couple of aqurolls as well because the water is getting low.

So the holiday continues - you scurry hither and thither, changing your routines, amending your plans, generally making sure that we are comfortable and well cared for. When Mrs Giovanni murmurs something about the caravan being a bit small for all of us, and wasn't it time we started looking for a replacement van of our own, we get very upset and start accusing her of being an evil woman who hates us.

A full-scale row develops - and you say "OI!! - whose ****** caravan *is* it, anyway?!!" - to which I reply, "It was yours before you invited us in - but no it's mine, and if you don't want to share it with us, then you can s*d off!"

Then you have a choice - do you try and wrest control of your caravan away from me? - or do you simply sigh and call out to Mrs Giovanni, "Get your coat dear, we're leaving?"
Jul 20, 2007
His Lordship wrote:

Although I don't know what was actually said or if anything happened on site previous to them leaving I agree with you Geist. If they were decent people the colour of their skin should make no difference,⇦br/>

Absolutely agreed. The irony was that they seemed (and I only saw them for a minute or so) to be a very nice family indeed.

Mother, Father, tow nice kids, and a respectable older CI motor caravan

This was a family man on holiday - not a Pimpmeister DJ, with 30lb's of gold chains and a stable of Ho's jigging to heavy rap in the back of his motorhome!

I can tell you with absolute honesty that I don't care what colour my next door neighbour is - as long as he lives quietly, cuts his grass, doesn't hold raves until 3am every Friday night - and doesn't want to change the laws and customs of this country to suit him.

I don't think that 'colour' is the issue that is frightening most people - it's the looming prospect of culture change that is alarming.
Mar 16, 2005
LB, do you know off hand the percentage of the uk population that is muslim? No i cannot wait for your reply, Its 2.8% What a massive number than is,are we to assume ALL of these 2.8% of the population are extremist too? No corse not.

What of the hindu population [asians] are they a threat too? they bread in large numbers too,so maybe you should be concerned about them too!

Geist. Very nice story, but you are assuming that you actually Own the UK! Which you do not, you live here,So that nice little story may get some nodding their heads in agreement, but really it is nothing like real life.

No what i do found is most people believe in live and let live,some on the otherhand don't. Be they extremist,or just plain sad .And i agree both are dangerous...


Mar 14, 2005
Geist, I have to say your last post is amazing, the message is clear as day, yet in the best descriptive I have ever seen,,congratulations on a brilliant posting.

Now to Giovanni and his comment

"Its becoming a common accurence on here this sort of thing,I am starting to wonder whats going on, and why the mods are so soft on this sort of thing......."

The mods are not soft on outright racism, and never will be, however, we are still human and have our own views on subjects, which may come as a surprise to you.

Personally I am sick, tired and fed up with being told I must accept anything from anywhere, and not complain that services are suffering, education is suffering, social welfare is suffering, etc etc, while many, not all I may add, immigrants not only come here to find work, or set up illegal "work" such as mugging, streaming, pimping, drug dealing, drug supplying, high end car theft, but they also EXPECT me to almost bow down th their "culture".

I will never do that, my father and grandfather fought for the freedom of this country, thousands lost their lives in the fight for freedom, only to see successive Governments erode OUR country and feed it piecemeal to the wolves, namely Brussels, the PC brigade, The Musilm Council and any other pseudo group who shout loud enough.

If you have not heard the groundswell of discontent, then maybe you need a hearing aid, its there, on the street every day.
Mar 16, 2005
Yes damian, everybodies entitled to an opinion.

Thats the problem, it means some are allowed to blame there sad life on anybody,without letting the truth get in the way.

look at your rantings! Anybody would think there were no crimes prior to the 50s!or worse education has got worse because of a rise of 1% in users! Amazing really.

As for all that humdig about services,welfare ect,ect!!Its been shite for years,You are just another one looking to blame anyone!

Yes there is discontent, but whilst you are blabbing on about forefathers and all, just remember they fought for our freedom because of a few bigoted/evil people where able to sway the masses with lies and promises.

Its seems some have already forgotten that lesson.
Jul 20, 2007
Giovanni wrote:

Geist. Very nice story, but you are assuming that you actually Own the UK! Which you do not, you live here,So that nice little story may get some nodding their heads in agreement, but really it is nothing like real life.⇦br/>

That's the nub, isn't it?

I most certainly *do* feel that I 'own' the UK - I was born here, my ancestors were born here, my heritage is British, my values are British, I have no other land *in* which to live, no other creed *by* which to live.

I share with millions of others a common heritage, a common faith, a common set of values, a common belief that the land which nurtured me is the best place on the planet (or used to be, until very recently)

This must be case - if it was not so, why would so many want to come here?

