Definitions - non PC versions

May 12, 2007
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Xenophobia is a fear or contempt of foreigners or strangers.[1] It comes from the Greek words åÌ°ãï (xenos), meaning "foreigner," "stranger," and îÅÉãï (phobos), meaning "fear." The term is typically used to describe fear or dislike of foreigners or in general of people different from one's self.

For xenophobia there are two main objects of the phobia. The first is a population group present within a society, which is not considered part of that society. Often they are recent immigrants, but xenophobia may be directed against a group which has been present for centuries. This form of xenophobia can elicit or facilitate hostile and violent reactions, such as mass expulsion of immigrants, or in the worst case, genocide.

A bigot is a prejudiced person who is intolerant of opinions, lifestyles, or identities differing from his or her own.

The origin of the word bigot in English dates back to at least 1598, via Middle French, and started with the sense of "religious hypocrite", especially a woman. Bigot is often used as a term against a person who is obstinately devoted to prejudices even when these views are challenged or proven to be false.
Jan 19, 2008
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I thought you'd made your last post on the topic Nautilus but I'm glad you never because it shows you never threw a tantrum.

I will repost my comments because from this post it seems that you did not inwardly digest it. I thank you for the Wikipedia definition but I was already aware of the meaning :O)

Lord Braykewynde

20 May 2007 11:18 AM Nautilus, by using the word xenophobia is a nice try. It's a word used widely by the PC Brigade if anyone speaks in defence of their family or culture.

At no point have I blamed them for the woes of the country and I don't believe anyone else has. The main culprit is this government but that doesn't detract from the fact that we shouldn't be defending our children and grandchildrens future.

SL is right in his posting, the countries he mentioned, including ours, have an open policy with no limits whereby the others do.
May 10, 2007
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Nautilus your post here and in the other thread are an outrage.

As a married couple James I have spent much of our merried life as Ex Pats. The UK government has gone out of its way to impress on James and his family and colleagues that we are guests in other countries and we should act with respect for the local religion, culture and way of life and not to take jobs from locals.

The same government does not insist on the same behaviour from migrants to our country.

You are just another with fancifull ideas using buzz words to cover the truth rather than look at the true effect of these groups on our economy and the effect they are having on indigenous people and their job and housing opportunities.

If you beleive many are Xenophobic then lets have the open truth on what many from the migrant groups are claiming and and how they afford the life styles they lead the cars they drive the trips home they take and the money they send to there home lands on UK basic wages.

Ria and James
May 12, 2007
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I thought you'd made your last post on the topic Nautilus but I'm glad you never because it shows you never threw a tantrum.

I will repost my comments because from this post it seems that you did not inwardly digest it. I thank you for the Wikipedia definition but I was already aware of the meaning :O)

Lord Braykewynde

20 May 2007 11:18 AM Nautilus, by using the word xenophobia is a nice try. It's a word used widely by the PC Brigade if anyone speaks in defence of their family or culture.

At no point have I blamed them for the woes of the country and I don't believe anyone else has. The main culprit is this government but that doesn't detract from the fact that we shouldn't be defending our children and grandchildrens future.

SL is right in his posting, the countries he mentioned, including ours, have an open policy with no limits whereby the others do.
Actually it wasn't a comment on the other thread, buy merely an observation. And no.... I don't do tantrums.

Thank you for reposting.I digested first time, but just ahppen to disagree,,,
May 12, 2007
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Nautilus your post here and in the other thread are an outrage.

As a married couple James I have spent much of our merried life as Ex Pats. The UK government has gone out of its way to impress on James and his family and colleagues that we are guests in other countries and we should act with respect for the local religion, culture and way of life and not to take jobs from locals.

The same government does not insist on the same behaviour from migrants to our country.

You are just another with fancifull ideas using buzz words to cover the truth rather than look at the true effect of these groups on our economy and the effect they are having on indigenous people and their job and housing opportunities.

If you beleive many are Xenophobic then lets have the open truth on what many from the migrant groups are claiming and and how they afford the life styles they lead the cars they drive the trips home they take and the money they send to there home lands on UK basic wages.

Ria and James
I'm not sure what you find an outrage but never mind. I wasn't defending the Government merely objecting to the 'blame Johhny Foreigner for everything' culture.

Why not the open truth on the British who milk the system as well... In fact most of the statistics you want are readily available....

This post was designed to clarify two definitions NOT transfer the thread across.

As you know nothing about me, my background or indeed my opinions I find it outrageous that you should jump to such conclusions. Still, you're entitled to your opinions...
Oct 17, 2006
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Ok where do I belong, I now live in Cornwall, after moving from North London a few years ago 1983. To the Cornish I am an outsider, foreigner/stranger, as far as I aware Cornwall still is in the United Kingdom, or am I wrong.

I have aways worked and lived in England, only gone on holiday to Spain,France, never in my wildest dreams have I ever thought of leaving the UK to live or work in another country. My choice, but the way things are looking at the moment it seems a good idea, I wonder if I can claim housing benefit, social security.

P.S Why have we now two threads on the same subject????

Have I posted this under the right topic??

Jan 19, 2008
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Ok where do I belong, I now live in Cornwall, after moving from North London a few years ago 1983. To the Cornish I am an outsider, foreigner/stranger, as far as I aware Cornwall still is in the United Kingdom, or am I wrong.

I have aways worked and lived in England, only gone on holiday to Spain,France, never in my wildest dreams have I ever thought of leaving the UK to live or work in another country. My choice, but the way things are looking at the moment it seems a good idea, I wonder if I can claim housing benefit, social security.

P.S Why have we now two threads on the same subject????

Have I posted this under the right topic??

ummmmm wrong thread Liz hehheh! ;O)
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Lisa, Just thought thinks needed cooling down a bit, perhaps you could help, I am packing my bags and off to Wales, one thing that worries me is the Flag, Cornwall has a Flag, does Wales??? Whoops!!!
Mar 14, 2005
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Liz, you could get yourself barred for life, making remarks like that!

Lisa, where have you been all day? Lord B and I have invited ourselves for coffee when you're at Aberbran, but we don't know the dates you'll be there.
Oct 17, 2006
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Sorry emmerson, p.s I have to pay to leave Cornwall, do I have to pay to enter Wales??? All these things I must take into consideration, only if so I will have to deduct from the money I send home. Liz


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi emmerson

I've just got back from Abergavenney (sp). Going again next Sunday if things don't go downhill before then. What a beautiful day it was in Wales.

Liz - don't do it, stay in Cornwall. Them Welsh speak funny....

I'll have to let you know about Aberbran, I'm moving things around a bit. I have booked for Aug B/H but I might change it for a week in August (if there's any vacancies) as the child might be gowing away with relatives. It's not that we're trying to get rid of her for a week or anything but yyyyiiiippppeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lisa xxx


Mar 14, 2005
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If you have to ask about the flag, they won't let you in.
Mar 14, 2005
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Lisa, that's just over the mountain from me.

we're up in North Wales from 8th -15th August, then St David's form 15th - 20th, so you might have to make do with just Lord B!
Oct 17, 2006
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Hi Marc, I would love to come, I did ask what was the latest date I could book, I was informed I had to book now or a few weeks ago, in my job(Site Warden) thats quite impossible for me to book now.

I would love to meet all of you, and have a good old sing song,

I am not an early to bed person so their would be some late,late nights. Liz
Mar 14, 2005
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Hey Liz you and your family are more than welcome to come to Wales to live. We will welcome you with open arms. Whether you would like to live in the vales or at the coast there will always be a welcome. The ex pats of Wales which were sent over the border on missionary work are doing a fine job.


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