Drive straight there or stop overnight?

Apr 27, 2006
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My 13 year old son, myself and the dog are travelling from Newcastle upon Tyne down to Finchampstead, Berkshire the last week in August and I cannot decided whether to drive straight there or to stop off as I will be doing all the driving, straight down the M1.

I have an Astra 1.6 which happily tows an Avondale Adonis Pearle so not too worried about the towing bit just the distance.

Any suggestions welcome


Mar 14, 2005
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Hi Debbi

I'm not sure how far your journey will be in total but I tow about 320 miles in one day for our main hols. We just keep stopping off for breaks. We do have air con which is a life saver if the weather is really hot.

I suppose it's up to you really and the route you have to take to get to your destination, if you can't do it all comfortably in one day, I'd stop over somewhere if I were you. Bear in mind delays such as roadworks, road closures etc.

We ususally travel on a Thursday. If you're planning on travelling on a Saturday you must allow plenty and I mean plenty of extra time.

Good luck.

Nov 1, 2005
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I always think its a bit of a nuisance having to get set up for one night. I think if you can make the drive in one shift its always easier. I'd expect it to take about 4-5 hrs depending on traffic, not impossible in one drive. But do be sure to stop for a while if yourself nodding off!
Aug 4, 2005
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Not familiar with the route you would take, is it mainly motorway with service areas where you could park up for a couple of hours if you needed a break?

I had a very quick look at the distance involved on the mapquest website, it was quoting 309 miles. Depending on type of road, traffic conditions and stopping for short breaks I would expect that to take you around 7 to 8 hours to do. Ony you can decide if that is too much for the one day.

As a possible suggestion what I sometimes do when I'm heading off is to leave the evening before and drive to a site I know off about two hours down the road which is handy to my main route, stop for the night then head off sharpish the next morning. I do this quite often even when going shorter distances than you, sometimes it's as much an excuse to get an extra night away as an aid to travelling. Do you know off a site convenient to your route that would suit the purpose?

Nov 26, 2006
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Autoroute says 6 hours+ at caravan speeds, but that is without stops, so I would not expect to do it in less than 8.

You are also going down the M1 and M25, which will probably be slower in August, almost any time.

I don't think I would try this on an August Saturday, but perhaps during the week, if you can leave everything ready to just get in the car and go, and make a very early start.

It also depends on how well your son and dog are going to tolerate a long, boring journey!
Dec 16, 2003
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For the area of your destination forget the M1 and M25. Take the A43 off the M1 (jnc 15a ) and go past Siverstone to the M40 ( jnc10 )and then take the M40 to High Wycombe ( jnc4 ) and then take the A404 past Marlow to the M4 ( jnc8 ) and turn to the right towards reading and South Wales you then leave the M4 at the next junction turning left towards Bracknell and Finchampstead.

Apart from the M1 trafic as you get nearer to London you have to years of constant road works for the next two years on the M1 and then the M25 to negotiate!

The A43 and M40 route is only 5-7 miles further but can save you anything between 2 and 6 hours when the traffic snarls up !!!

I've been travelling from the Bracknell area for many years and wouldn't use the M25 and M1 route if you paid me. My wife and daughter have recently made the mistake of following a route finder and used the M25 and M1 to Leeds and have been on the road for 8 plus hours solo. You can cut past Coventry from the M1 to M40 if it is non rush hour time of day and that is still 10 times safer than M1 and M25.

If M40 is reporting problems take the A34 off the M40 at jnc9 and travel south past Oxford to the M4 Junction 13 and turn left towards reading and London and go to Finchampsead that way.
Mar 14, 2005
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We always travel through the night on long journeys. Live in Bristol and travel to Scotland, leave home about 10pm and go for it. Just stop a couple of times and arrive early morning.
Feb 15, 2006
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We have just travelled from Hartlepool to Longleat and back about 310 miles each way and i did all the driving as the wife doesnt drive yet we went down at a steady 60mph and it took us about 71/2 hours thats with 2 half hour stops i was quite tired afterwards and wasnt looking forward to the return on friday with the heavy traffic.

We are thinking of touring around devon and cornwall next year and if the wife still isnt driving we have decided to have a over night stop half way down and half way back up as well.

Have a safe journey.

Apr 27, 2006
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Thanks for all you advice.

I am booked in for the Saturday before the Bank Holiday, crazy I know but only time I could get off work. My son will watch the portable DVD, sleep and whinge while the dog will sleep part of the way, until you come to roundabouts or have to stop, then whinge.

I think my best bet is to either leave late Friday night and drive through the night or extremely early Saturday morning to miss the main rush.

Thanks again


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