- Mar 14, 2005
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On Radio Wales lunchtime today was a debate on whether smoking whilst driving should be made illegal. There was a young lady from ASH who thought that it should and whatever argument was thrown at her in support of smoking whilst driving she repaeted the same answer. Now I do not smoke but I do think that the do-gooders of this world are becoming very dicterorial in trying to get whatever does not suit them banned. Why not ban smoking, alcohol, driving and all other forms of pleasure and return to the caves thereby we would be the greenest country in the world. Mind you we would also be a miserable bunch as there would be no radio, tv, transport, alcohol, tobacco, etc. One telephone caller did come up with the suggestion of banning tobacco all together on health grounds. What about health problems associated with drink, neuclear power, carbon monoxide, etc.? Where will it end? Also the Government would loose too much revenue to ban smoking and alcohol. Finally how will it be policed - the use of mobile phones whilst driving is illegal but how many ignore this law and get away with it daily. Within a few miles of setting out on a journey I will gaurentee you will see someone using a mobile phone whilst driving.