I thank you all for your suggestions,
We have been aware of most of these possibilities, but for one reason or another they have not worked out for us.
I am registered with Morrisons, Sainsbury, Tesco and Waitrose for home deliveries, but despite this locally getting delivery slots is proving very difficult.
We had already applied to the Govt web site to register as Extremely Vulnerable, but the web site does not confirm if you have been successful or not. The only way you discover if you've been successful is if any of the supermarkets (who receive Govt data) lists you. Ironically despite my wife medical conditions which are listed on the Govt web site, she has not been advised she is listed! And I who had just one condition for which I had surgery to correct and now does not really restrict me have been successful according to Sainsbury!
Despite my status, I have only been able to book one Sainsbury delivery, but since then despite checking web sites on a regular basis several times a day, there are no future slots available for deliveries or click and collect.
Regards the prescriptions, My wife's conditions are treated by a very wide range of medications (some are trail drugs). Due to health regulations prescriptions for some some of her meds cannot be transmitted electronically, Normally we would collect the scripts and take them to the pharmacy. During this crisis we have to use a pharmacy that will visit the surgery to physically collect the scripts, and that limits us to a few local pharmacies who unfortunately do not deliver.
We have not been contacted by or made aware of any local voluntary support organisations. However our daughter did send us a list of local council phone numbers.
At this stage I'm concerned but not desperate. about getting groceries, But it does concern me that I will have to increase my risk of exposure to get meds.
I would love to be able to offer help to others but the risks to my wife are just too great.