It is not a parcel of real-estate, to be touted and sold to the highest bidder - it is *my* homeland, the birthplace of my antecedents and of my descendants. It has brought liberty and blessing to the far comers of the world, has carried the torch of knowledge and truth into the darkest and most superstitious corners of a benighted earth.

Those who cannot revere it as such are, of course, free to leave without further delay.
Mar 16, 2005
"Those who cannot revere it as such are, of course, free to leave without further delay."

The sad truth is this actually applies to you and those who think like you,as hertige is a ever changing thing and those that cannot live with change are the eflicted,not everyone else.

"I most certainly *do* feel that I 'own' the UK - I was born here, my ancestors were born here, my heritage is British, my values are British, I have no other land *in* which to live, no other creed *by* which to live."

And yet the plain truth is,you may feel that way, but thats all it is, a feeling.

"This must be case - if it was not so, why would so many want to come here?"

Not much good at history then?

"belief that the land which nurtured me is the best place on the planet (or used to be, until very recently)"

I still feel this country is great,but you seem to think things that have happened recently,have such a dramatic effect on us!

What utter tosh, do you not have even the slightist understanding of our economy,you lot moan like hell about things that are so insignificant when but onto the economy charts!

It seems that some want to blame all our problems on a very very very small number of immigrants ! How stupid is that,you have no real idea at all.!!

You should look closer to home for where the problems lie.

Education. asians do far better than whites, west indians are the biggest group of improvers.

Whys that then? Well while you are complaining about whats yours,they are actually getting the education to take it from you!!! Not rocket science,just hard work.....
Mar 14, 2005
Regarding the coments about the "foreign" pupil/student performing better than a British pupil/student. This is correct and why - the reason being is that the comprehensive school sylabus has been altered to teach the British pupil/student the ways of life and religion of the foreign pupil/student. The rank and file British pupil/student does not want to know this, they want constructive teaching to help them in their working life. The number of British school children who will benefit from the new sylabus in their working life is very low. I was amazed when attending an "Open Evening" at my grand daughter's comprehensive school to find she has to learn about the history and life of both Eastern Europe and the Muslim races/religion. It is now compulsory for her to be taught this. Surely the foreign pupil/student should be taught the way of British life and religion - they have chosen to live here so they should alter to our ways and not us alter to suit them.

This is not only taking place in schools but also in further and higher education establishments. I have recently retired from further education and noticed it coming through the College courses. The University of Glamorgan have even converted one building on their campus to a mosque to satisfy the Muslim student for them to prey at regular hours of the day. The timetables for study have been altered to accommodate the interuption for prayer so the British student is suffering to please the Muslim student. Incidentally there is not a Christian place of worship on the campus so if any Protestant/Catholic student wishes to attend prayer they have to do it off campus and in their own time.
Jan 19, 2008
Gio quote "It seems that some want to blame all our problems on a very very very small number of immigrants ! How stupid is that,you have no real idea at all.!!

Typical gio, 90% of the population, including second and third generation immigrants are stupid and have no idea at all.

I might add gio that to be born here, as my ancestors were born here is more than a feeling, it's pride, pride in my country and what it has achieved throughout history. It is pride that stops me handing my culture and heritage over to another culture who believes it is US who should adapt to their culture and laws. It is a pride that will make me fight against people, like yourself, who are prepared to allow my heritage and culture to die.

All I can say gio is if you have no pride in this land, culture or heritage you cannot be of British extraction otherwise you would know what we mean.

My instinct tells me from your nic that you are of Italian decent and if so I can understand why you don't feel proud and that's not an insult, just a fact. That doesn't mean to say other people whose parents are from other lands don't feel the same pride, it's something that just happens.

I know Indians and people from muslim countries and they are proud to be British and integrate without pushing their religion down our throats, people like these I welcome. There are two in my road, both married to white English women and nice people as well.

Your comment about education is again without foundation. You fail to mention the schools where English is the second language. The schools where teachers, to the detriment of others, have to spend more time with kids who haven't got a grasp of English. Schools where there are hardly any Asians having to take Urdu as a language while the school drops French and German.

O.K. gio, I know we are all wrong and you are right so I give up, nothing will persuade you otherwise until you wake up to reality one day in the future.
Mar 14, 2005
Elaborating on Lord B's comments of schooling, we have Welsh speaking schools where English is the second language. Wherever possible the sylibus is taught in Welsh with French being translated to Welsh and not English. However this is the choice of the Welsh pupil living in Wales and wishing to be taught their mother tongue. It is not forced in normal mainstraem comprehensive school education. The studies of Estern Europe/Muslim life are mandatory in main stream comprehensive education. It is also surprising the number of English families who have moved to Wales and the children attend a Welsh medium school out of choice.
Mar 14, 2005
I think what really upsets people is the sheer weight of numbers of immigrants in such a short space of time. Its not that they are black, coloured or eastern european or whatever else, its just the overwhelming quantity of people coming to live on our overpopulated island all demanding changes to suit them.

