Damp readings

Aug 8, 2016
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Hi All
The much awaited caravan service has been done today - much awaited due to being postponed by snow after snow here in the Peak District!! Those snow drifts have not been kind to our caravan and we had 2 damp readings of 40 around lockers. The chap who serviced was not overly alarmed and recommended sealing and drying out the 2 small patches. What are people's views? Would you be concerned and get fully repaired or take the advice we were given? We haven't had experience of this before - thanks!


Mar 14, 2005
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If you have had snow up the van to the levels of the lockers, then it is quite possible that with the thaw it has found its way past the seals.

I would make sure you have plenty of ventilation and keep an eye on it for now.

If the service person suggested oversealing, that is a waste of time and money.
The only good way is removal of the whole surround and clean, and reseal with all fresh mastic.
New mastic will not stick to old mastic.

If you can get heat into the van, especially near the areas in question so much the better.
Nov 11, 2009
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I agree with Damian. 40% readings in themselves should not have caused harm to structure or wall boards. The best approach is removal and resealbwith plenty of ventilation. A good temporary seal can be achieved using Sylglass tape until a workshop can do the work.
Mar 14, 2005
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otherclive said:
I agree with Damian. 40% readings in themselves should not have caused harm to structure or wall boards. The best approach is removal and resealbwith plenty of ventilation. A good temporary seal can be achieved using Sylglass tape until a workshop can do the work.

40% is too high and it does suggest a problem, but as Remain has suggested it might be just the result of the poor recent conditions, so allowing it air properly may be sufficient, But that is only right if it has been the result of extreme conditions. If it's a longer term problem, 40% is bad news, and it does need fixing before it causes serious damage.

Try airing and see if the problem reduces, it should really be below 20% and more typically 12 to 15%.


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