We have two labradors, who are very well behaved. They do what they are told when told, don't back chat, and expect nothing except tea at 5-30pm.
Just how many parents can say that of their children. Not many!!
You see plenty of latch key kids on sites. As basically the parents seem to clock off from resposability.
The descerning pet owner will always be attentive to the pet's needs.
As for charges, I don't mind the odd pound or so, after all the site owner does have to tidy up after the 1% of non scoop the poopers. They also do have to dispose of the contents of the dog waste bins. As for
Just how many parents can say that of their children. Not many!!
You see plenty of latch key kids on sites. As basically the parents seem to clock off from resposability.
The descerning pet owner will always be attentive to the pet's needs.
As for charges, I don't mind the odd pound or so, after all the site owner does have to tidy up after the 1% of non scoop the poopers. They also do have to dispose of the contents of the dog waste bins. As for