dogs & caravanning advice

Mar 14, 2005
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hi folks,

just wondering if anyone had any sound advice to give us?

we`ve got a cocker spaniel (nearly 6 months old) & this year will be his first experience of caravanning,any advice on making sure he enjoys the caravanning & keeping the caravan interior in clean condition :)

any feedback appreciated
Mar 28, 2005
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Cover all the soft furnishings with throws and get a couple of carpet runners.

Brush him twice a day, I've got a cocker spaniel and she sheds hair quite a lot so be prepared to get on your hands and knees to clean the hairs out of your nooks and crannies 8o)
Dec 16, 2003
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We have 4 caravanning Spaniels. Throws as Roy said and they have Duvet style beds that they use in the car, awning and caravan.

We've always have the caravan at home so our dogs have been in and out of it from being puppies and we even put the Awning up and would use the caravan and Awning over the odd weekend and sit in the van with them.

With familiarity the've never been any trouble, they eat in the Awning on sites and know how far the ground stake will let them wander.

Despite keeping caravans ready ro roll all our dogs have known when we are going to use it and get very agitated until they are loaded into the car. Mum dog howled when the last van was taken to be serviced and she was left behind with three other faces staring in disbelief !


Mar 14, 2005
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Don't allow him to do this:

Dec 16, 2003
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If that means what I think Bertie, you might have noticed that many caravan and camping sites do not accept dogs.

So if you go to one of those they are not likely to be are they!
Feb 8, 2007
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I was referring to the owners! Bit of light hearted fun, we have a westy and he comes every where with us, and like the others we put throws on the seats and extra runners on the floor, and we would not be without him for the world as he loves his caravanning jaunts, so back down of the ceiling now Cris.

Mar 14, 2005
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thanks for the constructive feedback folks,cocker spaniels are active and friendly dogs and hopefully we`ll have lots of happy times on sites that allow dogs.

its strange how things change in life,a few years ago i searched for sites that had entertainment for children & now its sites that accept dogs (of which are most except for certain breeds)with lots of good treks to walk.
Mar 7, 2006
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Cover everything !! we take loads of throws and cover all the upholstery, carpet is also covered in clear runners.

Dog has her own towels, so she is thoroughly dried after a wet walk in the porch awning.

Make sure your dog does his "shake" before entering in the caravan!! im sure your spaniel is just like our GSD and is very fond of water/puddles/muddy ditches !!
Jul 3, 2006
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We don't cover everything, our black lab knows her place, on the floor and under the bed at night, she also makes a lot less mess than the kids do
May 12, 2005
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We have two dogs we take caravaning,on the journey they have their beds in the back of the car, onsite at night they have their beds in the awning and are terthered to a ground spike, during the day when not walking they are tethered to individual ground spikes out side.

The only time they are allowed in the van is in the evening, and then they lie on the floor.

I don`t know if they enjoy caravaning, I doubt if they have an opinion. dogs are happy when well fed+watered and well exercised, and in the same place as their owners/masters.

In my opinion too many people give dogs human attributes, they are dogs, and are content when they know their place, they get confused when invited into your van and are then scalded for a dirty footprint, shaking,drooling,rubbing against furnishing walls etc, or the 101 other things that dogs do with out a thought.

Please don`t do as a freind of mine did, if the dog got on the bed first he would sleep on the floor rather than disturb it, he would say "I love that dog".

I love my dogs too, but treat them as they expect to be treated as lower pack members.

always remember first train the trainer, before trying to train the dog.

Enjoy the dog but don`t ruin it,

Tony A.
Mar 14, 2005
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We have two dogs we take caravaning,on the journey they have their beds in the back of the car, onsite at night they have their beds in the awning and are terthered to a ground spike, during the day when not walking they are tethered to individual ground spikes out side.

The only time they are allowed in the van is in the evening, and then they lie on the floor.

I don`t know if they enjoy caravaning, I doubt if they have an opinion. dogs are happy when well fed+watered and well exercised, and in the same place as their owners/masters.

In my opinion too many people give dogs human attributes, they are dogs, and are content when they know their place, they get confused when invited into your van and are then scalded for a dirty footprint, shaking,drooling,rubbing against furnishing walls etc, or the 101 other things that dogs do with out a thought.

Please don`t do as a freind of mine did, if the dog got on the bed first he would sleep on the floor rather than disturb it, he would say "I love that dog".

I love my dogs too, but treat them as they expect to be treated as lower pack members.

always remember first train the trainer, before trying to train the dog.

Enjoy the dog but don`t ruin it,

Tony A.
Hi Tony A,

well spoken and to the point(of which has been appreciated)

our first trip out is looking around easter,so hopefully we`ll be educated enough to have a enjoyable time (one of many) :)

thanks to all for their comments
Aug 12, 2007
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I am about to take my 15 week old Springer pup in the caravan for a week. We have been for weekends and she has slept in her cage in the van but it doesn't leave a lot of space for us! I am considering sleeping her in the awning in her cage but am worried about her warmth and security. I have seen dog sleeping bags - any use or just her usual vet bed and a sleeping bag/blanket over the cage to prevent draughts? Any tips greatfully appreciated.
May 12, 2005
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Dogs have a body temp of a 101 and can stand a lot lower temperatures than us humans, they also have a lovely fur coat,

What they dont like is cold draughts, at this time of year your dog will be fine in it`s cage in the awning on it`s vetbed, A blanket over the back and sides of the cage might help you settle down for the night but I doubt if the dog wil notice the difference, it may complain a bit at being left alone but providing you stick to your guns it will settle and learn it`s place in life, DON`T GIVE UP, if you go to it and give comfort when it makes a noise in the night it will learn that that`s the way to get your attention.

If you think the dog may break out of the cage, let it lie in the awning tethered to a screw in ground spike, and leave your cage at home.

Good luck let me know how you get on.

Tony A.
Feb 3, 2006
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The dog will love the cage if you put a blanket over the top, just leave the front uncovered. Leave the door open and the dog will go in of it's own accord. It's their den and their security. I would recommend the same at home too.You can then shut the door and restrict access at times when the dog is unsupervised.
Dec 30, 2009
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Rioja is spot on, ower dog has a cage which is covered with a blanket both sides, back and top. he loves to sleep in it during the day and only gets locked in at night, and thats because we found him on the settee a couple of mornings!!

its called his "den". He has another in the back of the car and he jumps straight in when we go out.

Kevin H
Mar 14, 2005
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We take a 1year old labradore [Alfred],he sleeps on his bed on the caravan floor by the door . We cover the seats with throws as protection but he is not alowed to sit or lie on the seats or beds .

When we are at the van he is alowed to sit outside on a long lead attached to one of those augers screwed into the ground .



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