As I am relativly inexperianced with towing, I like to ask a lot of questions to try and avoid, or a least minimise the risks of an accident. One such questions I have asked and toyed with in my own head is how fast should I be realisticaly driving at (speed limits ovbvioulsy apply but maybe sometimes they are not reached in certain conditions).
This weekend I overtook 3 outfits in a row which we travelling at 49/50mph on a duel carrigeway, I was doing 57mph ish and felt very stable. My outfit also feels ok at 50-55mph in good conditions on A/B roads (taking into account bumps), whereas others will sit at 45mph. I appreciate that this is speeding, which is wrong, but I have seen outfits going alot faster.
The point I am trying to make is - if your outfit is stable and the car in excellent condition and you are travelling at nearly 60mph, how much more are you affected by variables on the road such as lorries, crosswinds etc than if you sat at 45mph. Does it really make that much of difference for the sake of 15mph?
This weekend I overtook 3 outfits in a row which we travelling at 49/50mph on a duel carrigeway, I was doing 57mph ish and felt very stable. My outfit also feels ok at 50-55mph in good conditions on A/B roads (taking into account bumps), whereas others will sit at 45mph. I appreciate that this is speeding, which is wrong, but I have seen outfits going alot faster.
The point I am trying to make is - if your outfit is stable and the car in excellent condition and you are travelling at nearly 60mph, how much more are you affected by variables on the road such as lorries, crosswinds etc than if you sat at 45mph. Does it really make that much of difference for the sake of 15mph?