cracked front panel

Oct 7, 2006
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I've just been looking at a 2004 Abbey caravan which I was very keen on, but was put off when I noticed a number of fine cracks on the front panel above the window and around the handles.

They had the appearance of ceramic glazing cracks, but in many cases where quite deep, and I considered that they had occured at areas where the plastic was most stressed, and therefore would probably continue to grow and widen as the plastic aged. The dealer was quite dismissive of these, and said that it would "only take a bit of crack cure to put them right"

I'm wondering what others think. Are these cracks a common problem, and was I right to be concerned about them? Are they something I'm likely to encounter on other vans, and if so, what would one do about them?


May 15, 2006
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I have a 2008 swift caravan and when i was washing it at the weekend i found a crack in the front abs panel above the window. I phoned the dealer and the next day the dealer came out and took some photos of it. The only problem is i have been told that the front panel only has a 12 month warranty. The dealer is going to speak to swift about it. The dealer has been very good and quick about about getting photos of it and coming to the caravan site to see it.



Mar 14, 2005
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Quote " The only problem is i have been told that the front panel only has a 12 month warranty."

I would like to know who told you this information as I believe that information to be severely flawed.

Your van has either a 3 or 6 year water ingress warranty, therefore if one of the cracks lets water in are whoever told you , saying that a claim would not be entertained as the front panel is only warranted for 12 months?

I think not.
Aug 20, 2006
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Hi Kieth

We have a 2007 Crusader Super Sirocco and the rear panel has stress fractures on the top rear corners. We had the dealer taking photos as well, and upon checking, damp was found in one corner at the rear. The reply from Explorer was that they will repair the damp which is about
Feb 16, 2009
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Steve not aware Swift have a 12month warranty on front panels thought they all had 6 year warranty against water ingression, cracks on front and rear panels could cause water ingression.

Andy of swift can you comment on Steve's answer from his dealer, are front and back panels only warranted for twelve months.

Dec 30, 2009
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We had an Abbey 2006, before getting our current van (sterling Feb this year. The Abbey had cracks down theside of the rear pannel and a crack to the front panel. Swift came ot to inspect the van and agreed to change the rear and repair the front. This was in Oct of 2008. We didnt get the jobs done as we traded the van into the dealer who was doing the job, which was done before they resold it.

12 months on a front panel, thats a new one on me.

As for the 2007 Crusader Super Sirocco, I know what id be saying to the dealer!!!!

Nov 11, 2009
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I would talk to the Consumer Direct organisation (Google) as they are excellent in advsing on consumer rights, and I am sure that 12 months on panels would be seen as unreasonable unless the dealer/manufacturer can show that it has not been subject to normal wear and tear. Recently EU consumer protection has been embeded in UK law such as 6 months on second hand cars etc, so I would speak to CD. Remember your contract is with the supplying dealer. You may have to tell them that unless they accept responsibilty then you will be going through the Small Claims Court. The online option is cheap and never fails if your case is seen to be withing the consumer laws and is reasonable.

For what it is worth my 2005 Bailey developed cracks in the front panel in 2008 and the dealer did not hesitate to cahnge it, and it was the dealer found the cracks. A friend has a new 2009 Swift Coastline and it's being traded in next week for a new Bailey has he is fed up with the poor quality, long wait for spares.
May 15, 2006
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Just to confirm all Swift Group products come with a 3 year warranty on front panels.


Hi Andy

Thanks for getting back. My swift dealer told me that it was covered for 12 months. And that was by the man that deals with the warrantys.

Thanks Keith
May 15, 2006
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Just to confirm all Swift Group products come with a 3 year warranty on front panels.


Hi Andy

Thanks for getting back. My swift dealer told me that it was covered for 12 months. And that was by the man that deals with the warrantys.

Thanks Keith
Oct 7, 2006
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this has been an interesting and worrying conversation, caravaners do seem to put up with some poor quality products.

Could I however, re-ask my original question - are these faults something to worry about, are they repairable (satisfactorily), and are they common? (sounds like they are from the conversation so far)

For info, the 2004 Abbvey had a slightly rounded front, which i suspect may add to the stress on the panel. Do readers think a flatter front end panel would be less prone to these cracks?
Nov 10, 2008
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Steve - I have had both front and back ABS panels on my Bailey replaced due to cracks. Fortunately there was no associated water ingress, but over time there probably would have been.

The cracks were very small but numerous professional and independent sources informed me that there was no effective long term repair possible - including 'plastic welding'. In respect of the latter, the 'best' weld can only really be done if you can get to both sides of the crack, and even then no one would be prepared to guarantee the repair, especially as a 'permanent fix'.

Bearing in mind that most cracks would need the panel removing to get to both sides, it is simply not practical to do this - hence why my panels were replaced - in the case of the back one, with labour costs being paid for by me.

I have looked into this problem a great deal - I am fairly convinced that it is down to poor manufacture - either just drilling the fixing screws in without a pilot hole first or by putting them in too tight. Over time the crack 'creeps'.

Like you, I am concerned about what happens if this occurs again - for whatever reason, including a minor knock like a flying stone whilst towing, My view is that ABS as a material is wholly unsuitable for a caravan panel - it being used to drive down costs/weight and perhaps offer a greater range of 'styles'. I would have thought glass fibre is a much better option - maybe heavier, but easy to repair in situ.

Overall, I have found the vast majority of caravans to be badly built for the money - if we didn't enjoy the hobby so much I would pack it in solely on the grounds of the quality of the caravan. In short - we as consumers don't appear to be listened to by manufacturers. I would sacrifice TV's, showers, CD's etc every time if the money saved was put into quality control and better build quality overall.
Aug 22, 2008
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Hi Steve

We have an Ace Award (swift group)which we brought from new in 2003 -after about 18 months or so we found similar cracks to the back and the front panels of our van. We took it back to the dealers who took photos of it etc. then repaired it, we did not have new panels fitted like some.the dealers filled it sprayed it or whatever and I must say they did a fine job, to date some 4 years later the van is fine no water ingress and no more cracks old or new..



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