Do Good Society

Mar 14, 2005
On Radio Wales lunchtime today was a debate on whether smoking whilst driving should be made illegal. There was a young lady from ASH who thought that it should and whatever argument was thrown at her in support of smoking whilst driving she repaeted the same answer. Now I do not smoke but I do think that the do-gooders of this world are becoming very dicterorial in trying to get whatever does not suit them banned. Why not ban smoking, alcohol, driving and all other forms of pleasure and return to the caves thereby we would be the greenest country in the world. Mind you we would also be a miserable bunch as there would be no radio, tv, transport, alcohol, tobacco, etc. One telephone caller did come up with the suggestion of banning tobacco all together on health grounds. What about health problems associated with drink, neuclear power, carbon monoxide, etc.? Where will it end? Also the Government would loose too much revenue to ban smoking and alcohol. Finally how will it be policed - the use of mobile phones whilst driving is illegal but how many ignore this law and get away with it daily. Within a few miles of setting out on a journey I will gaurentee you will see someone using a mobile phone whilst driving.
Jan 2, 2006
Colin,I think I agree with you the PC brigade are a pain in the **** ,but returning to the caves I don't think so,I mean think it through sitting around and cooking by fire now that involves destroying trees,cant do that.It gives of smoke and will create global warming,cant do that.No supermarkets so hunting,cant do that what would the RSPCA have to say.Using spears now thats dangerous you take someones eye out,cant do that.Not enough caves to go around,so housing (cave) developers would move in destroying green fields ,cant do that.Then again,you can be sure if we were back in the caves all the asylum seekers will not want to come here,yeah we could do that! :eek:)
Jan 19, 2007
Colin,I think I agree with you the PC brigade are a pain in the **** ,but returning to the caves I don't think so,I mean think it through sitting around and cooking by fire now that involves destroying trees,cant do that.It gives of smoke and will create global warming,cant do that.No supermarkets so hunting,cant do that what would the RSPCA have to say.Using spears now thats dangerous you take someones eye out,cant do that.Not enough caves to go around,so housing (cave) developers would move in destroying green fields ,cant do that.Then again,you can be sure if we were back in the caves all the asylum seekers will not want to come here,yeah we could do that! :eek:)
We wouldn't have much of a view if we had to site our caravans in caves.
Jan 19, 2008
Colin,I think I agree with you the PC brigade are a pain in the **** ,but returning to the caves I don't think so,I mean think it through sitting around and cooking by fire now that involves destroying trees,cant do that.It gives of smoke and will create global warming,cant do that.No supermarkets so hunting,cant do that what would the RSPCA have to say.Using spears now thats dangerous you take someones eye out,cant do that.Not enough caves to go around,so housing (cave) developers would move in destroying green fields ,cant do that.Then again,you can be sure if we were back in the caves all the asylum seekers will not want to come here,yeah we could do that! :eek:)
Hehheh! Plotter :O)
May 10, 2007
Like many ladies I endure the hours of grunts and moans and zero communication as boys and toys hurtle around race tracks.

James was glued to ITV yesterday for the Spanish GP, I admit to taking the odd look or otherwise I would have no idea what he is going on about.

I realise that Mr Alonso and others all go the same way most of the time whilst knowing the route.

I even now know that whilst battling at wondrous speeds they are having a drink and chatting via a hands free radio to those on the prat perch and twiddling knobs and switches to alter the cars performance whilst taking in technical advice to improve their performance.

On the public road popping a sweetie in your mouth or having a bite from an apple would now be punishable by death if some of the anti road lobby had there way.

We've safely had bike to bike radio for many more years than mobile phones have been around and the PC / Anti lobby would do better improving the general standard of driving rather than pick on everyday habits that some people practice whilst driving.

But could they please ban drivers from picking their noses ;)

Jan 19, 2008
Like many ladies I endure the hours of grunts and moans and zero communication as boys and toys hurtle around race tracks.

James was glued to ITV yesterday for the Spanish GP, I admit to taking the odd look or otherwise I would have no idea what he is going on about.

I realise that Mr Alonso and others all go the same way most of the time whilst knowing the route.

I even now know that whilst battling at wondrous speeds they are having a drink and chatting via a hands free radio to those on the prat perch and twiddling knobs and switches to alter the cars performance whilst taking in technical advice to improve their performance.

On the public road popping a sweetie in your mouth or having a bite from an apple would now be punishable by death if some of the anti road lobby had there way.

We've safely had bike to bike radio for many more years than mobile phones have been around and the PC / Anti lobby would do better improving the general standard of driving rather than pick on everyday habits that some people practice whilst driving.

But could they please ban drivers from picking their noses ;)

Hey I resemble that remark, us nose pickers have a need for fresh air too :OP


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