dog death

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Jan 19, 2008
Lisa, sidney wasn't doing a wind-up. He was posting a genuine comment, not an unkind one in any sense of the word.

It's just moderation gone stupid. It wasn't like the one earlier in the thread that got deleted. I'm sure even patey wouldn't have been offended by it because as you can see by my posts, I have the greatest of respect for those losing a pet.

I expect this one will go the same way because of the criricism of the moderation ... sighhhhh.
Jan 19, 2008
BTW Lisa, my comment at the end of my post above saying "To my mind those who mock others about their feelings for their dogs are the cold, uncaring people of this world" wasn't referring to sidneys post, it was referring to the post that got deleted way back in the thread. Sorry if I caused any misunderstanding making anyone think I was referring to sidney.
Jun 20, 2005

I appreciate your balanced view. You must be Libran.

Just for the record I have a son and daughter from a previous marriage. My present wife of 20 years has no kids, so the dogs are our life. The current Springers are two years old and well behaved.They give plenty of love and we wouldn't be without them.

This thread was all about the grief Patey and others suffered. Why couldn't Sidney accept that without going off on one.


Mar 26, 2008
For many people pet dogs and cats are their companions and closer to them than humans can ever be. PETS doN't argue with you or disagree with you and you can tell them what you want and never have them divulge your inner most thoughts, they give a lot in return for a littlE food and affection .

If some people tried to live up to pets life could be a lot better
Mar 26, 2008
For many people pet dogs and cats are their companions and closer to them than humans can ever be. PETS doN't argue with you or disagree with you and you can tell them what you want and never have them divulge your inner most thoughts, they give a lot in return for a littlE food and affection .

If some people tried to live up to pets life could be a lot better
Mar 26, 2008
For many people pet dogs and cats are their companions and closer to them than humans can ever be. PETS doN't argue with you or disagree with you and you can tell them what you want and never have them divulge your inner most thoughts, they give a lot in return for a littlE food and affection .

If some people tried to live up to pets life could be a lot better
sorry keyboard problems
Jan 19, 2008
Hi alan, I agree about what sidney said was wrong in his first post as you will see by the post I made afterwards. The point I'm complaining about is the post he made later was deleted and it wasn't a nasty post. Amazingly his first post is still there which shows that it is censorship out of control. At least we can still eat etc. away from the forum, unlike those in North Korea :O(

BTW I'm Capricorn ;O) heh! heh!
Jun 20, 2005
So you are an old goat LB!!

What we need is a bit more common sense and an area where "out of order" comments can be be censored but seen by anyone who wants to look. Guess what?

I bet 99% of forum members will look . That makes the mods job easy.


Dec 16, 2007
Patey, we are very sorry for your loss, we know exactly what you are going through.

We rescued a Cairn Terrier 15 years ago who had been tied to a post in a garden and when she had a litter of puppies the owner put them in a black bag and dumped it in a river. We had this dog for 8 years, it was the first dog we had with a new born baby and our son grew up with her, she then died when our son was 8 and it was devastating, we knew the time was coming so we bought a jack russel puppy, 2 days after the terrier past away the jack russel wasn't eating and she was having panting fits, we rushed her into the vets and whilst waiting in the waiting room she passed away in my arms, this was awful and it made my wife and son ill.

We then immediately went to the local dogs home and they had a litter of puppies which were only weeks old, we let our son decide on which one and he picked the most troublesome!! She tore up carpets and ripped door seals off but we loved her anyway, we have now had her 8 years and she has only calmed down a bit, a few months ago we went to the rehoming centre to give a Xmas donation and they had a westie which had been locked in a box for 2 years and used as a breeding machine, she had never walked or seen daylight, even though we had no plans for a second dog we couldnt leave her in this cage for Xmas so we adopted her and have now had her 7 months, we taught her to walk and to take treats, still working on the sit though, she cant quite keep concentration.

Our son was so devastated when the terrier and jack russel died that he just lay in his room hugging their blankets and the only time that we saw a smile on his face is when we took him to choose a new puppy.

It will get better as time goes on and when you are ready go and have a look in the rehoming centre, there are so many dogs looking for loving owners such as you.
Mar 12, 2006
We are gratefull for all your kind words and we didnt expect such a big response. I posted about our dog the day after and with my wife at work and kids at school, i was feelin down and upset sat here on my own. I did think for a while about posting the news but it does say "chit chat" so i didnt think it could do any harm, how wrong i was!!! We are having to wait until october/november time before we can get another dog due to holidays and other things, thanks to you all,Martin and family.
Mar 26, 2008
patey, you and your wife loved your dog and no doubt it loved you in return. That is all that counts and forget what any others may think.

I'm sure the new fun and love and enjoyment a new dog will bring will help heal your loss and add another dimension to your life as pet owners.
Feb 24, 2008
" i didn't think it could do any harm, how wrong I was!!!"

I think your post has done more good than harm! OK, it has generated some conflict but we need conflict if we are to grow as people and as a society. It gives us the opportunity to reflect on our interactions with others and see things from different perspectives. Conflict actually challenges some of our values, attitudes and beliefs etc., there is a gift in it for all of us.

Thank you for posting Patey.

Jan 19, 2008
Get a puppy Patey, those eyes will melt you. It will not replace your dog but will help with the heartache. Thankfully we had two others to consider when we lost Misty, it helped because I had to consider them but the grief is none the less, especially when alone with your thoughts and memories.


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