Cotswold Windrush 1990 Hot Water

Oct 11, 2015
Hi there, I recently bought a 1990 Windrush 12.2 and it's a great wee caravan but I can't figure out how to get the hot water working.
There's gas, enough water in the water butt and the pump is drawing water through the system but the hot water taps and the shower still run cold. Is there a switch that I should be flipping to activate the heater? I can't see anything -and the heater itself is covered by an insulating Styrofoam box labelled 'do not remove'.

Any help towards fixing this would be greatly appreciated as I would love to have it fixed by the weekend.
Jul 15, 2008
20,935 almost certainly have a Carver water heater.

I assume you are trying to heat the water with electricity........if so the first item to check is the overheat cut out switch. This can be reset by locating the red button switch on the end of the hot water tank and pushing it in.
This button may be covered with white polystyrene!
If you are using gas.......then the gas burner should be self igniting once the 12 volt electrical control switch is turned on.
This is usually located on the electrical control panel.
Oct 11, 2015
It seemed to be the sequence of turning the system on. I had flipped the thermostat on before remembering to turn the gas on at the safety valve. Doing it the other way around caused it to splutter to life. :)
Mar 14, 2005
I suggest you look on where you will find copies of the operating instructions for the Carver Cascade water heaters. The control switch may be different but the basic principles are the same for all the Cascade 2 variations.


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