Covid19 - How Can This Be Allowed To Happen.

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Jul 18, 2017
Now I have had 4 appointments for different issues cancelled. First three were routine so not such a big deal however the 4th appointment cancellation is very worrying as I have already been in A&E via ambulance because of it and there is nothing further the GP can do about it. Letter stated that they have no idea when routine appointments will start again. Pity those that have urgent life threatening issues and are being declined because Covid 19 takes priority.
Nov 11, 2009
Now I have had 4 appointments for different issues cancelled. First three were routine so not such a big deal however the 4th appointment cancellation is very worrying as I have already been in A&E via ambulance because of it and there is nothing further the GP can do about it. Letter stated that they have no idea when routine appointments will start again. Pity those that have urgent life threatening issues and are being declined because Covid 19 takes priority.
Routine appointments and life threatening don’t seem to sit well together. I had to visit AE rather rapidly mid June. The service was brilliant and I was discharged late on a Saturday evening. Contacted and spoke to my GP on the Monday morning and because AE had picked up something on an ECG not related to my visit there. They found I have a low pulse rate. Ive known it for years. My GP referred me to a Cardiologist. He rang me Tuesday morning and arranged for a 24 hour monitor to be fitted that afternoon. I’ve also had a private echo scan and further ECG but need a 14 day monitor. Parting words of the consultant were “ you are okay to fit the new tyres to your bike, but don’t overdo it”. Bike tyres are unfitted but we did climb the Worcester Beacon when in the Malverns. Now trying to see if I can get NHS to fund the 14 day monitor.
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Jun 16, 2020
Now I have had 4 appointments for different issues cancelled. First three were routine so not such a big deal however the 4th appointment cancellation is very worrying as I have already been in A&E via ambulance because of it and there is nothing further the GP can do about it. Letter stated that they have no idea when routine appointments will start again. Pity those that have urgent life threatening issues and are being declined because Covid 19 takes priority.

Is this a post code thing?

Mar 14, 2005
Despite its name, it's not a National Health Service. Each area runs its own services in a unique way which sadly does lead to a post code lottery when it comes to types and levels of certain treatments available.

The NHS is pushing the message of "We are Open" but no one should have any doubts that C19 has put a spanner in the works and the details of how services may be accessed will be different to the service before C19.

Some services may not be readily restarted locally for a variety of reasons, but I do know the NHS is trying to ensure only cases that are least critical are deferred, and most important are managed as best they can.

What became known as routine follow up appointments may well be conducted differently now o. Some appointments were a waste of money for everyone, and could have been just as productive if done by telephone call.

There are many surgeries who have busy periods and waiting time for calls to be answered can protracted, but these are unprecedented circumstances, and there are bound to be some changes that don't suit everyone.

To say that C19 is not being taken seriously in a surgery becasue someone touched a surface is being a little unrealistic especially as there was a protocol to clean the surface afterwards.

This pandemic affects us all, and we all have a part to play in trying to get through it. We must not be relying on others to fix everything for us, we also have to do our bit for the benefit of all.
Nov 11, 2009
It is, however,"world beating" apparently.
That quote is so out of date I’m surprised anyone would even think to use it. And it was shown to be very out of context too. But it wasnt NHS Track and Trace either. It’s Test and Trace according to U.K. Gov
Nov 6, 2005
Now I have had 4 appointments for different issues cancelled. First three were routine so not such a big deal however the 4th appointment cancellation is very worrying as I have already been in A&E via ambulance because of it and there is nothing further the GP can do about it. Letter stated that they have no idea when routine appointments will start again. Pity those that have urgent life threatening issues and are being declined because Covid 19 takes priority.
Routine appointments are restarting for SWMBO and myself, starting to catch up on all the ones that were cancelled earlier in the year.


Mar 5, 2020
That quote is so out of date I’m surprised anyone would even think to use it. And it was shown to be very out of context too. But it wasnt NHS Track and Trace either. It’s Test and Trace according to U.K. Gov

Precisely. Described by our dear leader as exactly that.
Jul 18, 2017
Routine appointments are restarting for SWMBO and myself, starting to catch up on all the ones that were cancelled earlier in the year.
No such luck with routine appointments for either of us. The latest appointment to see a specialist was made after an emergency visit to A&E 10 days ago and it was for mid Oct, but has already been cancelled. Maybe they know something that they are not telling the general public? I am now considering inquiring if I can go private for the examination.
Mar 14, 2005
I'm really sorry that the health service has not met with your expectations. But why the conspiracy theory?

Obviously I don't know your health needs and this is not the place to discuss them. In the UK you can seek a second opinion, and it I do agree it might be a way forward. You should arrange to talk to your GP about your present situation and ask for clarification. It is an option to be refered to another specialist perhaps out of region, and that can be through the NHS, but you could opt to be seen privately.

It might be your present specialist and GP do not consider your condition to be as critical as you think it is, and they may consider there is less urgency which means it is unlikely to be detrimental to your long term prognosis.

Don't forget we are still in the middle of the C19 pandemic, and there are still very serious risks to a larger proportion of the population if C19 is not held in check. For that reason the NHS is still having to try and manage issues for which it was not originally designed or evolved.


Nov 12, 2009
I've deleted the most recent comment.
It's ok if people want to have a moan because they are waiting a long time for NHS appointments because of the pandemic but we don't allow personal attacks or sniping at each other on this forum.
Jul 3, 2020
I have very mixed feelings with how the NHS and Doctor Surgeries have handled things..

Sadly I think its going to be a long time before we get back to anywhere near normal, as it appears people just don't want to follow any guidance given.

I work in a residential home, and yep there's an impact on residents and their families not having the visits they want, and I constantly hear the complaints on radio chat shows about not being allowed to visit.

But we have a responsibility to protect our residents and their welfare, and yes started maintaining contact via all sorts of media, from phone, face timming, skype etc etc. And as soon as possible introduced some form of visiting, window visits, then garden visits...

But to say, give some a inch they will take a mile and you're understand why any form of visiting has been slow to open.

Purely because you will ask families to follow procedure's, such as a window visit, which is set up in a quiet room, with mics and speakers so resident and family can clearly hear each other...

So you get the family who decide to try to open the window for a hug, even a family who realised that the side entrance had been opened so sneak in! not a mask in sight.

Garden visits, lovely we've had some really warm weather, you ask the relative to keep their face mask on, and social distance, Nope turn your back, social distance is gone so is the face mask!

Just done our first visits into rooms for those that can't do the garden/window visit, Guess what yep they may have answered the health check question (we assume honestly) temp is ok, they wash and sanatise their hands as requested, they put their face mask and aprons on as request. Which they are meant to keep on for the whole visit, and asked why they're in the room to maintain social distancing. But they don't soon as staff are clear of the room, they take it all off!

Fine if they want to endanger their relative lives, but in fact they are endanger all the lives of the staff and residents.

And you wonder why we are very reluctant to allow visitors, bet the person who brings the virus in, will be one fo the first ones to slag the home off for it getting into the building!

And its these Simple things of following Guidance, wearing face mask, not gathering in large crowds etc that is about the only way to keep this dreaded virus at bay.
Mar 14, 2005
Fine if they want to endanger their relative lives, but in fact they are endanger all the lives of the staff and residents.

If such action infects a resident or member of staff with C19, and that person dies, then I think they should face a charge of at least manslaughter. These people really do not know what danger they create.


Nov 12, 2009
I've removed three separate comments from this thread.
Some emotive issues have been raised, and rational discussion doesn't seem to be possible.
This thread is therefore locked.
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