There is no provision being made for the indigenous population who made this country what it is, and by indigenous I mean all the many races who have lived in this country for many years and co-existed pretty well.

We should look after our own first and foremost, and then take in the other people that we have space and resources for.

Britain must be seen as a soft touch or people would not be making long and hazardous journeys just to get here. They are certainly not coming for the climate !!

I particularly resent the law that allows foreign nationals from the EU to claim Child Benefit in this country for children still back in their home country.

Government say immigration benefits this country but I fail to see how. It only benefits greedy employers who want to make bigger profits by exploiting people prepared to work for very low wages in poor conditions.

I've never considered myself particularly racist having happily worked alongside Pakistani, Polish and French people but when I go to our local market town of Leominster and can walk around on a Saturday morning in summer and most of the other people on the streets are not english speakers it makes me feel very uncomfortable.
Jul 20, 2007
One of the great myths promoted by the PC lobby is 'multiculturalism'

In the UK, there is no 'multiculturalism' - rather, a series of mono-cultures, each existing independently of others.

You want to see 'real' racism? - suggest to an Asian father that his daughter marry an African! (but be prepared to move smartly out of the way as he might well reach for his ceremonial dagger and do things to you that he'll regret afterward!)

Or, why not introduce a nice Serbian girl to a Kosovan blind date? - a sparky evening is guaranteed for all.....

The world is in turmoil - and because we have invited most of the world to set up home here, the UK will soon be in turmoil too.

No-one really believes in 'multiculturalism' (you'd have to be simple if you did!) what each culture wants to do is gain the ascendancy - and that is exactly what I want for *my* own culture (which, at the moment, is less a striving for superiority, and more a struggle for survival)

Go to Hemswell Sunday market, near Lincoln - every second person that passes by will be speaking a strange language! I was there recently and felt like a foreigner in my own land.

One interesting thing was that the Asian stall holders (who have been there for years) no longer felt in the least bit 'alien' - rather, in the face of this huge East European invasion, they suddenly felt as traditional and familiar as Eccles cakes and fish & chips! ;)

Which just goes to show that resentment about immigration is not based on skin colour!


Nov 12, 2009
Oh dear!

These heated debates always seem to kick off when I'm out.

Giovanni wrote:

Its becoming a common accurence on here this sort of thing,I am starting to wonder whats going on, and why the mods are so soft on this sort of thing.......

Your views are obviously sincerely held, as are the viewpoints of other posters. You have every right to express your views, as do those who do not agree with them.

The subject of mass immigration and topics that express the very real fears and feelings of any group of people in this country do indeed seem to be posted more often. This may be because immigration into the UK is reaching unprecedented levels these days so it's only natural that this subject will be discussed. There are a wide spectrum of views on this issue.

The Moderating team are not soft on this sort of thing. We do not have the right of censorship. If we all start to insult and verbally abuse each other then forum etiquette is breached and we have no choice other than to act, but we are not here to stifle anybody's viewpoint whether they are pro or anti any given subject.
Jan 19, 2008
One of the great myths promoted by the PC lobby is 'multiculturalism'

In the UK, there is no 'multiculturalism' - rather, a series of mono-cultures, each existing independently of others.

You want to see 'real' racism? - suggest to an Asian father that his daughter marry an African! (but be prepared to move smartly out of the way as he might well reach for his ceremonial dagger and do things to you that he'll regret afterward!)

Or, why not introduce a nice Serbian girl to a Kosovan blind date? - a sparky evening is guaranteed for all.....

The world is in turmoil - and because we have invited most of the world to set up home here, the UK will soon be in turmoil too.

No-one really believes in 'multiculturalism' (you'd have to be simple if you did!) what each culture wants to do is gain the ascendancy - and that is exactly what I want for *my* own culture (which, at the moment, is less a striving for superiority, and more a struggle for survival)

Go to Hemswell Sunday market, near Lincoln - every second person that passes by will be speaking a strange language! I was there recently and felt like a foreigner in my own land.

One interesting thing was that the Asian stall holders (who have been there for years) no longer felt in the least bit 'alien' - rather, in the face of this huge East European invasion, they suddenly felt as traditional and familiar as Eccles cakes and fish & chips! ;)

Which just goes to show that resentment about immigration is not based on skin colour!
Other examples are Hindu's and Pakistani Muslims, or simply India itself with it's caste system.


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