daft question about cempo? flushing fluid.

Jun 29, 2004
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I have a container of what I remember to be cempo for flushing brewery pipes ect and have always used it for the van.

The container got damp, The instructions I can't read and the male menopause has struck and I can't remember the mix rate.

Has anyone got a better memory than me and can you let me know?


Norfolk Mike
May 20, 2005
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Click on the picture to make it larger hopefully you should be able to read the instruction copy the picture and make a new label

Jun 29, 2004
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Thanks very much Paul. Mine was left over from my wine making days. A hobby that has now been banned since I bought a container lorry of Italian red grapes. From the scale of opperation you can see that I had a lot of chempo.


Norfolk Mike.
Mar 14, 2005
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Hello Mike and PaulA

Chempro SDP is an excelent choice for cleaning the water systems. As Mike states it is designed for the brewing and wine making industry, where plastics and metals are used extensively. In particular teh brewers use a lot of aluminium components, and Chempro is less agressive or corrosive to AL compared to other sterilising substances, inparticular bleach based cleaners like Milton.

This is a consideration especialy where you may have a Carver Cascade water heater, which was manufactured almost exclusively from aluminium. Allthough the inner tank is covered by a protective coating, there are some exposed surfaces in drilled holes.

Carver recomended chempro as the prefered cleaner.

Mike if you have lots of Chempro, I suggest you let forum members know, and perhaps arrange to sell it?
May 20, 2005
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Mike like you I used to do a lot of brewing and at first it was very good then I some how lost the knack ended up brewing different flavours of viniger.

John I use Chempro for the very reasons you have pointed out its a lot safer on metal like the bearing shaft in the submersible pump and it leaves no taste.

The way I sterilize my van water system is to use both my aqua rolls one with clean water the other with Chempro mix.

I remove the old carver crystal filter put the srew cap section back on with out filter, them use the clean water to fill the hot water tank via pump once the water starts to come out of each hot water tap I turn them off.

I then put the pump into the other aqua roll of Chempro mix turn on the cold taps till I feel the Chempro solution ( if you rub your fingers together under the flow of water you will see what I mean). I then leave it for about 4 hrs before rinsing the sytem through with clean water then I fit a new filter.

Doing it this way avoids anything other than clean water going into the hot water tank and as we dont drink the water from the hot water taps theres no need to steralize them.

The other thing I do is block off the waste pipes and pour the Chempro solution down the sinks etc it cleans them to.
Mar 29, 2005
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Mike like you I used to do a lot of brewing and at first it was very good then I some how lost the knack ended up brewing different flavours of viniger.

John I use Chempro for the very reasons you have pointed out its a lot safer on metal like the bearing shaft in the submersible pump and it leaves no taste.

The way I sterilize my van water system is to use both my aqua rolls one with clean water the other with Chempro mix.

I remove the old carver crystal filter put the srew cap section back on with out filter, them use the clean water to fill the hot water tank via pump once the water starts to come out of each hot water tap I turn them off.

I then put the pump into the other aqua roll of Chempro mix turn on the cold taps till I feel the Chempro solution ( if you rub your fingers together under the flow of water you will see what I mean). I then leave it for about 4 hrs before rinsing the sytem through with clean water then I fit a new filter.

Doing it this way avoids anything other than clean water going into the hot water tank and as we dont drink the water from the hot water taps theres no need to steralize them.

The other thing I do is block off the waste pipes and pour the Chempro solution down the sinks etc it cleans them to.
hi all can you still buy CHEMPRO SDP?did a search says no longer produced????
Mar 14, 2005
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I understand that Chempro is no longer sold. However, you can buy Bruclean at any home-brewing supplier, which is the same sort of thing. I've used it to clean the pipes in my van, and found it excellent. It's powerful stuff however; read and follow the instructions carefully. Best of luck!

Mar 28, 2006
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Just brought a new 2nd hand van recently and thought I'd browse caravan forums.I came across this site and your post on sterilising water tanks. I have to do this in the near future and thank you for your info regarding the use a home brew product.I was told by another vanner that nappysan was the way to go,but it involved putting it in the tank, filling the tank with water then driving aroud for a while to shake it up then empty it then fill with cold water, drive around again then empty , then refill. I think your method is much better.

I always thought that Australians spoke and wrote the same language, but after reading some of the posts I'm not so sure.

although I do enjoy the forum.

See ya, aussie bob


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