Directory of Aires

Jan 15, 2008
A friend of mine who has a villa in the south of France (normally flies to Barcelona or Perpignan)is planning to buy a motorhome as they are moving to the villa to live.From there they intend to tour extensively around France and Europe as a whole.
He is looking for a directory of Aires on the french Autoroutes,I am sure such a thing exists and that it has been mentioned on here.
If anyone knows of such a thing what is it called,where can he get one and how much.
Dec 14, 2006
Are you sure that Aires on the autoroutes is what your friend means? It can be confusing when people talk of Aires as one person may mean a motorway service Aire and another may mean the Aires de Service de Camping Car - which are not on the autoroutes, but in towns and villages - where usually motorhomes can stay free or for a very small fee. This would seem to make more sense if he intends to tour in his motorhome. There are books called All the Aires - France, or another for Spain and Portugal and one for the Benelux countries. You can order from Vicarious Books.
He may also benefit from looking at the ACSI card website where he could find campsites from as little as 11 euros, and also buying Le Guide Officiel which lists ALL campsites in France, but also gives a few pages of information about motorhome friendly places to stop-over.
Sep 24, 2008
We have just changed back to caravan after having a motorhome. This year we done over 2000 miles in France staying on aires for the night, total expenditure for 15 days E3.60. This September went around uk 2300 miles camping fees £250 and soaking wet to boot.That is by m/h.
I bought the French AIRES by Vicarouse and as i said it more than paid for itself espeically the places stayed.
Feb 28, 2009
Hi, yes I can recommend the Le Guide Officiel which I bought a few years ago for about £10 pounds, it is worth the money and very easy to follow, hope this helps.
Oct 9, 2010
Try this one for size
Always has some useful info for touring


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